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I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:59 pm
by Audemars
Hi all! So I was binge watching youtube one day and saw videos of JKA pop up in my feed. I was watching some videos on a nostolgia trip and found out the games still alive and everyone plays some modded version of it now. Anyways I am not 100% sure if this use to be my clan or not. I just remeber the words "Reborn" and I googled it, and to my surprise I found this forum still active! I dont even remember what I use to call myself, or who my Master was. But I would just like to share some things I DO remember in hopes that someone can help me get my bearings.

I remember that when you get promoted you have to duel and win "x" amount of times. After you pass the promo you "Kneel" emote and everyone circles you and goes to blue stance and kills you so you are "Reborn". Does this sound familiar? I also do remember I played a female twilek a lot. Usually I was hot pink but I did also use other colors occasionally with the saber to match. I mainly used Red/Yellow single saber, but I also used staff as well. My mentor/master I want to say his name was just a single common american first name starting with a "J" ex: John, Jack, Jake I dont remember. He used a blue single saber and was the best duelist in the clan.

Thats all I got, sorry but this was probably 10 years ago. Anyways if this all sounds like gibberish then sorry for wasting yalls time!


Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:12 pm
by MysticalPotato
Nice man, are you planning on getting back?
We have a John here that uses a single blue saber and he's quite skilled. If John was your master then he is older than I thought o.o

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 7:50 pm
by Syzyx
Hi and welcome back to the JA community, A friendly but fractured, factional one.
The people who run no mods are called 'basers'

There's many mods, here's a couple of examples:

Lugormod, mostly euro based, not exactly sure what it does, but i know i didn't like it much.

MovieBattles2, heavy on the Role Playing.

The mod our server runs is called Jedi academy Plus, or JA+. It gives you some extra cool and or corny moves, and a bunch of emotes. alters damages to be like the jedi outcast system, a grapple hook feature, and it has admin enhancements to make running a public server easier. You don't need it but I recommend getting it because not all of everything looks right if you don't have it. some moves we might do will look pretty funny and confusingly kill you. X-P

I hope you can get back into JA and I see you on the server as my Noghri self.

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 9:15 pm
by MasterM
Hey there!

I'm assuming when you say around 10 years ago you mean ~2007? If this is the case, then you pre-date the majority of the current members, including John, who Fear mentioned, so I doubt he would have been your master. The promotion system you described is more or less accurate - for the major ranks you have to win a certain number of 1v1 and 2v1 duels. This has been the case as long as I have been in the clan (just over 7 years), although it might have been slightly different before. We don't do the "reborn" thing though, not that I have ever seen, but maybe it used to be a thing? I feel like maybe I saw a video of this at one point?

Anyway, welcome back! Maybe one of the older members would be able to clarify more

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:00 pm
by Audemars
Thanks guys! What is the clan tag in game? Is it just [KR]? For some reason I remember it being something else. Also something about this clan forming after breaking up from another clan? This game came out in 2003 I played multiplayer since launch. I forgot when I joined this clan. I do remember that I myself had a apprentice too, joined around the same time I did just did not get promoted as fast as me, I only remember he used red dualies (two sabers) his name/tags was red and black letters mines usually was pink and white.

I do remember the JKA+ mod you could use a grappling hook etc right? It was a little blaster laser. Most servers were all using that mod by default. I dont remember the higher ranked leaders of the clan at that time. For some reason a "Towlie" comes to mind? He played as a wookie with a green saber (green white color names/tag). I think there was someone who used a jawa, single yellow saber. Another name is a AzureDragon? Something-"Dragon" I forgot. Who was kind of high ranked. I just remember most of the leaders did not duel so well. I specifically asked for "John Doe" (because I am not certain if the John you guys mentioned is the right guy) because he was one of the best duelist probably on the server, I often did really well in 1v1 duels but my in game records had me at like 30% win rate vs John. I think he used the Kyle Katarn skin a lot by default I dont think he had a custom skin.

Thats really all I can think of, the map we usually used was the one with the circular landing pad and molten lava. This was the area where most duels and tests took place. But I think its a really small coincidence that there is a "John" in this clan that uses a single blue saber, I wonder if he remembers my pink twilek? I really cant think of what I use to name myself! I want to say Emma ? (After Emma Watson) Hahaha.

edit- looked through the family tree only the name Growlithe comes to mind, but I cant remember what character he was. Maybe the wookie with the green saber.

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:16 pm
by MadonLightstorm
what's really funny is I still pre-date him the farthest, as someone mentioned like 2004, I knew azuredragon he was a RJK member, I also all of RJK members, uscari puts it as President, am oldest living fossil now at the end of December.

everything is surrounded in conspiracy, I tried mentioning some of my stories, I was RJK_Apprentice_PG, now BlackXEyes or Madon Lightstorm and my god name Zingoheight.

welcome back man, I was told to wait in tell 2004 to join RJK, I started in December 2003, I had just turned 14 at the time, got my computer for christmas

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:23 pm
by Audemars
RJK! Yes thats right Rise of Jedi Knights right? So what happened to that clan I remeber it disbanded or something and whats its connection to Knights Reborn? I just remember the the whole "reborn" ritual when we got promoted, the leader would say something like "Now rise, reborn!" And when they say reborn everyone does the blue special attack and kills you. So I googled JKA Reborn and ended up here. I am 99% sure I went by RJK Emma [HJM]?

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:27 pm
by Yato
You probably think of different clan and not Knights Reborn, possible?

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:28 pm
by jawfin
If it's KR then the Jawa you mentioned was Darfin. All the others predate me, and you would have been on our previous forums so a lot of those members didn't come across to here, or more precisely were inactive by the time these forums came up. You won't find any members you know in the family tree post, except perhaps Fluffy & RaVeN. To better remember names you know (and by the way most of your recollection seems correct) look at the Member list, but in created order. Phoenix when setting this up brought all the members over, active or not. See here: - ... memberlist
Nobody should be missing. Traditionally, we've gone with Nintendo being the most skilled, but no doubt there will be other thoughts on that!

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:32 pm
by MadonLightstorm
they vanished into thin air and stuff, some went to Wow and others seem to have moved to SWTOR, I thought I was last one alive of RJK species.

they we're setting up all these weird clan names and stuff for each game.

that was last I heard them, I know some of went into HJK, but I doubt any made here to KR, azure went with RJK last I heard, which was between 2004-2006, after that they vanished.

now years later he did re-appear, but it was only for brief moment, then he was gone again.

now everytime, I ran into them, they we're all shocked I was still playin, last said was 'that's not possible' .

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:47 pm
by Audemars
Ah I feel like Darth Revan slowly piecing my memory back after a long hibernation. I am going to say after RJK disbanded I probably applied and joined KR. But im not sure if anyone remembers my distinct "Reborn" promotion ritual? That memory I vividly remember 100%. I cant find any trace of a "Emma" in the family tree or from google. Apprentice did your name use to use red and black letters? @Jawfin I dont recall a "Nintendo" at all. The Jedi Guardian rank sounds familiar. I remember Jack/John being a Master. Could Guardians have a apprentice too? "Fluffy" sounds familiar, what character/saber/saber color did he use? I remember the leader didnt participate much (not that great 1v1) but was just present during promotions.

Hey do you guys have a Discord?

Edit- Now that I think of it, was "Ravens" name in white/black/blue letters?

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:01 pm
by jawfin
Jedi Guardian is a new rank, introduced about 5 or so years ago, so there would be no memory of that.
Fluffy was considered the founder, if you remember that then it was a female Australian who used dual sabers. If none of the names of that first page of the link I put jump out, then it may not have been KR. Many, many clans were formed, but almost all died - which is true of any clan founded on a single member as opposed to a committee.

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:13 pm
by Audemars
Thanks Jawfin! Well I am happy MadonLightstorm knew some of the things I mentioned so I dont feel like a raving lunatic =D Maybe if you could ask John if he recalls having a pink twilek apprentice? I use to use staff but learned how to use strong single from lessons. I remember specifically asking for this particular master because at that time he was the best duelist in the clan. "Nintendo" would be a name thats easy to remember but I have no memory of it. Either way I might download the game to see if I still remember how to swing a saber. Is the only way to play online by purchasing from Steam for $10? My CD's are long gone.

Edit- Wow the skins look amazing, I am looking at all the user created stuff on the JKHub. Custom skins looked nothing like these when I played!

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:18 pm
by MadonLightstorm
my tags we're RJK_Apprentice_PG and red and cyan , it appears, again I was so young back then, like 14, like whos gonna remember that, there's a lot of stuff clans don't want to remember, I was once so bad back then more of troll, all I wanted back then to be promoted to Jedi Knight, RJK said you have post more on forums and stuff and be active on server, so I never did get my promotion to JK, you know how small kid feels when they say that and they play games with you, that's form of trolling, they deliberately with held my rank to JK, I must posted like hundred times , made countless accounts to try to get them promote and not leave me at PG.

then years later and to now I realized something, these events that happened in 2003-2006 and 2006-2013, JKA is like its own universe, I actually watched it myself, random events and stuff would happen and weird stuff too.

JKA took on movie events and historical events and TV Show and Comic Events, SCFI and action and adventure, Drama.

if RJK knew this years ago, we all would've stayed on JKA and stuff, when I entered we had -=DL=- , SNJ , >(LOA)<, AFL and couple others, I was on server when a clan was raiding us, I was fighting and someone said 'you're special', now skip to 2005-2006, I kept getting called 'Death', then years in future it , I came be called God of Death Zingoheight, I been trying to figure out what makes me different then everyone else, then I came up with word called 'Super Dueler' and 'Super Killer', cause we can win a lot of duels and stack a lot of kills, now am a super killer I can stack like 120-300 kills, but yah if we knew all of this back then, RJK probably would've stayed, all random events and stuff.

they had me pegged as Zeus or Odin , ence the reference 'Death' and 'You're Special', I also discovered I have all sorts of special ability's, I can make whole server attack someone, or erase people memories, super reflexes and stuff, I had to stop using Zingoheight, cause it would be God of JKA came down from heavens and was mingling with mortals and stuff, now I do mingle with mortals with BlackXEyes and Madon Lightstorm as Deguise, I call these powers, special powers, am still discovering them, I Discovered one recently, I can call up strongest dueler.


Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:37 pm
by jawfin
As previously stated John is a newer member, so its not him.
And, here's a clue to RaV's colour scheme - my sig!
Although now she goes full black.

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:06 am
by Audemars
I just bought the game on steam, I still kind of remember how to play! Lol! See you on the KR servers some time Jawfin! I see you guys run JA+ thats what im familiar with. Not sure about those new moviemods or whatever.

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:23 am
by jawfin
MovieBattles is like a total conversion - very little crossover with the sabering community.
You can connect to the KR server simply by opening the console with the tilde key ~ and putting: -
See you there :)

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:05 am
by John
*waves hand*I am not the master you're looking for...

Yeah, I wasn't even around back then. At least that's what I tell people. :wink:

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:01 am
by MasterM
Jawfin wrote:Jedi Guardian is a new rank, introduced about 5 or so years ago, so there would be no memory of that.
Are you sure it was only 5 years? I don't remember it being not a thing, and I've been in longer than 5 years

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:39 am
by Falcon
Silly Jaw, it was (almost) 9 years ago ... f=1&t=3990 :P

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:06 am
by jawfin
See, only 9 years ago - a new innovation!

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:15 am
by Audemars
Well I played for 2 hours or so yesterday and did some duels in the KR server. I still remember some things surprisingly =D
I think I met a KR Charm, Akuma and some others ;)

Ah well its ok! Just like Revan reborn I guess we can start from scratch! Nice to meet you guys :D :D :D

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:17 pm
by MadonLightstorm
what am trying to say is, Azure Draco (Azure Dragon) gave me his name and as honorable thing, then I met KR, Azure Draco knew he was passing into the force, he personally sent people to find me, to have me meet him and so he can pass on his blessing, in honour he gave me his name, he wanted me to make good on his name, create to better legacy, I did for while, but things didn't turn out as planned.

I did something great with KR and JAWA formed them allies, but when I went to JAWA things went sour, I got banned and I tried to come back to KR I was told not to come back , so I didn't, I went out saving clans and was named Zingoheight, I was trying to figure out why I was being called 'Death' or 'Special', which led me to the name Zingoheight, I also won a ESL match and was in gladiator games and saved JOF, I met countless friends along the way, many of them played at KR, again I couldn't be in one place for one moment for people would start figuring out I was deity.

that's why I was almost in every clan back then.

now another thing happened along the way, I both worked as good person and in underworld, both sides I fought my way up the ranks, I became the The Best (Noble) and Good Guy I became BlackXEyes (Zingoheight, Madon Lightstorm), I was both good and bad, that's there's countless legends about BlackXEyes and my journeys, I also was in a lot of battles along the way, The Best in underworld is high rank like Noble as I said above.

someone told me recently, now I have special stuff I can do with that high of rank, but am so old , am senior and elder, the others won't let me make fool of myself, so they protect me at almost at cost.

I like to put as am Old Charles Xavier (from Logan) and everyone is Logan or some caretaker.

that's the best way describe it. :( :)

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:44 am
by jawfin
Cut it out Madon. Your forum account has been banned before for your rants, so just stop. I won't delete the post you made simply so people know why the threat.

And, finally, don't hijack other people's threads Image

Re: I think this use to be my clan a long long time ago

PostPosted:Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:14 am
by Mnsomc
Whether you were a KR or not, welcome (back) to the forums and the server.