Anything you wanna add to this crazy world? Put in here!
 #16329  by SilverCloud
Right, to keep me "sane" for my trip to Maine and back I want to have something to draw (especially since Ignis got me this really smexy inking pens).

So here's the drill; I want to draw you so post this:
Name: (For the title of the pic/to remember who it's for)
Gender: (um... yeah, the first who posted I know, but ppl like Chup get me confused... so basically, keep your gender as you... are...)
Age: (To try to draw accurately)
Saber type: (Cuz I'm still trying to get the glow of lightsabers right, oh and color... the first posters remembered w/o me mentioning it)
Force Alignment: (So I know if I need to make you look creepy or... yeah)
Race: (Please don't pick human, go it's close enough to human)
Height: (So that if I do group pix I know who is how tall)
Weight: (You can include "build" -- which would be skinny, stocky, lithe, etc)
Typical Attire: (So you aren't naked)
Hair color: (In case I attempt to color)
Eye color: (In case I attempt to color)
Skin color: (In case I attempt to color)

Last edited by SilverCloud on Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #16331  by Darko
Name: Darky
Age: 16
Saber type: Red
Force Alignment: Sith, but not like sidious, sith...but not ugly..
Race: EDIT!!! Ferriro or summat.....late.....hard to type...
Height: 5'9 'ish
Weight: I have a 6 pack and pecs (yeah screw you all) so yeah. ^_^
Typical Attire: Dark grey robe.
Hair color: Brown with Yellow highlights
Eye color: Dark brown
Skin color: Im going to spain soon so ultra taned i guess ^_^

Extra Touches if possible: Have picture mostly shaded in and only realy glow from red saber on face. Hooded cloak ;)
Last edited by Darko on Fri Jun 22, 2007 1:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

 #16333  by Grimm
UPDATED: just in case u wanted us to follow the perfect description thing

Name: Grimm
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Saber type: dual purple sabers
Force Alignment: grey jedi (not dark or light, but if u have to choose one, go with dark)
Race: Miraluka
Height: 5'6"
Weight: skinny
Typical Attire: grey unmarked clothes, usually tee shirt-like,long pants, black gloves
Hair color: long brown
Eye color: not needed i guess, for an eye cover do a black blind fold or sumthin
Skin color: white
Homeworld: Taris Lower-City (escaped destruction and moved to coruscant)

thanks silv

im interested to see it, do u have a scanner to get it online?
Last edited by Grimm on Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

 #16334  by Scythe
Name: Scythe
Age: 19
Saber type: single
Force Alignment: Sith
Race: Zabrak
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125
Typical Attire: hooded
Hair color: zabraks don't have hair /pif
Eye color: Red, orange, one of the two...
Skin color: drawers choice

 #16335  by NinjaSarah
Name: Sarah
Saber Type: Single - Pink
Force Alignment: Jedi
Race: Part Wolf? Like a human with wolf ears and a tail? Will that work? o.o
Hieght: 5' 2"
Weight: Skinny
Typical Attire: Is that clothing? Short-sleeved shirt and a skirt- Not too long and not too short o.o
Hair Color and Eye Color: Something like this: ... Sketch.jpg (Yea I drew it so what <.<)
Skin Color: Kinda pale, but not too pale o.o
Last edited by NinjaSarah on Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #16336  by Hime
Saber type : Single with mutlipule mods..HIME...Blue color Nako...White blade
Force Alignment: Hybrid (can use both)
Race: Near Human With long black hair and skin as white as snow
Height: 5'9
Hair color: black....turns white when in deadly sight mode
Eye color: brown....execpt when enraged to the point of no return it will turn blood red
Skin color: as pale as snow
Clothing: Jeez you read the story....just follow it!!!
HIME = just pitch black armor
Nako = snow white dress-looking-armor with long sleeves
Last edited by Hime on Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

 #16337  by Grimm
zabraks do have hair

 #16338  by SilverCloud
To Darko: I can try.
To Grimm:
To Scy: meh :P
To Sarah: Yes, that will be fine
To HIME: okay *cowers*

The Perfect Profile (also the first one I got from a friend):
Name: Hollisar (Hol)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Saber type: Two sabers, one blue, one purple
Force Alignment: Jedi
Race: Ocsinin
Height: 5'9
Weight: 100
Typical Attire: Loose pants, tucked into boots, short vest over a shirt. A long cloak Eye patch over left eye. The eye patch is black, the cloak is blue. I don't know about other colors.
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Left: White, no pupil, Right: Black, no pupil
Skin color: White
Homeworld: Coruscant (slums)

I hope that helps

 #16339  by Soulreaper
Name: Obito
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Saber type: Dual with that like tan color yellow in main hand black in off hand
Force Alignment: Dark
Race: Near-Human
Height: 6 ft
Weight: Skinny
Typical Attire: Clouds clothing off final fantasy 7 advent children?
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Tan

 #16340  by Tricky
The Perfect Profile by trICky

Name: Tricky (Trick/Brian/Mr. Awesome McPwnPants)
Gender: Male, with some feminine habits
Age: Appears in his mid-twenties, although much older.
Saber type: Sabers? Try a giant sword. Think Berserk or Bleach.
Force Alignment: Mixed. The only limitation is your mind!
Race: Half-Miraluka/Half-Human
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 150ish.
Typical Attire: He's super emo, so think mostly black or dark shades.
He usually wears a loose/baggy shirt and pants (black) with a metal breastplate
over his upper half held up by leather strappings, as well one of those popular
Jedi-kilts or whatever. He also has stylish metal shinguards over his black mid-calf boots.
Metal gaunlets. A hood attached to his shirt, with his ever-popular mask. I think that's just about it.
Hair color: He has long dark-brown hair, if you feel like including that.
Eye color: Luminescent Robins Egg Blue.
Skin color: Grizzled semi-tan.
Homeworld: Katarr (pre-destruction, obviously)

 #16342  by Tidus
Name: Tidus
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Saber type: Single - yellow
Force Alignment: sith
Race: elvaan - pointy ears, skinny(not toothpick), spiked hair
Height: 5'6
Weight: 100
Typical Attire: armor o.o
Hair color: dirty blonde
Eye color: left: dark blue...right: teal
Skin color: tan



just without the hat

*Link fixed so it doesn't stretch the page- Pho~

 #16346  by Darfin
Name: (Darfin)
Gender: (Male
Age: (14)
Saber type: (Single-Red)
Force Alignment: (Sith/Dark)
Race: (JAWA!)
Height: (4'0'')
Weight: (70lbs)
(jawas weight and height not mine lol)
Typical Attire: (Jawa robes lol)
Hair color: (N/a)
Eye color: (Red)
Skin color: (N/a)

 #16360  by saunby
Name: Saunby
Gender: male
Age: 16
Saber type: duals, one purple and one green
Force Alignment: like, jedi, good guy :D
Race: near human
Height: i dunno XD pretty average really
Weight: average again, reasonably built, reasonable size muscles etc.
Typical Attire: (going for a more modern look) converse shoes, slightly baggy jeans, t-shirt and hoody with hood up (so you wont see the t-shirt lol)
Hair color: blonde/brown
Eye color: one blue and one green (not too noticable though :)
Skin color: white- tanned

 #16362  by Starcomand
Name: starcomand
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Saber type: duals
Force Alignment: (none)
Race: human (i think)
Height: 6'0"
Weight: pass lol
Typical Attire: black trousers and shirt
Hair color: brown
Eye color: blue
Skin color: cacusian

 #16369  by Phoenix
Name: Phoenix
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Saber type: Duals - both red
Force Alignment: Sith, but not scary >_>
Race: Near human?
Height: 5ft 11"
Weight: Average build >_> More to the skinny side.
Typical Attire: Er, fireary cloak? Use your imagination :)
Hair color: Brick Red
Eye color: Brown
Skin color: White / Tanned.

 #16370  by SilverCloud
Okay, trying to stick to StarWars races here so...

Tidus, you're Morganian... the only downside is that you're immortal... (I'm getting to it, geeze)... so if/when you take a mate that's outside you're species, you're honor bound to commit suicide.... (when they die)

Saunby, you're Arhan... downside is that you're a little on teh frail side, meaning you're more likely to break...

Star, you thought wrong, you're Hapan now. The downside is? You're high in line of royalty and are constantly avoiding assassination attempts (as well as arranging them occasionally).

Pho, you're going to be half-Theelin half-Venan... and the downside is that there isn't much to say about Venans.

Oh, and Soul is Epicanthix, but I think we went over that while we were chatting.

Aren't I nice?

 #16380  by ShrunkenCheese
Name: ShrunkenCheese
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Saber type: Duals - black
Force Alignment: Neutral (as in uses both)
Race: Could you do like Human with like Elf ears? 0_o
Height: 5ft 10"
Weight: Skinny but not like anorexic skinny, but not much meat
Typical Attire: black shoes, long black pants, a black blazer, black shirt, white gloves
Hair color: Long straight black
Eye color: Almost black
Skin color: pale but not like albino lol

 #16382  by saunby
SilverCloud wrote:Saunby, you're Arhan... downside is that you're a little on teh frail side, meaning you're more likely to break...

Aren't I nice?
no :(

 #16387  by Tidus
SilverCloud wrote: Tidus, you're Morganian... the only downside is that you're immortal... (I'm getting to it, geeze)... so if/when you take a mate that's outside you're species, you're honor bound to commit suicide.... (when they die)

Aren't I nice? o.o all i asked for was elf ears really.... not some suicide freak...

i didnt mean yellow saber tho i ment dark blue o.o

wtf is a morganian o.O
 #16389  by Kane
Name: Kitty <miaow>
Gender: Male
Age: Mid Twenties
Saber type: Bright pink single saber
Force Alignment: Light but falling towards the darkside...
Race: Wookiee!
Height: ....its a wookiee say like 7 foot tall? :P
Weight: Stocky, and furry
Typical Attire: Ummm? A sash?... and a sort of batman esque utility belt... and a cowboy hat <ran out of ideas for clothes :S
Hair color: Dark brown with lighter brown and Black stripes... in any sort of random pattern
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: umm Furry?

And uhh a good race to use as a basis for the half wolf type look would be a bothan :)

 #16391  by Sniper
I dont know if you wanted mine but, here it is:

Name: Sniper
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Saber type: Single Palish Green Saber
Force Alignment:Sithy
Race: Hakf Elven Half Human if thats OK
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 Skinny
Typical Attire: Dark Blue Cloak Very Dark green torso and trousers.Black shoes
Hair color: Blond
Eye color: Dark Red
Skin color: Palish

 #16415  by SilverCloud
If any of you took the time to read the species on the list I gave you you'd know what a Morganian was.

Tidus, what's the likelyhood you'll continue the story and acutally get your person married? Geeze, no one can take a joke. The reason why I chose Morganian was because they had pointed ears, had I not mentioned the marriage-out-of-species part you'd probably not care.

To Saunby, I like Arhans, that's why I made you one. I was kinda assuming you'd be to l337 to get broken.

Reece, you can be Morganian too, unless I actually look at the list again to see which ones have pointed ears (thought I could make you Theelin and get away with it because Theelins are freaks)

Kane... No cowboy hats, I can't draw wookies so if I'm attempting that I'm not doing two things I can't draw in one pic. <3 (SEE! Kane knows the species, why does everyone keep saying elf? They're not IN StarWars)

Right, Snipe, you're half Sephi... the only downside is that if you get higher in rank you get to put your hair up with jewels. (NOTE! THA'S A JOKE... sorta... I can't draw hairdo anyhow)
 #16507  by Akimoto
SilverCloud wrote:Right, to keep me "sane" for my trip to Maine and back I want to have something to draw (especially since Ignis got me this really smexy inking pens).

So here's the drill; I want to draw you so post this:
Name: (For the title of the pic/to remember who it's for)
Gender: (um... yeah, the first who posted I know, but ppl like Chup get me confused... so basically, keep your gender as you... are...)
Age: (To try to draw accurately)
Saber type: (Cuz I'm still trying to get the glow of lightsabers right, oh and color... the first posters remembered w/o me mentioning it)
Force Alignment: (So I know if I need to make you look creepy or... yeah)
Race: (Please don't pick human, go it's close enough to human)
Height: (So that if I do group pix I know who is how tall)
Weight: (You can include "build" -- which would be skinny, stocky, lithe, etc)
Typical Attire: (So you aren't naked)
Hair color: (In case I attempt to color)
Eye color: (In case I attempt to color)
Skin color: (In case I attempt to color)


Akimoto's (MogMod) Profile (Difficulty 4)

Image Image Image Image Image

Name: Akimoto
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Saber type: Single
Saber color: Purple
Force Alignment: Good
Race: Mog (link)
Height: Avarage
Weight: Atheletic
Typical Attire: purple-striped pants (look at link and put purple color instead of white)
Hair color: ---
Eye color: Green
Skin color: ---

Notes: Atleast it would be something 'new' and 'interesting' to draw. Image

 #16530  by Tidus
lol i can take a joke just didnt know what it was lol
btw nice drawing on ur first one

 #16544  by Darko
Tricky wrote:The Perfect Profile by trICky

Name: Tricky (Trick/Brian/Mr. Awesome McPwnPants)
Gender: Male, with some feminine habits
Age: Appears in his mid-twenties, although much older.
Saber type: Sabers? Try a giant sword. Think Berserk or Bleach.
Force Alignment: Mixed. The only limitation is your mind!
Race: Half-Miraluka/Half-Human
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 150ish.
Typical Attire: He's super emo, so think mostly black or dark shades.
He usually wears a loose/baggy shirt and pants (black) with a metal breastplate
over his upper half held up by leather strappings, as well one of those popular
Jedi-kilts or whatever. He also has stylish metal shinguards over his black mid-calf boots.
Metal gaunlets. A hood attached to his shirt, with his ever-popular mask. I think that's just about it.
Hair color: He has long dark-brown hair, if you feel like including that.
Eye color: Luminescent Robins Egg Blue.
Skin color: Grizzled semi-tan.
Homeworld: Katarr (pre-destruction, obviously)
That profile sucked :p


Tidus what drawing??