A few days ago i renamed myself from Bodza to NutJuice cus i was having fun with my buddies on discord while duelling and engaging on the server. I named myself that because i was drinking some almond milk at the time. Not one person noticed until like 30-40 minutes ago or something like that. After Blood pointed it out and said its funny, Uscari along with Rogue asked me to change it. I asked why and Uscari said it could be interpreted as inapporopriate or something along those lines. I said i refuse to be held accountable for other ppl's feelings, and Uscari i believe changed my name. Now this sparked a debate over this ordeal which is beside the point. I ask either Uscari or Jawfin or whomever that has the deciding power to keep my name as NutJuice. I read the rules many times and the various posts on freedom of speech. From what i gather its based on your "interpretation" of the context of the name or text. Which in my opinion is quite unfair. I have seen waaaaay worse names in the limited time i have been on the server and this one boggles (not sure on the spelling here but whatevs xd) my mind. That said i fully expect you guys to tell me off in one way or another, i just wanted to see an "official" response. I can't stress this enough: I don't have a problem with either Uscari or Rogue in this case, just the rule alone. Thanks for the answer in advance whatever it may be.
Thanks for taking the time to post here. I'll try to keep my side of the story brief.
In my experience, the term "NutJuice" has a very blatantly inappropriate sexual connotation, and if someone wanted to use it in an appropriate way, they would have gone out of their way to specify that they were refering to the food item, as opposed to what I thought it was.
My logic when applying this rule was that if you intended to refer to juice that consisted of peanuts or a type of agricultural product, you wouldn't have vaguely chosen "Nut" as your qualifier. You would have specified pecans, almonds, peanuts, or whatever you wanted for that name.
I think I was justified in my discretion, that my interpretation was sound, and although it's completely possible that you did not intend your name to be interpreted that way, I couldn't take you for your word for it. Why? Well it seems to me that someone trying to circumvent the rules would lie about their original intentions with their name. Thus, I had to rely on my own interpretation of the format and diction in your name to arrive at whether or not your name was inappropriate.
So you can see the difficult position that puts me in, and considering the context, I think I applied the rules in an appropriate manner.
Whether or not this thread clarifies your intentions behind your name it would seem is not for me to decide. A leader will post here to determine whether or not you can continue to use that name in the future.