Got a problem with our admins? Please feel free to express here!
 #152401  by Sanction
found someone for you to add to your ban list. after constant flaming, laming, etc. he decided to recon and rename. I figured you guys would probably like to see this one.

 #152411  by jawfin
lol Tiddles, you took that screenshot 1 second before he got banned :)
"hi" was the last thing he said on server.

It was the same guy as here ... 29&t=13298
and here ... 29&t=13297
 #152444  by The Fallen One
There was a guy with that same child porn name on just 5 minutes ago, got kicked though And now hes back again.. How do they keep coming back lol :shock:
 #152447  by Sanction
its funny the stuff that happens when there are no admins on. I don't mind trolling but sometimes people go a bit far.
 #152448  by jawfin
Dynamic IP - no skill of his own, it's just a cut-price ISP. That's why they invented range bans!