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Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:31 pm
by Par4site
Server logs would dictate and confirm what I am about to say; but I will also put it in plain text. On February 6th, 2017 at approx. 1:00 pm CST I log into the server, and begin my dueling. Ghost of JK3 Past, who had been laming me and the person I was trying to duel / give tips to, is also in the server. I report him, as I have been for about 3 weeks now, and go about my way, hoping for a punishment. But to my surprise, nothing happens.

Map changes, still I report, and nothing continues to happen. I tell the admins that I will begin taking matters into my own hands since they are not doing anything to stop the problem, and a storm of insults and ban threats begin to come my way. This is, as I am aware, a bad move on my part; however, the admins listen above for my complaint did not look into the problem, nor did they answer my requests for if they are watching or not. In the server logs, Kaliko Kitty also witnessed the lame kill on me but acknowledging it in server chat, and still nothing is done.

Ghost has been a problem for people on KR server, especially for me, because of the way he weasels in and out of situations. The way he chats after a problem happens on the server is so indicative of foul play, and yet, no one catches on to anything, and its as if the current admins are either not able to pick up on it, or do not care.

After the 5th or 6th report of laming, I find that R4gnar is attacking back at me, claiming every time I enter the server, I intend to start drama. I do not know where this came from, nor do i acknowledge it as being fair to me. I play on KR to either give advice to people who need it most, or to duel anyone and everyone whom I think would be a fun match, not to start drama. R4gnar begins what I believe to be flaming after he mentions that he must watch me to make sure that no one lames the "prince".

All in all, this has been a bad experience for me on KR, the only place that I frequent. The admins have been good at doing their jobs in the past, but I feel that they are beginning to either not care, or become not fit for the job.

Again, server logs can also help bring light on the situation should my story have inconsistencies. Thank you for your time.

Re: Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Mon Feb 06, 2017 8:49 pm
by jawfin
The server logs generate over 100,000 lines of unformatted text a day. Please understand no one has the time to wade through that. For this to work for us and you, you do need to provide screenshots and/or relevant conlogs proving admin abuse so we have something to follow up on. This is not personal; I have spent many, many hours following up these kinds of undocumented complaints and I currently do not have the time for that approach.

Re: Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:30 pm
by R4gnar
Jawfin: I'll save you some time, I hope..

I was in fact there when it happened. parasite said he reported someone BEFORE the map change... I couldn't say, in fact, I didn't see it and I'm not the only one, as you all know, being online doesnt necessarely mean we're in front of our PC all the time...

When the map changed, the reports that I saw was parasite threatening admins that he would take care of the lamer himself if we didn't act. Fact is: we can't punish something we don't see. I told paraside that we're not always on front of our PC. I then went ghost and watched around parasite for a time, nothing happened. Later on, parasite reported again for laming. Thing is: Parasite flipkicked the supposed lamer who then went directly to defend himself... Kicking someone makes you armed, I can't punish someone for that. Parasite continued to whine and complain non-stop.
Par4site wrote: After the 5th or 6th report of laming, I find that R4gnar is attacking back at me, claiming every time I enter the server, I intend to start drama. I do not know where this came from, nor do i acknowledge it as being fair to me. I play on KR to either give advice to people who need it most, or to duel anyone and everyone whom I think would be a fun match, not to start drama. R4gnar begins what I believe to be flaming after he mentions that he must watch me to make sure that no one lames the "prince".
I wouldn't consider I was ATTACKING anybody, I claimed that everytime he's online he tries to start drama, that's true. I said it because that's what I see and I wanted him to chill out a little bit, because this ambiance is kinda toxic. And finally, for the "flaming" part, it wasn't my intention, I didn't intend to flame anybody. What I called him was more something like "lord" than "prince".. What I said is to watch him so he doesn't get lamed again. Maybe I went too far with this expression, and I apologize about that, but I was just sick and tired of all the drama parasite brought with him once again.

That being said, I won't answer to this post again since I think it's useless, I just wanted to enlighten the situation. I will of course continue to read what is said here, but I don't have any intention of replying again except if council asks me to.

I wish you all a nice day and I hope that helps.

Re: Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:45 am
by Clank
I was present for a short period while this happend, so I am to blame too, I was catching up with Toast about some stuff that was going on lately and during the convo I saw Parasite writting in amsay about Ghost. Now again I will say that I am to blame here too for not taking any action, so take this, please, as an apolagy, I will be sure to take care of the matter personally if it happens again while I am online.

On one hand I can understand Parasite for getting pushed over the edge, since everyone has a limit to their patiance but on the other hand I think it could've been reacted differently.

Again, I am sorry that I did not take any actions then, but I will in the future.

And last thing I wanted to say, if amsay doesnt seem to be giving any results, try messaging an admin directly in a pm, that is certianly more effective to catch attention.

Re: Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Tue Feb 07, 2017 4:10 am
by Par4site
Thank you for understanding exactly what I mean Clank, and I also understand admin'ing doesn't take the highest priority, as it is dull and usually people don't cause problems. Also thank you R4gnar for apologizing.

In your story about flip kicking after I reported a lame, did it happen to come from Ghost, yet again? As I said before, he will spin any situation about to turn blame from himself. I never flip kicked anyone after the map change. Perhaps if you witnessed something, it was me flip kicking a wall as I usually do when practicing strafe, because jump 2 on JAPlus causes a wall kick.

Also R4gnar, while I do appreciate the input on the forums, I do not appreciate the once again attack on my character. It is, and never has been, my intention to bring drama into the game. If you are holding a grudge against who I was about 7 years ago, then I can't say much to change that. But every time I have been in KR server for the past 6 or so months, the only time I intentionally started problems was when loxx entered the server. I don't know what you have against me, but if I was such a big threat, I would have been banned already.

Re: Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Tue Feb 07, 2017 6:11 am
by deathscyth
so i dont see how anyone abused their admin yes i didnt use my admin due to the fact i had nothing to go off of i did not see ghost lame and nor did i see the report so there was indeed no way i could act anyways and no to be just to say it when i was on no one was abusing so im confused to how this goes with admin abuse but on anther note if i did notice anyone laming as you witnessed with that padawan i slapped for laming i do care i cant act on things i do not see but either way i do appoligize seeing how i did not see the report or lame

Re: Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:02 pm
by HolyWarrior
wow clank is around.. haven't seen the guy for ages! How are you doing Clank?!

Re: Admin complaint - , Deathscythe, R4gnar, Toast

PostPosted:Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:52 pm
by jawfin
I would think this admin complaint has run it's course. I can open it up again for you Parasite if you feel otherwise. But for now I am closing this.