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Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:17 pm
by John
It has now been tested and proven that the Knight is better then the Samurai!

SamuraiX has passed his Knights trial!

Trialer: John
Assistant: Rogue

1v1 results: 5/10
1. Won (John)
2. Lost (Rogue)
3. Won
4. Won
5. Lost
6. Won
7. Lost
8. Lost
9. Won
10. Lost

2v1 results: 3/5
1. Won
2. Lost
3. Won
4. Lost
5. Won

Status: Passed

Congratulation SamuraiX our new Knight and Glenhal our new Guardian.

Trial vid:

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:20 pm
by Thunderbird
Nice one! Good job

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:21 pm
by Yato
Congratz guys and may be the force be with you!! :)

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:46 pm
by Mnsomc
Nice work Samx!

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:02 pm
by Samurai X
Thank you John and Rogue for the time.
Special thanks to my master, Glenhal, now a Guardian!
Thanks to R4gnar too, that convinced me to do the trial today I was scared of John and was the intial assistant but he end up fired :mrgreen:

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 6:15 pm
by Rick
Congratulations Samurai =)

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:02 pm
by Uscari
Congrats X!

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:53 pm
by R4gnar
Congrats Sammy X! I told you you'd nail it :)

Re: Knight vs. 10 Samurai

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:47 pm
by Yama
Congrats sam X top job mate!