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Interesting to me

PostPosted:Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:57 am
by Atsila
Although this may not be interesting to many however it is interesting fact about me.
I have been writing since I was ten and my first poem I wrote when I was twelve. I have written short stories novels poems and inspirational stories based on what I see around me. Many times you can see me just appearing to look down and not wanting to be bothered. I am watching the duelist or ffa and get ideas on how to bring my characters to life with what i am seeing going on.
I will transform this to a story and the design of how that character moves is based on what ideas i can get.
What i dont hear i make up for by what I see and by seeing and getting a sence how I want my character to be involved with certain lightsaber battles is revolved around me constantly looking for ways to develop a story.
Many times back in my old clan I would write something in the server just to get an idea of whether I like it or not. Many times it would be random for instance
The twilight flickered upon the rooftop where two fighters were found. One eligant with grey tunic and very shining chrome handle lightsaber with blue blades that come out of both hilts that would blind anyone who would dare to stare into them.
The other a lonely figure with work brown tonic who had seen many battles with dull black hilt with now a faded red bladed who was a master in the single bladed form. His stance was crouched down like a tiger ready to pounce upon his prey wanting to spring into action while the other circled his prey like a hawk waiting for the right time to ignite both blades while the first bladed was flickering and hissing as each step he took past his prey waiting to eagerly strike and make the dancing ritual known to many as art form that has been taught and passed down through the generations of the mightiest deadliest duelist.
Thanks guys sorry for such a long post but what many of my friends find interesting is I am so critical of my writing I have never published anything I wrote but enjoy the hobby not someone that is good to have things published. I am perfectionist even tho there is no such thing because we all have flaws I do find many flaws in my writings that i feel is not good enough to publish.

Re: Interesting to me

PostPosted:Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:12 pm
by Samurai X
Keep sending us some stories

Re: Interesting to me

PostPosted:Thu Jun 07, 2018 8:19 pm
by Syzyx
Thanks for the snippets.

I do a little writing myself now and then when i get inspired.

I'm curious, have you read Strunk and White's Elements of Style? It really helped my writing!

Re: Interesting to me

PostPosted:Fri Jun 08, 2018 9:20 am
by Atsila
No I will look for it thanks.