Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #165811  by Bodza96
A few days ago i renamed myself from Bodza to NutJuice cus i was having fun with my buddies on discord while duelling and engaging on the server. I named myself that because i was drinking some almond milk at the time. Not one person noticed until like 30-40 minutes ago or something like that. After Blood pointed it out and said its funny, Uscari along with Rogue asked me to change it. I asked why and Uscari said it could be interpreted as inapporopriate or something along those lines. I said i refuse to be held accountable for other ppl's feelings, and Uscari i believe changed my name. Now this sparked a debate over this ordeal which is beside the point. I ask either Uscari or Jawfin or whomever that has the deciding power to keep my name as NutJuice. I read the rules many times and the various posts on freedom of speech. From what i gather its based on your "interpretation" of the context of the name or text. Which in my opinion is quite unfair. I have seen waaaaay worse names in the limited time i have been on the server and this one boggles (not sure on the spelling here but whatevs xd) my mind. That said i fully expect you guys to tell me off in one way or another, i just wanted to see an "official" response. I can't stress this enough: I don't have a problem with either Uscari or Rogue in this case, just the rule alone. Thanks for the answer in advance whatever it may be.
 #165814  by Uscari
Thanks for taking the time to post here. I'll try to keep my side of the story brief.

In my experience, the term "NutJuice" has a very blatantly inappropriate sexual connotation, and if someone wanted to use it in an appropriate way, they would have gone out of their way to specify that they were refering to the food item, as opposed to what I thought it was.

My logic when applying this rule was that if you intended to refer to juice that consisted of peanuts or a type of agricultural product, you wouldn't have vaguely chosen "Nut" as your qualifier. You would have specified pecans, almonds, peanuts, or whatever you wanted for that name.

I think I was justified in my discretion, that my interpretation was sound, and although it's completely possible that you did not intend your name to be interpreted that way, I couldn't take you for your word for it. Why? Well it seems to me that someone trying to circumvent the rules would lie about their original intentions with their name. Thus, I had to rely on my own interpretation of the format and diction in your name to arrive at whether or not your name was inappropriate.

So you can see the difficult position that puts me in, and considering the context, I think I applied the rules in an appropriate manner.

Whether or not this thread clarifies your intentions behind your name it would seem is not for me to decide. A leader will post here to determine whether or not you can continue to use that name in the future.
 #165815  by Droid
Bodza96 wrote: I have seen waaaaay worse names in the limited time.
you admit that the name was no good then, which makes it seem even more to me that you were trying to just get attention from an admin
 #165818  by Key
With all due respect, if you have nothing to contribute to the AC please don't reply to one

If this is indeed bait, Uscari is right. It's a much more discrete case unless you're the type of person that finds it funny. The argument is similar to having named yourself "LongWiener" and saying you're referencing a "hotdog". Then of course "not taking responsibility" for the obviously intended joke or underlying context as a defense and excuse. We get it, you had a fun night with the boys!. Typically jokes like this don't get attention until someone either gets offended or points it out and causes the lesser-being trolls to pee themselves in hilarity. In which case, admins will tend to ask for a rename. Because of other people, many admins have been conditioned to this negative auto-interpretation.

However this is all based on assumption. I agree that it was an extremely poor choice in names, really something only a highschooler could enjoy laughing at. I do not understand why you're going so far out of your way to maintain the name if it didn't have any other meaning to you apart from a one-night-Discord-party. So I'm very suspicious why this is such a big deal in the first place. If anything, let it go and walk away.

TLDR: Based on my thoughts from the last paragraph, all I'm going to say is that the name is inappropriate.
 #165820  by Rogue
I going to stepped and response otherwise. I know Uscari has warned you about this kind of behavior and asked you to renamed and you continue to argued with him.

After few minutes, you did not change names. I have to remind you to cooperate what Uscari has asked you to do. Otherwise, he would have renamed you. It is all about context whether the names you have to be careful with.

Fast Forward, to couple of hours later, you kept the same inappropriate names. I has received some complaints about your name. I asked you politely to picked an appropriate names. You kept argued with me and said this and that names are fine. Then I told you that you have a minutes or two to change your name otherwise I would have renamed you considerably that is an unappropriate. You finally did changed the name that matched the appropriate contexts.

Final Point: I want to clarify, Uscari, myself, and others do not make up any of these rules. These rules are defined as a KR Server. If an admin ask you something, do it, do not wasted our times and argue and said, "This name is fine, I should keep it."

Is that acceptable? No....

So Next time, If I catch you with any inappropriate name regardless of a context, I am not going remind you but will renamed if trend continue.
 #165831  by Bodza96
First of all I want to keep it as a legit name. Secondly, if i have been and will be a player on the server why would i want to bait you guys and get me banned on the offchance. Thirdly and most shockingly you admitted to ignoring context and act on your own volition. I have explained the backstory behind the name, and i want to keep it and fight for it. Noone complained about the name as far as i know. Yes you can take it in a certain way, so? You can do that with any name. Just because nut can refer to a certain liquid does not mean everyone will mean that thing 100% of the time. As Key said its all based on assumption. From my experience you guys always jump to the negative conclusion. Also the way this was handled is pretty lackluster for lack of a better term. Why not ask me in a dm yo why that name.

TL;DR: i want to keep the name, and i refuse to be held accountable for feelings. I know the context, now you do too. Inappropriate is subjective.
 #165836  by John
Based on what every other admin has said....IDC what you claim that name means when you use it. If an admin finds your name offensive, they can have you change it, or change it for you. End of story.
 #165839  by Bodza96
So i explained it for nothing... Like i said in the opening statement i fully expected to get told off one way or another. And lo and behold it happened. Didn't get a reason beyond "X mod found it offensive", "it """"""can"""""" be interpreted as x" and "just cus". Reverse could explain his Heroine name for some reason yet i couldn't. Interesting...
 #165840  by jawfin
As an admin has already ruled I won't make any judgement calls. I just note some things already recorded against your connection.
In the past several admins have noted you abuse people, flaming, lame, then disconnect during sleep. This fact reduces your credibility.
But as this complain is specifically about a name you selected, to put it in context here are all the names you have used on KR server: -
  • Bodza
    Darth Treja
    Sith Marauder Treja
    Mike Hum
    Mike Hunt
    My pen is is blue
    Phat azz
    Lacey Green
    Orange goozz
    Orange Jews
    Blacc Science Man
    I N D E E D Y
    Bodza PnutJuice's holder
    Bodza, wielder of Juice
    Renamed to New Name
    Might as well hang
    Almond milk
    N U T
(Another other comment about credibility here.)

Thank you for posting on the KR forums, I would suspect you didn't get the satisfaction you felt you deserved.
 #165842  by Bodza96
Jaw, bear in mind i skipped pretty much a year or even more, and i'm sure you can see that if you got *all* my past names. I think i joined back sometime around the boarvessel name, then a little skip again and now. I cant make out in what order the names are though. Yes i lamed a lot way back when. Now absolutely not as much, and as a matter of fact i even help to catch some and point them out when i see them repeatedly doing it. The abuse and flame? Again in the past, maybe i was a little harsher here and there than i should have but definetly not recently. I admit it i was kind of a troll back in high school days, but i cooled down. If the notes were recent i wouldn't be on the server now would i. Now i pretty much debate occasionally, and play like any other person here. Ye i disagree with some of your rules or how they are applied, but you cant agree with everything can you. People change, let the past die. Boi do i regret the trolls now that you reminded me Jaw >.<
And as a personal request can you tell me the date of the first name or the first date associated with me?
 #165843  by jawfin
Yea bud. I got you down as 10th September, 2015. That's the first occurrence of your use of the name "Bodza".
Sorry but I have to close this thread though, there are guidelines we follow and Admin Complaints have the strictest!
But please feel free to post in Anything Goes or Interesting Stuff - whatever you have!