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I needed a place to post this for some friends,

PostPosted:Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:44 am
by Syzyx
//Autoreplier.cfg by SLIDER//
//abridged & edited by Syzyx//
//7:12 PM 11/18/2009//
//11:15 AM 2/12/2010//
//9:40 PM 9/5/2017//
DUEL_START "^6Hello? %s!??? ^6Wishing ^3ME ^6good luck will definitely not help ^1YOU ^6win this duel."
DUEL_START "^6So, %s,^6! Do you STILL think the best will always win?"
DUEL_START "^6I got news for you %s^6, The best ^3DO NOT ^6always win!"
DUEL_START "%s^6, What does luck have to do with being the best if they always win?"
DUEL_START "%s^6, What does being the best have to do with luck if your opponent wishes it on you?"
DUEL_END_WIN "^6Well played %s^6! Would you like another chance?"
DUEL_END_WIN "^6I'm sorry that the FORCE was not with you, %s^6!"
DUEL_END_WIN "^6Nice try %s^6! ^2Would you like another go?"
DUEL_END_WIN "^6I'm sorry it had to end this way %s^6, Perhaps I should let you win next time?"
DUEL_END_WIN "^6Continue your training %s^6, We will duel again.
DUEL_END_LOST "^6Well played %s^6! May I have another chance?"
DUEL_END_LOST "^6Ouch %s^6,Man that hurt!"
DUEL_END_LOST "^6Thanks %s^6, May I have another? :-P"
DUEL_END_LOST "^6I will continue my training %s^6, We will duel again."
DUEL_END_LOST "^6When I return to conquer your planet %s^6, You will be among the spared."
ON_SELF_ENTER "^6Greetings! Have you heard of the Syzyx 12? a series of training duels?"
ON_PLAYER_JOIN "^6Greetings %s^6, Have you heard of the Syzyx 12? a series of training duels?"

Re: I needed a place to post this for some friends,

PostPosted:Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:46 am
by Syzyx
Several new players who just installed JAplus were asking about what an edited autoreplier.cfg looks like.
This is one from 2009 that i updated...

Re: I needed a place to post this for some friends,

PostPosted:Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:57 pm
by cf.Steak
thanks! This is rad.

Re: I needed a place to post this for some friends,

PostPosted:Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:32 am
by Syzyx
I just wanted to give new players with JA+ some ideas...
So they could see the awesome potential for what you can say! I have changed it up quite a bit, as I played over the years, and my AUTOREPLIER.CFG file is not as you see it posted here, but there are some similarities.