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PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:18 am
by Cookie
This is probably useless to do, but i think he went too far this time.

So today, at around the start of 9:20am (UTC+2 (the exact time will be shown on the screenshots, again, all UTC+2)), someone by the name of S_A_T_A_N connected into the server. HolyWarrior was here, and the satan dude played a bit before HolyWarrior starts to somewhat get "offended" by his name. At first, he uses the pretext that he has an mental illness, and this name gives him "psychosis". Then the more we try to talk to him, the more he uses others reasons, like "his name is offending me", then "it's not right it's the name of the devil", after that, he uses the reason that "this server is family friendly and i know kids will PM me to make me change his name", which we all know isn't true. HolyWarrior has a very good roaster when it comes to arguing, he somehow always make people argue with him. Why? Well, this word may be a bit harsch and too much but, this kind of stupid behaviors, he does it a lot, and he always uses his admin (ofc to make his job, can't deny that) for personnal reasons. I (and many others) consider his behaviors as being abusive. I don't have any kind of screenshots, i didn't felt the need to do it since i thought HolyWarrior would learn from all of this and stop this kind of abuse, but today was probably the "too much" one. I know jawfin saw all of this, and most of the argue hasn't been screenshotted (because it was pretty much non sense coming from HolyWarrior), so here's the screenshots : (agree with what 3l00m say on this) (saying he's on meds and that he did this just because he dislike the name... Using the fact that you are illed just to use your admin, not good HW, not good :/)

I will end by saying that i have nothing against you HolyWarrior, and i do have respect towards KR admins (while you said i didn't because i'm a "troll", while i'm not). I would've let it go if you actually asked this S_A_T_A_N guy in PRIVATE to change his name, but yet, you bragged all of this in public chat, as well as your illness, and then you proceeds to say "this is personnal"... You used all the pretext possible, and that screenshots where you say you're under meds says it all. I want you to stop arguing with players, i want you to stop using your admins power in some stupid ways (again, i don't say you do it all the time, but sometimes you instantly slept a new comer without warning him, you teleport him and let him be there for a good 5 minutes before going to him to explain him what laming is...). And i also hope we can sort all of this out like adults, and not by running away from the conversation.

Re: -[KR]-HolyWarrior

PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:40 am
by Primordial
""this server is family friendly and i know kids will PM me to make me change his name", which we all know isn't true" yeah it is conkie, it's happened before

Re: -[KR]-HolyWarrior

PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:44 am
by Cookie
No kids will be smart enough to get offended just because someone is called Satan. Well, actually, they can, but they need to come from a very christian family, and i don't think that a kid who gets manipulated to get into the "love of god" will be let to play such a violent game this is star wars. So no, it wont happen. + so far i've never seen someone younger than 12 years old in the whole game.

Re: -[KR]-HolyWarrior

PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:18 am
by Mike
I feel like this name is not offensive, and this is an overstepping of bounds as an admin. Personal beliefs and reactions aside, at the very least this should have been discussed via PM.

Re: -[KR]-HolyWarrior

PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:28 am
by Primordial
Walfe wrote:No kids will be smart enough to get offended just because someone is called Satan. Well, actually, they can, but they need to come from a very christian family, and i don't think that a kid who gets manipulated to get into the "love of god" will be let to play such a violent game this is star wars. So no, it wont happen. + so far i've never seen someone younger than 12 years old in the whole game.
As admins, we have a right to change people's names, if they're found offensive. In this case, Holy found 'Satan' do be offensive. Also - they don't "need to come from a very christian family" to be offended by the term Satan.

In regards to the instant sleeping thing, we do this so we get a chance to explain to them what laming is. They wouldn't know what 'Slapping' is by getting one. Why he left him there 5 minutes... not too sure.

Re: -[KR]-HolyWarrior

PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:57 am
by Cookie
Okay. I'm backing up the complaint. If any of the council could delete it, or at least lock it, i would greatly appreciate it.
I misjudged HolyWarrior, and after a good talk (that is still going on rn lol), i figured who he was and the reason behind all of this. I publicly apologize to you HolyWarrior, you're a great dude.

Re: -[KR]-HolyWarrior

PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:49 am
by jawfin
I didn't read any of the above posts or comments as I watched the whole thing live.

1. HW had the right to rename a person with a name considered offensive. You could not find a more offensive name in the Western world than Satan; it puts the name Hitler to shame.
2. HW had the right to enforce the new name sticks. As he chose the name "Evil" for the guy he was showing he was not being unreasonable.
3. HW had the right to attempt to stop the arguments about the rename - he may not have done as skilfully as you would have liked, but that didn't make him wrong. If anything, he attempted to over-explain his position, whereas all he needed to do was say "please post your complaints on the forums".

Now a very small note on rules. The rules are there as breaking them will be upsetting to someone. The server is there to provide fun & a feeling of playing safely without being attacked - which includes chat. The reason we allow the admins to rename is to allow that fun and safety to occur. I can well understand why a person would not want to play with someone named Satan. In fact, the reason I started observing the server at this time was because a highly inconsiderate player chose that name for himself, and kept renaming himself to it.

Each admin has the right to decide whether the server fun is threatened by an offender, HW chose to act on that right.

Re: -[KR]-HolyWarrior

PostPosted:Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:05 am
by Cookie
This is why i want this complaint to not be taken in consideration. I thought he wanted him to rename for no real reason, or because he was christian or something. Again, i acted very dumb, this complaint is absolutly dumb and was a huge mistake from me. I deeply apologize to you Jawfin as well, for the time lose on this. I apologized to HolyWarrior as well (in here, and in game). Again, this was dumb. I didn't thought enough and this was just absolutly non sense to make this complaint.