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May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:16 am
by Shink
Hi Everyone,

Shinky here. It's been a long road with KR and I appreciate everything. Many of you I consider family. However, KR has not been the same for me lately, especially given recent intra-clan conflicts and my tightened time-schedule. I will be immensely busy for a looong time and do not foresee having enough time to both defend our rules to others (ruining that experience for me) AND having fun- for me, it's one or the other right now.

This post was almost an absence post, however, I respect what the KR clan tags mean, and do not agree with wearing them right now. In the future, and if allowed to, perhaps. For right now, I don't feel like I represent what KR means, and thus, need to make the decision to remove myself.

I will be continuing to play at the same frequency I do now, and if given the chance, I would even try to attend weekly TFFA lol. With this being said, I will appreciate any kind replies but: I'm not going anywhere. I am not changing who I am and/or hopefully revealing new feelings to anyone. This is not sad. If you want to see me, log on the server on Fridays: I'm usually there for like 4-5 hours. I will always be thankful to every member for their friendship and that will continue. As well, I believe it's very important to note: Thank you to all the admins that have dealt with very difficult situations, and to Jaw and Fal for running this server and the KR clan. All of your work does not go unnoticed.

P.S. The JKA RPG will be returning this summer, revamped for pure awesomeness.

With much love,


Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:24 am
by R4gnar
w0t!?... I may not be KR anymore, but I think that's sad for them to lose a great one like you, Shink. I'm happy to read you'll still play on KR server! Still, I'm sad to read that the intern conflicts is taking another member away.

Let's keep in touch bro, you know how I like and respect you.

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:35 am
by Frog
Have a good one, shink. Best of luck with your life schedule and thanks for being with us :)

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:46 am
by Mike
Glad you'll still be around Shink! I'm sure you've made the right decision :)

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:47 am
by Mnsomc
I don't even know what to say. See you around, Shink.

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:43 am
by MasterM
Wow. I'm sorry to see you go shink, and I'm disappointed the internal conflict played a role in your decision. If you feel that this is the road to go down, then I support your decision, but if you ever change your mind, we'll be here. See you around

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 6:35 am
by Yama
Best of lucks Shinks. Every now and then clan members disagree. Some hide behind the rules to excuse their behaviour, others are just outrageously over the top and others feel their actions are warranted due to some imagined head admin crap or determined to flex what little inadequate perceived power they think they have, New boundaries are written new relationships form. I am extremely sorry that you are a victim of all this. I believe you offered a fair and impartial voice. When you spoke I certainly listened. I think KR needs that. People that are WORTHY of respect and my friend you certainly have that in spades. I would say that by keeping your voice and maturity things could only get better. I believe your voice was universally respected. I would say KR cannot afford to lose people such as you.Are you absolutely sure this shouldn't be moved into absences? If not all the best friend. I hope we see you soon.

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:44 pm
by Uscari
Shink wrote:This post was almost an absence post, however, I respect what the KR clan tags mean, and do not agree with wearing them right now. In the future, and if allowed to, perhaps. For right now, I don't feel like I represent what KR means, and thus, need to make the decision to remove myself.
This excerpt is key in my opinion. Shink is not leaving us as a group of friends, or disowning us individually. Instead, he is disassociating himself with KR as an institution. The definition of KR tags, what they represent, has changed in a direction that is compelling him to leave. I think we all should take some time to think about that. When someone as intelligent, kind, and respectful as Shink feels this way, it should force us to review how we have acted collectivley, and perhaps think of a change.

I agree with Yama that you were a valuable voice in our intra-clan struggles, and have been instrumental in keeping a civil discourse alive and well on these forums. I too wish you wouldn't leave, but given your commentary on what KR represents, I regretfully understand your position all too well.

All the best man, truly I will miss you.

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:16 pm
by Rick
Take care brother

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Mon May 01, 2017 12:59 am
by Jack Skywalker
Another leave?! :( Cya, keep bluezerking on server tho

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Mon May 01, 2017 5:05 am
by Samurai X
Noooooooo dude! Don't go!
I'm really sad to read that... Another bro down...

I know you will be around, and you better be, so let's enjoy it, peace and love all the way!!!

Much respect, such friend... WOW

Re: May The Force Be With You.

PostPosted:Tue May 02, 2017 1:36 am
by MaxiPadawan
Dunno what to say other than I'm glad you'll still be around and I hope to see you back in KR tags sooner rather than later.