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Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:12 am
by brakelights
Greetings, KR community,

I'd like to report an important event of admin abuse that happened just recently on the server. I'll start from the beginning and organize it with numbers to facilitate the understanding of the whole context.

1 - I log in on the server, start playing and eventually get slapped without a warning first by a new admin named Clank. I mentioned that the usual protocol is to warn the player first before slapping. He replied saying that this was true, but due to "some reasons" he didn't do it this time and I deserved a straight slap. He didn't say more after this and just gave me a link to the forums so I could post any complaints. Why was I slapped you ask? I was fanning someone who had just put chat up during FFA so he could escape damage (I fanned him for 5s after he put chat up). After this misbehavior I started calling him Plank as way to voice my discontent with his actions.

2 - Either EvilTree or Clank slows down the velocity of the grapple as a way to curb my style of playing. It is important to notice that this was done without consulting the guests on the server; without asking me to stop playing the way I do - just straight up slowing down and annoying the entire server just to punish me for a non-existent rule, since there is no rule saying it's not allowed to grapple and use red premade moves or grapple and staff kick. This was not the first time this has happened and I'm pretty sure it is EvilTree who does it every time because he seems especially annoyed by my style whenever I'm on.

3 - I spend a lot of time AFK, nothing extraordinary happened in the server that I know other than some trolls constantly bugging the admins, I wouldn't know who was right or wrong on the discussion that occured.

4 - I get back to play and chat up a bit, eventually being silenced for saying a word with a sexual tone (I confess right now I don't remember with certainty the reason for the silence, it wasn't spam nor trolling but I don't remember the exact word). I don't care about the silence so I continue playing.

5 - I log in multiple clients as a way to congratulate EvilTree for grabbing me in melee after a grapple leap, but the admin Clank interpreted it as me evading punishment and warned me I'd get banned if I tried to evade it. For those wondering what did I say after I logged on the second client, it was: "lmao" and "nice one EvilTree".

5 - At some point in the FFA, EvilTree once again started targeting me with melee since he is obviously annoyed with me, and I used chat ONCE to evade it. He said, don't use chat to evade FFA and proceeded to pause my connection and kill me. He (or Clank, I wouldn't know) did that without further explanation or reason about 3 or 4 times more and then banned me. I still managed to grab the chat convo for a bit so I do have some screenshots of the incident, here they are:






Also of notice - during all of my time on the server, it was apparent the disregard that both Clank and EvilTree showed towards the well being of the guests, changing server settings without community approval and refusing to offer explanations. There are some admins that enforce the rules but don't do it in an abusive way or abuse their power to enforce their own will (non-existent rules), examples include Uscari, Guardian, Rogue and so on.

I hope they are properly instructed on how to enforce the rules without abusing their power and to not attack verbally or through other means, their own guests. Also I'd hope to see my ban reverted or, at the very least, give me a reason for it, since it was done without warning after EvilTree snapped at me for putting chat up literally ONCE.

Thanks for your time,

Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:19 am
by Frog

Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:31 am
by jawfin
1. Admins can slap to prevent a lame in progress. As I recall, you are on your last warning, next lame = ban - and you're crying about a legitimate slap. ok.

2. Admins have the right to change the server speed of the grapple/hook back to the DEFAULT as intended by the developer, Slider. This is usually done in the hopes to curb those that would abuse it in combat.

3. ?

4. No complaint, no response.

5a. Evading the punishment by using another login, I can see why the admin acted as he did.

5b. Targeting someone in FFA is not admin abuse - as you had a saber and he had melee, not even sure how this could be a complaint...

5b part 2. Yea, about that. You stumbled across a bug. The JA+ server has a glitch where it can allow the client to make 100+ attacks a second, it doesn't have flood control for that particular issue, and the server will max out its CPU and fire Hitch Warnings. It was resolved by rate-limiting it to 10 hits per second - I doubt that anyone can swing a saber that fast!! Anyway, it turns out this flood limit can directly affect a client who uses kata whilst grappling - and it's even worse when other clients are nearby, in the hitting / parrying range. So what happens is the server switches to drop the packets of the offending client until the saber is no longer active. If it trips too many times it null-routes the connection to the flawed client. It could be possible to debug this, but as this is the only side-effect of it, it's not worth the effort! (It's extremely hard/impossible to test as well.)

Considering your obtuse attitude, your willingness to spoil the fun of others for, well, I can't guess motives, one would need a professional for that, but considering the significant number of complaints against you, followed by the relief of your client pinging - we're back to the ban on next rule break. If only Marie was smart enough to follow the procedures we wouldn't be having this discussion.

If Clank feels he needs to explain his actions he is free to do so.

Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:41 pm
by Clank
Since you actually went through the trouble of making an actual post about this incident unlike most, I will respectfully answer as detailed and clear as possible (even though Jaw summed up pretty much everything I could have said).

Now to start off, You did not get slapped without a warning, you were not attacking a player that was in a FFA, there wasn't even a FFA going on at the time, the lame happened in a small area where players were not fighting (the small ledge in the FFA4 main room), I even gave multiple warnings to not fight in said area, however you proceeded (like you said) to fan spam a player that had put chat up for a good 5 seconds, to which itself alone, called for a slap.

Why was it a slap right a way and not just a warning on first offence? Let me tell you about full server rules;
It allows the admins when they are too few compared to the traffic on the server to skip the first step when someone lames (which is only a warning) and start off with a slap. Keep in mind I am not required to tell you any of this if you ask it of me on the server or even here, I am doing this just to debunk your story that you were admin abused since you put effort into making this topic in the first place

Moving on!

As I stated on the server, you are right, there is no rule that forbids you to abuse grapple in combat (and at the same time ruin the fun for others!), but there is also no such rule forbiding us from slowing down the grapple when we see it fit to do so. You the time when you abused it in a FFA for example (on multiple occassions might I add). Oh and if you thought we have to, no we do not have to consult with the entire server if we can slow down the grapple, that does not mean we do it lightly. Fun fact, the ability to slow down grapple was granted to admins just for such occasions!

You started missbehaving over chat and been silenced multiple times, first of which was saying the F word I believe. Might I add that you did all of this, knowingly that it is against the rules but choose to ignore them and proceed anyway. I believe I silenced you in total 3 times after that (thats 3 diferent times you choose to disregard our rules only with chat!). Now what you did not state on point 5. the reason you started log in multiple clients, is because I silenced you for saying ''Get the f away from me'' (to which I believe was EvilTree but I am not 100% on that), at this point you were very well aware of the rules of the server but you choose to neglect them once again! You logged in with a second client, I silenced it, you logged in the third client, I silenced it.
See, we take it very serious when someone tries to avoid their punishment (its one of the main reasons people get banned IMO), considering it means that you were trying to keep playing without facing the punishment headed your way. At that point I was more than in my right to hand you a ban, but after consulting with Jawfin I stayed my hand.

As Jawfin explained, your connection going out on you was your own doing, neither Tree nor I have the ability to do something like that. Once again making big assumptions without much backing them up.

Now for a personal note; you are assuming I am a new admin, while the truth is that I have been admining on KR since 2011. Everything that happened during this incident I have seen it happen probably 50 times over by now if not more. Point being, do not be so easy to draw conclusions just because you have never seen this person before, I believe this gave you the overconfidence into thinking that you were in the right all along and were witnessing an admin abuse that was ruining the fun for all, while in reality you deluded yourself the entire session.

If you were looking for some poetic ''justice'' here, I'm sorry, it ain't happening.


Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:55 pm
by brakelights
Yeah, It dawned upon me today I was wrong, your responses make sense. I logged in after getting home from the bar, so was really drunk. After the first slap I felt unjustly punished and decided to be reckless for the rest of the night. Clank mentioned he warned about fighting on the ledge but to be honest at that point I couldn't focus on more than two things at once - it was either fighting or reading chat. I was surprised because usually the first punishment is a warning that prompts itself on the middle of the screen, oh well.
I feel my behavior has been adequate after the warnings I received, I know I'm annoying but I'm not breaking any rules so I don't know what the complaints are about other than me being annoying. The silences were deserved also, I wasn't trying to provoke the admins by using censored words but rather I didn't have the forethought to select more carefully, I was pressing enter just as I finished my thought. I too knew you were probably an old timer, Clank, but since I had never seen you on it didn't matter.
Will be more careful logging in after drinking alcohol, sorry for any troubles. Appreciate your time to explain things too.

Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:49 pm
by Frog

Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:42 pm
by Primordial

Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:51 pm
by Syzyx
Maybe KR should install a breathalyzer.... like in the cars. wont start/connect if yer too drunk... :shock:

Here... Have a book. ... t+fighting

Re: Admin Abuse by Clank / EvilTree

PostPosted:Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:53 pm
by Clank
seeing as this topic served its purpose
