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Unban request

PostPosted:Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:47 pm
by stoopidmonkeys

Unfortunately I was banned a while back. I do not remember the exact date. I am not sure for what I was exactly banned. I think I was idle. If possible, I would like to know the reason for my ban that way I can apologize. Otherwise I would like to be unbanned if no justification is provided and it was just an oopsie. Thank you for any help you can provide.


Re: Unban request

PostPosted:Thu Apr 04, 2024 7:03 am
by jawfin
It's been a day or two, so here's a quick refresher - the in-absentia KR leave post by your friend TheDoctor: - ... hp?t=13175

I hope you appreciate why this is a ban which isn't lifted automatically or after a period of time.

Re: Unban request

PostPosted:Sun May 26, 2024 3:33 am
by stoopidmonkeys
I was banned because this other user was banned in 2016 who you say is my friend? Sorry but I am still confused. I read the post you linked but I failed to glean why my ban is related to this other user's ban.

Re: Unban request

PostPosted:Sun May 26, 2024 3:38 am
by jawfin
So your username is not just a clever name.

You honestly may not recall, I can't tell, that you used the clan password with TheDoctor to troll KR member and such, and after being banned went to the KR2 password protected SafeHaven server in an attempt be annoying there.

Still, such is the case.

Re: Unban request

PostPosted:Sun May 26, 2024 4:05 am
by stoopidmonkeys
Fail to see how the name unintelligent chimp variant could be clever.

No, I do not recall this. From what I am reading you have pinned me as an accomplice in TheDoctor's wrongdoing. A member from 2016, or who left the clan in 2016 with a splash apparently. Do you have any evidence that I was the one who used the clan password and went to KR2? To be honest, I am getting more confused the more I read. If I have to prove my innocence I would like to face the evidence.

Re: Unban request

PostPosted:Sun May 26, 2024 2:43 pm
by jawfin

Sorry :(

I dug into this - and I owe you an apology.

TheDoctor and his friend live in the State you do, and not a couple of suburbs away, they have the same Internet Provider and used names such as YellowMonkey and Spoodermon and variations of that. It was more than enough to trigger the software firewall and to all intents looks like just another of their connections as they attempted multiple means to get on server. So although they never did, sadly the firewall picked you up in that net.

So looking at it I saw your IP in their range, with a similar name and connection pattern - perfect storm sorry - so figured it was yet another attempt of them to troll us. Thus the biting knee-jerk reaction. I mean, your IP is like 2 away from one of theirs >.<

Ban lifted, again I apologise for coming on strong - cart before the horse and all that.

Re: Unban request

PostPosted:Mon May 27, 2024 6:47 am
by stoopidmonkeys
I was mad confused there for a bit lol. I understand though, crap happens. I appreciate you taking the time to look into it so that I can play. Thank you!