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The school of the black cat

PostPosted:Wed Jan 23, 2019 8:42 pm
by Cookie
Few weeks ago, while i was absolutly lost on youtube i found an interesting (and very new) channel called "The school of the black cat". It's just a group of people (mostly anarchist, you'll see later) that will (and has already done one) make videos about politics and the society in general. Their goal, as stated in the first episode, is to teach people how to overcome chiefs and make a society where they don't exist.
Their first episode is about anarchy, they explain what it really is, why it is better than our actual political system.
And of course, the episode have english subtitles!
So for the people that will watch it, i want to know your opinion about it, and also what do you think about anarchy.

Re: The school of the black cat

PostPosted:Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:53 pm
by MysticalPotato
Interesting video Cookie! I don't consider myself an anarchist at all but it shows an interesting aspect about the flaws most modern societies present.

Re: The school of the black cat

PostPosted:Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:29 am
by jawfin
I'm just going to throw this in here politely, please just be aware that the rules on server are the same for the forums - so if this somehow moves into a heated discussion where the words or thoughts of others are criticized or insulted, it'll be closed down. I'm sure that won't be necessary, but better its stated now as opposed to when it's too late!

Re: The school of the black cat

PostPosted:Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:07 pm
by Cookie
I'm pretty sure you wont have to lock it. The point is to mostly share i think is a potentially great informative channel, and an original one, and to ask your opinion about the video itself and also his theme, not to create a debate :D