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Clarifications and...suggestions?

PostPosted:Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:57 am
by Harlequin
Went through your 101 thread. Some questions and suggestions.

Do not health run. This means healing yourself while in the midst
of a fight, or leaving a fight to heal. (This rule can be bent if only
among KR Members)

This rule is inconsistent. You restrict health running I PRESUME because it is not 'fair', but then make an exception for KR members. Your following rule states you cannot 'use any unfair advantages in a fight', is this not a contradiction?. Which is it to be? Either all of us can health run, or none of us.

A further complication, if you really want to get into things. By giving KR members the advantage of permissible health running and punishing non KR members you may discourage prospective members and visitors from participating in FFA etc. A punitive response is not positive.

You may retort and say 'yes but this is a non issue'. If that is your line, then please remove it from your rules.

Rules should be succinct and relevant rather than frivolous.

Do not talk negatively about another KR member on the forums
or on the server, especially when that player is not there to
defend themselves. If you have an issue with a player, confront
that player directly or contact a Council or Arbiter member about
it through PM.

You need to tighten up your language. What does 'talk negatively' mean? Am I not allowed to criticise somebody? If you mean I can only critise constructively then that is fine by me, and if this is what you mean make it explicit.

In either event the rest of the rule is superfluous. If you are not allowed to criticise (in a negative manner) a KR member on the forums or on the server in the first place, I do not see why it matters whether or not they are there. I find that extension having little relevance because the definition of talking negatively you imply is not bound to somebody being present. Either talking behind someone's back or stabbing them in the front, I see no reason why the two should not be treated the same.

A bit of me thinks that the ambiguous wording in "talk negatively" suggests even constructive criticism is risky. You say the best decision is to contact an admin, or your subject, directly. I can only hypothesise that this alternative is not meant for hurling insults privately but to argue constructively. Again, this implies constructive argument is akin to "talking negatively". In contrast, abuse is both privately and publicly unacceptable. Constructive criticism should not be. Remember that constructive criticism will ALWAYS have something negative about it.

Condensing it, any kind of criticism contains negativity, are you saying this is not permissible in public (forum/server)? Or by "talking negatively" you simply mean "abuse"? If so, I do not see why it is more acceptable to relay it through admins or directly at your subject.

The criticism here is your imprecise use of the word "talk negatively". I think you should tidy this up. Rules like this should never be vague and frankly this rule, which is an important one, is loose to me.

This is not an attack on your clan, you guys are tops. But when I played the thought experiment of "I wonder if I would join if I was invited?" and read your 101 thread my response would be a firm "No". Not because of your members or your server environment, but because I find your rules partly lacking. When I see poorly, albeit minor, constructed rules I can only assume the people who wrote them reflect their imprecision unintentionally. This assumption may prevent me from joining, and my assumption is not groundless as I hope this post demonstrates.

Thank you for reading.

Re: Clarifications and...suggestions?

PostPosted:Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:04 am
by John
About health running, it says "This rule can be bent if only
KR Members", meaning that if only KR members are on, we may sometimes play a game. For trials we also obtain health after fights so all rounds are consistent. This rule does not say or even imply KR members can health run during ffa's or at any other time.

About the talking negatively about other KR members, I think it is pretty clear. Don't talk negatively about other members as it has no productive purpose and usually accomplished more bad then good. If we have a tip or want to critique a fellow members skill, we do so nicely. For example, saying something like "You are terrible at saber combat and have terrible range" would be talking negatively. It accomplished nothing and makes the person feel bad. Saying something like "Hey bro, your range is a little off. Try to watch you distance in your fights", though critical is also helpful without being a jerk about it, and hopefully the person know we are trying to help them.

Hopefully that clears things up for you.

Re: Clarifications and...suggestions?

PostPosted:Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:25 pm
by Falcon
Hey Harlequin :) thanks for taking the time to post on our forums! I'd like to make a couple of points here that may help answer the questions you're asking.

First, I think John covered the health running thing nicely, and I'd like to expand on his second point. There is a not-so-fine line between constructive criticism and intentionally being hurtful. We ask our members to be open and honest with each other. Communication is the key to any relationship you have, and to this end we require our members to communicate well so that our community can flourish (for example, on polls we require that a reason be given or the vote will not be counted). For example:

Intentionally being hurtful:
Falcon to John: man, jaw smells....
Falcon: hey jaw, you smell! do you EVER shower?
Jawfin: :(

Constructive criticism:
Falcon to Jawfin: hey man, ever considered buying deodorant?

...okay maybe that's a bad example but I think my meaning is clear. In the first example Falcon was being rude (privately and publicly) and mean. In the second example, Falcon is going to Jawfin directly and the wording is much nicer.

The other point I'd like to make is - the rule post you have quoted is for KR members only. As is said countless times throughout these forums, KR is a clan of high morals and honor. We are a family, and we treat each other (as well as visitors) with respect and dignity. Now, some of those rules do apply to everyone (i.e. no laming, no flaming, etc) and there are some that aren't forbidden to visitors but won't get you many friends (i.e. ground attacking and health running). If you are thinking of joining, please note that our expectations are for you to uphold our values.

Above all, we want you to have fun. And that's why those rules are there - to make the server fun for everyone :)

I hope that answers your questions! Let me know either in this thread or via PM if you have more :)

Re: Clarifications and...suggestions?

PostPosted:Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:48 am
by Syzyx
(i.e. ground attacking and health running)
So yeah, It's not something that we punish non KR members for, but WE ALL TAKE NOTE and converse about it in members only area. Between all of us, little escapes our attention.

To those visitors, who are not looking to get in a JA clan, it means one thing, and to those who are looking to find community here in -[KR]-, it means something entirely different!

-[KR]- is amazing!
SO... as a result,,,
We have to check you out thoroughly, It's inevitable.

Good behavior is rewarded, bad behavior is not... It should be fairly straightforward.