Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #162749  by Atsila
Question did I do something? Wondering cause I was kicked than banned from the server so if I did I apologize and did not realize I done something wrong.
 #162761  by Sakito
You didn't do anything. Probably got caught up in a range ban. The council will fix it XD
 #162769  by jawfin
The new IP you inherited was poisoned by a previous owner so was blacklisted. I lifted the ban on it. Sorry about that!
 #162771  by Atsila
Thanks Sakito and no worries it maybe something my brother did too when he looked and done some adjustments to my settings. If he did just let me know I know enough to log in type and get what I need done computers is not my thing Lol.
Thanks again.
 #162806  by jawfin
Nothing none of you did. Your capricious ISP is changing your IP, almost daily. Sooner or later you will inherit an IP which was assigned to a person who used it to commit crimes - most likely attempting to hack web pages. Obviously a rank amateur as nobody with half a brain would attempt to commit crimes from their own connection - that's like mugging people who walk past your front door and then taking earnings inside! As it is your ISP assigned you that IP which was poisoned by that cretin (someone so dumb that they run scans over IP ranges and obviously stumbled on a honey-pot) and as it was blacklisted it got blocked.