Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #157420  by something unique
hey, i was just sort of wondering about/looking into why i may have been banned?

i tried joining the server last night (probably around 2h00am EST if i had to guess?) and was immediately kicked. i tried rejoining, thinking "maybe it was an accident, maybe i missed something?" and it then said i was banned.

also having that lifted would be nice? i've poked about your forums (both before and after being banned) and as far as i understand your server rules, i don't know why i would have been banned. thanks for cleaning things up!
 #157437  by jawfin
That ban was lifted about 2 days ago. What happened is you changed your connection (and game) settings so significantly (I mean, your rate, really?? lol) that they happened to coincide with someone else who is banned so the firewall picked you up. On realising it's mistake I lifted the ban and adjusted that rule accordingly.

I am very sorry about all of that, it can happen occasionally. Sadly this is what it takes to keep the undesirables away!

And may I add: -
