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OGJ Bans

PostPosted:Tue Jun 22, 2021 10:55 pm
by Jarvik
Hello I am requesting to be removed from the ban list as well as our clan members. We have had issues same as JAWA now with imposters and I have screenshots to prove it. One was trying to get Uhtred kicked/banned most recently to my knowledge. I am asking because for a while I have been on good terms with KR and almost every other clan as well. I cannot say how our reputation is being affected by the posers but it is no shock as to who it is behind it. Rather than upload everything and link pics I would prefer to send them via discord. I am currently working on some solution to deal with these trollers.

Discord: Jarvik#6991

Re: OGJ Bans

PostPosted:Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:54 am
by Falcon
An intriguing theory, and we appreciate the offer for screenshots, but unfortunately your IP tells a different tale.

Your clan was banned from our server for trying to recruit other members in PM. As you are a leader of the clan, this says to us that this is your clan's policy, and thus we cannot trust any of you.

Just to point out - if you would like to appeal this clan-wide ban lying to us is not the best way to start.

Re: OGJ Bans

PostPosted:Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:32 am
by Jarvik
The recruiting will stop and secondly I am not lying. Uhtred was the most recent member kicked and I have actual evidence of that and yes I do in fact have evidence of the posers taking our names. You can either give the clan another chance or not. It is not something I am about to beg for. I do not really know why Pharoh and Abeus are playing games like this and I really don't care. I did not lie and there definitely has been some pricks copying the names and server name. In fact they wanted your IP specifically which is why I had screenshots taken...polly from JAWA DID go on the fake server and some other folks. We have shmucks running around playing like they are in {{R}} again or GE and it is ridiculous.
You know the situation well enough and the other members like to play there so yes I am hoping for resolution for them.
FYI the posers seem to be doing some edited for cursing things on other servers but I am not clear on that...they also were not banned on your server so you had an opportunity to get rid of some trash and missed it. I think it was Pharoh but I have to look at the ss again.

Re: OGJ Bans

PostPosted:Wed Jun 23, 2021 9:49 pm
by Falcon
Whether or not there are people wearing other tags or pretending to be your members is not the point here. The fact remains that you as well as another member of your clan (Riku) was banned for recruiting on our server in PM. As I have pointed out, leading members of clans recruiting on our server serves as an immediate ban of the tags in question. Thus far there has been no hint of remorse or even an attempt to apologize for this behavior. Quite the contrary in fact; the finger has been pointed at imposters and past clans instead.

But I'll tell you what, I'll compromise. The clan tags will no longer be banned server-side and everyone except yourself and Riku will be unbanned from our server. If you or Riku wish to appeal your own bans you can do so separately. Give some time for these changes to take effect as we have to make the firewall unlearn these rules.

As a final note - I have edited your previous post. Please note that server rules apply on these forums as well. Swearing is not permitted.

Re: OGJ Bans

PostPosted:Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:32 pm
by Jarvik
I appreciate the actions taken. I also was under the impression more of our members were banned possibly because of the imposter situation. Guess they got bored by now but I've been offline for a week or two moving. I will respect the rules. I once was much better about swearing and rules. I stopped caring for a couple years now. I am not going into why because it would be making an excuse for my behavior. I am sorry I ignored the rules and deserve whatever is thrown my way at this point. I am glad that the clan can play there again now.

Re: OGJ Bans

PostPosted:Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:18 am
by jawfin
For true irony, if those imposters actually came to KR they would have been banned due to your actions!
That's like reverse trolling >.<

Please appreciate though of all the rules on server, recruiting is the worst one to break. It is actual theft. We spend money + time + emotion to run the server, to make it friendly and provide a sense of protection. So firstly we all can have fun, and secondly to provide the space where we can invite some into our clan. And it must be noted that some we had intention of inviting joined your clan (their loss imo) and thus we had to ban our own potential invites (which have subsequently been lifted, but nevertheless they will not be KR now).

When a clan leader recruits it shows its that clan's policy to have no regard to other clans, which is why the tag ban was enforced. I have to also add your attempts to use a proxy to get back on KR after your ban detract from your sincerity.

So while swearing, flaming & laming detracts from the fun of others, recruiting is direct theft from us; so please appreciate our zero tolerance of that. Falcon has the call on lifting your own ban, so if you feel you need to appeal that on your own behalf please feel free.