RaVeN's Sig Gallery
PostPosted:Wed May 09, 2007 9:34 pm
So I wanted to make my own gallery
It's not a bump, just wanted my name on it
Anywho new ones at the top, old ones at the bottom:
RaVeN's Sigs:
A Sig for the newest member of the Flock:

Sig for Falcon's return:

Another slow day at work:

Messing around on a pic, made for Phoenix:

A Sig for Pulse in JB:

Just for fun, I was trying out an effect I saw online. I Made it at work when I was bored. If Ice wants it he can use it:

Falcon's Siggy:

Just for fun:

Sig for Sid:

One for my hero. Nothing special:

A Sig I made for my friend Jessica just for fun:

Just a bottom sig for my main one:

The promised Sig i made for RoNin:

One of my old sigs. Again with the dual animation!

Sig for Trace Madune...I felt like I needed therapy after cutting out those pics ^^

Stump wanted to see my sig making skillz! I went with a more early 90's computer graphic feel...anyone seen the movie Hackers?:

My old sig, I was trying for that witch doctor atmosphere. Dual Animation!

My newest creation for Wanderer. My goal was to convey the feeling of abandonment with also a futuristic feel.

Final siggy for Mutt! I branched out and tried to use a lot of different colors.

Here is Rage's ordered Siggy

Tiger's siggy

Grimm's ordered siggy

Here is a Sig for K'mpok

Here's Darfin's siggy

Heres my sig after i found out how to animate.

Playstations Sig

StarComanads Sig

SilverClouds Sig

My first attempt at making a real looking sig

My first sig after finding out what a brush is and does!

The first sig i ever made. And yes i even used photoshop to make it lol


Anywho new ones at the top, old ones at the bottom:
RaVeN's Sigs:
A Sig for the newest member of the Flock:

Sig for Falcon's return:

Another slow day at work:

Messing around on a pic, made for Phoenix:

A Sig for Pulse in JB:

Just for fun, I was trying out an effect I saw online. I Made it at work when I was bored. If Ice wants it he can use it:

Falcon's Siggy:

Just for fun:

Sig for Sid:

One for my hero. Nothing special:

A Sig I made for my friend Jessica just for fun:

Just a bottom sig for my main one:

The promised Sig i made for RoNin:

One of my old sigs. Again with the dual animation!

Sig for Trace Madune...I felt like I needed therapy after cutting out those pics ^^

Stump wanted to see my sig making skillz! I went with a more early 90's computer graphic feel...anyone seen the movie Hackers?:

My old sig, I was trying for that witch doctor atmosphere. Dual Animation!

My newest creation for Wanderer. My goal was to convey the feeling of abandonment with also a futuristic feel.

Final siggy for Mutt! I branched out and tried to use a lot of different colors.

Here is Rage's ordered Siggy

Tiger's siggy

Grimm's ordered siggy

Here is a Sig for K'mpok

Here's Darfin's siggy

Heres my sig after i found out how to animate.

Playstations Sig

StarComanads Sig

SilverClouds Sig

My first attempt at making a real looking sig

My first sig after finding out what a brush is and does!

The first sig i ever made. And yes i even used photoshop to make it lol


