Hi there! my repent
PostPosted:Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:25 am
Hi there, I present myself, im flippy, i'm new to the server and I come from JW Jenova Warriors, a lugormod server, when JW died I just went off in jka for like two months, and now i'm back, I started playing JKA in 2006
I didn't notice the server had already problems with persons bypassing the filter, because i'm new to this server, and I used to always use bad words in JW, and just said bad words alot of times against my will because of being angry, I had problems with abusive admins there in JW and I got used to it, but now that I know that emperor had some problems of this kind before, I know he's not bad, I treated Emperor in a bad way
... being so agressive and bad with him, I didn't insult him but well... is not a way to treat an admin and i'm sorry
if the council decides to ban me I just ask that I remain banned not permanently, because this is almost the only server with people left where I have a nice ping and I don't want to die to JKA in this way

I didn't notice the server had already problems with persons bypassing the filter, because i'm new to this server, and I used to always use bad words in JW, and just said bad words alot of times against my will because of being angry, I had problems with abusive admins there in JW and I got used to it, but now that I know that emperor had some problems of this kind before, I know he's not bad, I treated Emperor in a bad way
