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Ban from your JKA server

PostPosted:Sat May 04, 2019 5:27 am
by Hektos
Yeah, apparently I was banned because I said ass and called Loxx a crack head, which he is, and then your so called admins said I was flaming. For one, if what I was saying was flaming and bypassing filter, maybe you ought to put more words into your filter so anyone playing can not by pass it. If freedom of speech is so heavily infringed upon, maybe you ought to check yourself. On top of that, I want to press the issue of what people call "admin abuse". Raven silenced me because I said "high maintenance". That in its self is flaming nor cussing. And then I told people Raven was abusing their power for silencing me over something that does not go against your rules. And that in itself got me silenced again. That is, what you call, admin abuse, yes? And then, your fellow clan mate Glenhal, "punished" me for so called "laming" which can be confirmed by the player pasta masta that I was not laming. In fact, he had his melee up but I was punished for it. I would like to stress that your rules say you can not flame nor cuss but yet your filters do not stop us from saying god damn, ass, hoe, or a lot of other words. If you are so pressed to not let us use vile words then maybe you ought to update your filter. And that can't be hard to do. As yourself you are human and can think of the most vile words to say and can therefore put them in your little filter to STOP players from saying them. If not then you should hire me and pay me for that because I can put any word imaginable in there and then some. But for me to be banned for saying ass and calling someone trailer park trash and a crack head, WHO in fact calls himself the trailer park pimp and is obviously a crack head is total and utterly rubbish and clearly it was LEGAL and ABLE to say so in YOUR server. And I do admit for laming people, but that is why I am not banned. I am banned for saying ass and calling someone crack head or some stupid thing like that and I was silenced for saying high maintenance. It's all stupidity in my mind. And yes I do say it is just a game, because even if it is laming you adjective respawn. The noun do you lose? It's not war. Try going to war and see what the verb respawn does. Nothing. And so what if I say ass and crack head. Put that noun in your filter if it is that bad. Not that hard. But that is my case. Check your power abusing people.

Edited by Jawfin to lend some credibility to these statements by having them conform to the server rules.
Please observe these, or your forum account will go the same way as your game server one. Thank you.

Re: Ban from your JKA server

PostPosted:Sat May 04, 2019 12:28 pm
by jawfin
You posted twice so I deleted the other one. The admin who dealt with you can reply to your complaint..

A small word though, when writing to express your thoughts please try for credibility by not swearing, also by grouping your words in sentences, and then those into paragraphs, which you can seperate with blank lines. All I saw here is a wall of text and swear words - so if you can't even express yourself without even breaking the rules you can hardly be on solid ground here.

Re: Ban from your JKA server

PostPosted:Sat May 04, 2019 6:53 pm
by RaVeN
...So...apparently you actually do care about being banned, yes?
Because you told me last night, repeatedly, that you, in fact, did not care.

Ok, let's do this, strap in son.

Right out the gate I can confirm that you did not get banned because of anything you said.
You were banned because you disconnected out of punishment - something you had done earlier with me when I had to sleep you for laming.
Disconnecting out of admin punishment was something I STRONGLY warned you about. I told you flat-out that if you did it again you would be banned.

Here we are.

...honestly, I could stop here...but I'm not sure you will be able to figure what you need to do to be unbanned on your own. So I will do now what I did on the server - I'll drag you kicking and screaming through this, and in the end you will have a choice to make. Let's see if it’s different this time.

(If you are happy with your ban then stop reading now. If you would like to play on the KR server here's what you need to know)

Let’s start with the big picture:
KR's server belongs to the KR clan. Their house, their rules.
If you break those rules that means you can not play there anymore. It really is as simple as this.

If you want to play this game how you would like, then I recommend that you put your own money down on a server - “Hektos' Lamtastic and Flamtasic World of Wonder!” working title, feel free to brainstorm your own.
If you want to do this instead then more power to ya buddy!

Otherwise, you are going to be playing a game on someone else's dime.
And that someone else, well you just ransacked their house after they welcomed you in.
And after they kicked you out, your first thought is, "How dare they treat me this way" :roll:

Alight! Big picture is done, now let’s review what happened last night:
First though, thank you for admitting that you lamed. This admission isn’t too typical in this forum section, but it saves us both a lot of time to get that detail out of the way.

The original silence came into picture because you were talking with your friends instead of with me during your admin punishment, and when you did talk to me it was with pointless questions while evading my questions. To refocus your attention I put you into a 5 minute, and then later when you drifted yet again, a 10 minute ’timeout’ where you were silenced both times as part of the punishment.

However, I might need to clarify something with you. It seems to me that you think an admin has to go through the entire admin procedure fresh after each new offense - this is, evidently tragically, false.
After I caught you laming for the second time I took you through the admin procedure ending on this question:
"Do you agree to follow the KR server rules and to listen to KR admins from now on?"

You broke this agreement between the two of us by continuing to flame another player, for which you were silenced.
You disconnected out of that punishment, for which you were banned.

(btw, I told you then why were you banned in PM, which I know that you read because I also sent you the link to this site so you can protest or apologize. So…you already knew 'why')

None of these below are excuses to your behavior on the server:
You were drunk
You have a bad past
You were only breaking the rules with your friends
This is just a game

KR admins are not on the server to enable bad behavior. We have patience, but it looks like you reached the end of that rope last night with me.

Now let’s break it down to what action you need to do next:
Reply. You need to reply to me about what I wrote with your own thoughts.
As extra help, here’s what I’m looking for - empathy.
Put yourself in my shoes last night. Tell me how you behaved from my eyes. What fun you took me away from having because I was duty-bound to deal with you.
Tell me what other KR admins, who have had to punished you in the past, think about you.
How did those admins feel about being disrupted by you?

If you are not able to be empathic on KR server then you do not have a place there. It is as simple as that.
—There also needs to be a sincere apology somewhere in there (to KR, not to me) with a promise that you will behave better going forward.

Personal note:
I can see that you might be mad at me, or at KR. That's understandable - we are getting in the way of you having your kind of fun.
I’m also aware that you have personal troubles, or so I was informed.

You need to be aware though, that it is NOT KR admins responsibility to deal with those personal issues.
Only professional help can guide you through that process. A route that I strongly encourage you to take or to continue to take, if that is the case, for your sake.

You brought those issues into KR’s house. You need to accept responsibility on your end, and be better because of it.
Because, as you said before many times, this is just a game - Your friends in ARC, the KR server, me; in the end none of these will help you if it’s help you seek.
You will find no enablers here, sir.

But you will find empathy and respect if you also give it.

Re: Ban from your JKA server

PostPosted:Mon May 06, 2019 6:25 am
by Hektos
I will admit that I broke your rules. Laming, flaming, whatever else you want put out there. Sure I went the wrong way with a lot of things. And I will apologize. But. A few of your members do abuse their powers. Exercise them when they are not needed and look the other way when certain people do break your rules. And a few other people can testify that. But of course you would need evidence of that and not many people would record that because as I said before it is just a game.

Do I TRULY care if I get banned? No I do not because there are a few servers I can play on. I play on yours because there are people I like. And there are other games I can play, and I have a life so it really doesn't bother me if I got banned. In the end it is a game but it is the people I enjoy. But you should also admit that certain people within your clan do over extended their power when it isn't necessary and they do play favorites. But of course they are in your clan and you wouldn't admit that. That is bad PR. Other than that, sure I am sorry for what I did.

And for you, Jawafin, I broke it down to a few paragraph so it is easier for you to read.