This forum is for all the topics that don't fit anywhere else. Post anything from Hello's to Web Links.
 #166580  by Glenhal
Sorry guys, about my real life i must go. I hope the server will continous to run and having fun. I was happy to be with you guys
 #166581  by Syzyx
Come by for a visit when and if you get the free time! <3
 #166582  by g0dchris
Sorry to hear that Glen!
But remember you dont have to leave, you could just take the time you need and take a break.

Wish you all the best!
 #166584  by MasterM
Hey Glen, sorry to see you go. Please come back and visit!
 #166586  by Glenhal
No, I'll decide to stay, KR is like a family for me with whom I can trust, so I stay
 #166593  by Mike
What a rollercoaster!