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I'm working on an event web app

PostPosted:Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:16 pm
by Raiden
Here's what nobody asked for but i made it anyway!!! :D

What is this?
Even i'm still not sure of what it is or what it will do. My first goal was to make an app that could be used to manage and create events in a really simple way and that anyone could check it in real time while it happened.

How does it work?
For now, any player can just add {T} at the end of their name (as far as i know. Since i haven't tested adding it somewhere else on the player name!), and they will be added to the clan event board.

What is missing?
Basically a lot of stuff, like scores. The score is ready in Phoenix's code, but for this system i'm creating i found a little drawback i'm still figuring out, which is: What if the player joins the event already with a score above 0?
Will the player be forced into resetting his score just for that?
That's what i don't want it to happen, i'm thinking of a way for the code to understand that the player already has a score above 0 and that in the event scoreboard that score needs to become a 0 and it needs to store their original score and and do something like this "if score (bigger than) 0 then make it 0" and when the player score change, it takes the original score that has been converted into 0 and add +1. It's really simple, but sync issues gives out the wrong score, which was something i knew would happen.

Extra features?
I want to find a way for the admin to set the event name from the game without the need to edit or do any manual labor and for this i must figure out if the server sends out strings along with the tracking info that could be used for that. One way would be changing the gamemode name, which is a drag, so i gotta figure an simpler way!

If any of you would like to see it in action, here's the link ! Just remember its version is 0.2, so there's not much to see just yet. Also, it's Open Source, if anyone finds it useful and can work on it better than i, just credit me by any of my names on my sig!

PS: As John pointed out on Discord, there's already Krankyland, though i in no way am aiming to replace any already established KR mechanism. This is just my own take on it, maybe turning it into a workshop of sorts.


Re: I'm working on an event web app

PostPosted:Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:56 pm
by jawfin
An interesting approach - I like it.
As a tourney is usually run by a person on server they could require the players to spec & return to clear the score - I don't think its something you need to handle. Ditto for people joining half way through.

You wouldn't know but I have also written a tourney bot which pairs up players for knockout. It reads the console live so knows who wins & loses etc. Mind you, we haven't used it in quite a few years!

Re: I'm working on an event web app

PostPosted:Fri Nov 03, 2023 11:46 pm
by Raiden
Jawfin wrote:An interesting approach - I like it.
As a tourney is usually run by a person on server they could require the players to spec & return to clear the score - I don't think its something you need to handle. Ditto for people joining half way through.

You wouldn't know but I have also written a tourney bot which pairs up players for knockout. It reads the console live so knows who wins & loses etc. Mind you, we haven't used it in quite a few years!
Thank you very much for your insight, Jawfin!
My take on the score reset is because as we know, there are some difficult players to deal with, but i believe they wouldn't even bother following rules anyway. So you're right!

For real?? Is your bot still available? That sounds complex and awesome. Do you use some algorithm to split the names from the default win text? Or is it another approach?

Re: I'm working on an event web app

PostPosted:Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:10 am
by jawfin
As you asked on your own thread its not a hijack, so I'll answer!

Its a bot which interfaces with its own JKA connection. So I run a version of the game which the bot reads the console. So the names are pulled directly from the client. For the tourney it scans the console to see when duels start and end and get the winner. As it can send & receive PMs you join the tourney (once started) by pm'ing it "_join" and it adds you to the roster. Once started it just matches up players to duels, says who is next and so on.

The bot's official name is "Cat of nine tales" - as it is a chat bot (waaaaay before the AI stuff, I wrote it 15 years ago) - I'll introduce you next time you're on server and I have time to pop in.

Re: I'm working on an event web app

PostPosted:Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:02 am
by Raiden
Jawfin wrote:As you asked on your own thread its not a hijack, so I'll answer!

Its a bot which interfaces with its own JKA connection. So I run a version of the game which the bot reads the console. So the names are pulled directly from the client. For the tourney it scans the console to see when duels start and end and get the winner. As it can send & receive PMs you join the tourney (once started) by pm'ing it "_join" and it adds you to the roster. Once started it just matches up players to duels, says who is next and so on.

The bot's official name is "Cat of nine tales" - as it is a chat bot (waaaaay before the AI stuff, I wrote it 15 years ago) - I'll introduce you next time you're on server and I have time to pop in.
I thought i had already replied to you, but apparently my response never got through...

That bot seems to do what i've been trying to create for ages, although i lack the knowledge of the game's internals, which makes it even harder to achieve that level of control!

I wrote an AI that is able to play the game, but i only use it in full on private server, since it could be considered cheating, but i had to modify game textures and models, since it controls my pc, instead of actually manipulating memory values from the game in runtime. It needs some more work to find the player when they jump around, but it works nicely. Nothing near the level of control the Cat of Nine Tales have. I'd love to see it in action someday. Whenever you have the time and energy! Thank you very much for sharing all this with me!

Re: I'm working on an event web app

PostPosted:Wed Nov 15, 2023 10:08 am
by jawfin
<Bot> itself purely uses the hidden console window. There's a Windows window attached to the game which has all the console text in it - it also has the ability to send text in a text box. So Bot itself isn't using direct memory, it parodically sends a /showplayerid and reads the result - so it's all done by the APIs SendMessage & PostMessage. So no hooking, or direct memory, its all passive.

In fact, you see this window when the game first launches, its then hidden - but always there (original game, I don't know about OpenJK etc). This is it: -
