alright *cracks fingers*
1. create a new folder named "textures", anywhere you want
2. open the "textures" folder
3. create another new folder inside "textures", name it "sam_map"
4. put all of the textures you want to use in GTK Radiant into this new folder you just made called "sam_map"
5. close the window and go back to where you made the "textures" folder
6. right click, select New, then select Compressed (zipped) Folder, name it "sam_map" or whatever you want
7. find your "textures" folder you made earlier, click and drag it onto the zip file you just made in step 6
8. once it's done compressing, right click on the zip file you made in step 6 and click "rename"
9. hopefully you have file extensions visible! remove the ".zip" part at the end of the zip and put a ".pk3"
10. once you've renamed the zip to be a .pk3, move it to your gamedata\base folder
11. open GTK radiant, click "textures" on the menu bar, find and select "sam_map"
Is that better?