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Having a insane amount of lag lately. Server moved?

PostPosted:Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:43 am
by Frog
Hi everyone. I've been struggling to play JKA as of late because the lag has been, well, an abomination. And it seems to only be JKA, because I've been playing other games and they've been just fine. Excellent, even. Anytime now, when I play JKA, the lag is atrocious. Originally my hot-pockets of info was down to like 50 ( even 0, courtesy of Jawfin! )

Oftentimes it'll get worse when I play in duels. Has the server been moved, or some altercations been made to the condition of it? I need to know what to fix. I also want to play more frequently but lag has been tons more annoying.

for example:
This is good connection, for me. Usually I'll get as outrageously high as 400 to the legendary 999 ( ofc it's just a spike but it occurs numerous times. )
I'd appreciate any information anybody could give.

Re: Having a insane amount of lag lately. Server moved?

PostPosted:Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:50 am
by Falcon
~Moved to Server News~

Re: Having a insane amount of lag lately. Server moved?

PostPosted:Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:20 am
by jawfin
No changes.

When your connection is good you can run a trace-route to it and see the hops. From a command shell (cmd.exe) you can do: -
And store the info.

Then on a bad day do the same and compare the hops, and see which is different. From there you can see where the bottlenecks are.

Re: Having a insane amount of lag lately. Server moved?

PostPosted:Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:50 pm
by Shink
Has there been any change in your usage? Visiting any ram-demanding websites lately? Upgrade to Windows 10? Is the weather in your area in a state of flux right now? Has your ISP been purchased by another ISP/services plan recently change? Are you/or someone else in your household sucking up bandwidth, either overall or especially while you're playing? Are you using wifi to power online services/gameplay on other devices?

I'm sure you've done all the usual things to try to fix this already, but these are other reasons I think may be influential.


Re: Having a insane amount of lag lately. Server moved?

PostPosted:Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:34 pm
by Jack Skywalker
Did you lose cfg or something? When I lost mine I forgot setting "snaps" and "rate" again and had some terrible lag until I realized that.

Re: Having a insane amount of lag lately. Server moved?

PostPosted:Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:52 pm
by Yato
Jack Skywalker wrote:Did you lose cfg or something? When I lost mine I forgot setting "snaps" and "rate" again and had some terrible lag until I realized that.
/snaps 40
/cl_maxpackets 100
/rate 25000 ( I use 50,000)