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Where was I?

PostPosted:Tue Jun 07, 2022 10:32 pm
by Lurch
I want to do this to let you all know what a great family and supportive people you are. And I'll feel better to have it told. But please don't feel pity for me. There are MANY other people in worse straights than I was a while back.

Suffice to say after I was released from my last job in Orlando, FL., I had a hard time finding work again. When you reach a certain age and maybe without a college education, employers see your birthdate on your application and tell you they can't hire you. They don't actually tell you THAT'S the reason they can't use you. Its age discrimination, and without a recording or a witness of an employer saying that, legally there is nothing you can do about it.

Anyway, I didn't know what to do, Fortunately I still had my old flip phone to keep contact with my 2 sisters. My younger Sis told me if I ever find myself in a bad way, to call her and she'll come get me. Well I did just that and she got me and took me to her house that she shared with my other sister, They had a room for me to use but I had to find work and pay rent. The only job I could get was with the Pastor of a Baptist Church to do outside work like mowing, trimming, etc. It didn't pay much and it wasn't a 5-day a week job. And it was only in the summer. He paid me in cash but it wasn't enough but still better than nothing. I perused the job market on my sister's computer and in person at businesses in person to fill out applications. Well ofc NONE of them ever called me about any work. So after about 15 months with my sisters, my older one told me its time to go. I can't get work so I can't stay there anymore. My younger sis took me to a Men's Mission in downtown Jacksonville. We got 3 meals a day, showers, and a place to sleep. I stayed there about 4 months and couldn't do it anymore.

So I told them I am leaving in a day or two. As it happened a friend I had there got wind of what I was planning. He asked where will you go? I said I think I'll go west and find a place or job somewhere. He said lets go North. I asked why North? He said he wanted to get to his family home in Pittsburgh. I said we are walking right? he said yeah. I said fine lets go but I am NOT walking all the way to Pittsburgh. So walk we did and ended up here in Brunswick. We found a place to sleep and he said he still wants to go to Pittsburgh. I said fine, go ahead but I'm staying put here. No more walking for miles and miles for me. (he was about 20 years younger than me).

Ok so he left within a week on a bus. I stayed here but I was living on the streets. There is a place called the WELL in downtown that allowed you to use a couple computers to find work, take a shower and relax in A/C during the daytime. They were closed at night, 7 days a week including holidays.

As time went on I knew I couldn't live this way much longer so I HAD to get off my butt and take the bull by the horns and get something done. A different friend who was about 4 years my senior suggested to come to work where he worked. He guaranteed me I'd get hired. They really need the help.
I said ok I'll check it out and I did. Its one of those day labor places that send you out (IF there is work) and you got paid daily for 8, 9, or 10 hours work. Wasn't much but I stuck with it until I retired. It really helped me get my ducks in a row and decide where to live when my SS kicked in. In the meantime another friend and his wife helped me set up a food stamp account with the state. Not long after that, my first SS check arrived at their house. They let me use their address for mail and still do today. I took my check and rode with my friend to open a bank checking account so my later checks could be direct deposited. Now I have a place of my own to eat, sleep, relax, watch TV, shower and a new so-called "smart" phone. (I'm still getting used to it lol). I also was able to buy this computer that I enjoy so much. They also have wifi here. So here I am, alive and well and doing better that about 10 years being homeless.

As I said, there are still many people worse off that I am. Some of them don't care. Others like me refuse to give up and have to work and fight for something better, and I did it, with help from a few great people. It was a very rough time for me that's for sure. So that's why I have been inactive in KR and online for a while. The world can be a harsh and hard place out there, but if you find your way to what you need and want, you may just get it. It may take time, bit its worth it.

TY very much for reading this. Its not my sob story, just the facts why I was absent for a while. I wanted you all to know about this. You're a great bunch of people and an awesome family. It feels great to be back here in the forums and back on the game.

Just remember this: Dreams CAN come true, but we just have to help them along. I DID!!

"I look up at the moon and wonder....when will we be going back? And who will that be?" Tom Hanks as Commander Jim Lovell in APOLLO 13. one of my favorite movies.

Re: Where was I?

PostPosted:Tue Jun 07, 2022 11:47 pm
by John
Thanks for sharing and glad you persevered through all that. Sounds like it was rough for a little while.

Re: Where was I?

PostPosted:Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:37 am
by Mnsomc
That was an interesting read. Glad you managed to find your way, and hope the roads ahead will be much easier for you.

Re: Where was I?

PostPosted:Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:25 pm
by Falcon
What a story! Thank you for sharing, glad to hear things are looking up :)

Re: Where was I?

PostPosted:Wed Jun 08, 2022 10:52 pm
by Lurch
TY one and all. I was reluctant to even talk about that, but I found the courage and had to get it out. I had debated to myself for quite a while, thinking maybe they don't want to know about it. But as I said, you are all a FAMILY to me and I just wanted to share it. Now its said and done. I just hope it doesn't happen again. Take care and have FUN!!

Re: Where was I?

PostPosted:Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:40 pm
by Uscari
That's really an inspiring story. I can't imagine how oppressive it can be to endure years of being told that you're too old, your time is running out, and you're no longer useful to anyone. To have the humility to accept help from your sisters, to have the drive to walk from Jacksonville to Brunswick, to have the mental fortitude to endure so much doubt from all directions and end up on the other side, truly a powerful experience.

I think a lot of us over the past 2+ years have experienced a lot of uncertainty, many people lost their jobs in the pandemic and spent months, even years looking for work. The struggle of fighting just for a chance to prove yourself is something I many of us can relate to.

But to do so at your stage in life, to not even know how to use a smartphone, travel the country in your 60s, tirelessly looking for a shot, it's truly speaks a great deal about your character. It shows that anyone at any age can totally change their lives, adapt, improve themselves, and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

I'll definitely keep this tale in mind the next time I think it's too late to change, or that I'm not capable enough to overcome an obstacle to my goals. Thank you for sharing.

Re: Where was I?

PostPosted:Fri Jun 10, 2022 2:24 am
by Syzyx
Updates are often harsh, but necessary, and I'm glad to hear you're in a better situation now. Keep on keepin' on and I hope to see you in the server for a crusty old goat battle!

Re: Where was I?

PostPosted:Sat Jun 11, 2022 4:54 am
by Samurai X
I'm glad to know that you are ok now. And I feel luck to have the opportunity to hear about you and your story. Lets keep looking forward and hope to see you online with sabers up!