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Unban Request from {JoF}Vayne{DJM}

PostPosted:Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:01 am
by JoF Vayne
Hey peeps,

So, I am banned on your server, for whatever reason, not sure what it is even and if I ever misbehaved, can't remember nothing but since I am in a clan, I surely know what means to behave. Won't talk much obvious things but I will just request an unban on my IP. Also I might be put under range ban or whatever. Not a big deal. Anyway can I be unbanned, so I can come on KR when JoF is dead in the mornings. I will send a PM to @Jawfin with my IP for obvious reasons. Thank you and may the Force be with you!

- V

Re: Unban Request from {JoF}Vayne{DJM}

PostPosted:Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:50 pm
by jawfin
Will do mate, it was a couple of years ago so happy to lift the ban. Note we don't put an expiration date on the bans, it''s just like our sleep process - the offender stays slept until they agree to behave. But, and you may get a giggle out of this, here is the actual notes of the member who banned you: -

This one had a funny chat, I was using server rcon so I have no idea why he's pm'ing some random guy. I didn't notice this at first, not that it really mattered in the end. (Note he's on slot 12, and its on the heels of a few slaps and warnings.) Pro-lamer, just spent his sleep time spinning around.

svtell 12 do you mind not laming the poor child
amsleep 12
amghost 12
ammindtrick 12
svtell 12 sigh, ok then
svtell 12 you can be banned for leaving whilst slept. In case you leave and are banned, dispute it at
svtell 12 can u not lame pls?
svtell 12 is simple yes no questrion. try answerting it
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: yes
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: who the f#ck are you
^^ swear-filter blocked this, but still shows in the logs
svtell 12 another reminder...
svtell 12 you can be banned for leaving whilst slept. In case you leave and are banned, dispute it at
svtell 12 coz i can tell ur that guy
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: wake me up in 10 seconds
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: or i will make your server get down
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: i could to 10
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 10
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 9
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 8
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 7
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 6
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 5
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 4
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 3
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 2
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: 1
tell: |JoFA|ShaunaVayne|A| to [BAD]garbage staffer: wake me up now or i reconnect and start laming and killing everyone
amban 12


For your information though, any threat against the server itself is instaban, no warning need be given. See you on server and behave :)

Edit: Would I be correct if I asked you used to go by the name [BG]predaTor?

Re: Unban Request from {JoF}Vayne{DJM}

PostPosted:Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:38 pm
by JoF Vayne
ayy lmao xD i was even on jofa trial back then, shame....
