Master Change
PostPosted:Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:30 am
Hey guys,
Unfortunately it is time for me to move on to a new Master. After much consideration I will moving from Master Cloud to Master Sakito.
Cloud has taught me so much. I hope to many of you who know him and his incredibly skilled, yet unique saber technique, see it in me during any fight you have with me. He truly brought an exciting, motivating, and ambitious duel style i have striven for years to match up to. It's something for 2 years now, ive been so proud to be apprentice to. Cloud, you will always be a mentor in my eyes and regardless of what new things i learn, your saber skillz will live on through me. I hope I have made you proud and lived up to your expectations as an apprentice. Thank you so much brotha.
With that said, Sakito has equally been a part of my personal ambitions to grow as a saberist. The way she's explained the game to me has truly open my eyes to how much potential jk3 has to offer. If you have ever allowed her to teach you about the game, im sure you know she has a lot more then raw skill and deadly consistency to offer. She explains the game so well and has answered questions ive pondered for years. If anyone can continue to quench my hunger to become a skilled player yet push me and guide me to grow with KR, it's her.
I've spoken with Saki and the Council directly but im posting here to receive official approval. Im really excited and cant wait to begin!
Unfortunately it is time for me to move on to a new Master. After much consideration I will moving from Master Cloud to Master Sakito.
Cloud has taught me so much. I hope to many of you who know him and his incredibly skilled, yet unique saber technique, see it in me during any fight you have with me. He truly brought an exciting, motivating, and ambitious duel style i have striven for years to match up to. It's something for 2 years now, ive been so proud to be apprentice to. Cloud, you will always be a mentor in my eyes and regardless of what new things i learn, your saber skillz will live on through me. I hope I have made you proud and lived up to your expectations as an apprentice. Thank you so much brotha.
With that said, Sakito has equally been a part of my personal ambitions to grow as a saberist. The way she's explained the game to me has truly open my eyes to how much potential jk3 has to offer. If you have ever allowed her to teach you about the game, im sure you know she has a lot more then raw skill and deadly consistency to offer. She explains the game so well and has answered questions ive pondered for years. If anyone can continue to quench my hunger to become a skilled player yet push me and guide me to grow with KR, it's her.
I've spoken with Saki and the Council directly but im posting here to receive official approval. Im really excited and cant wait to begin!