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Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:18 am
by Frog
It was sunny morning as I went to confront Manda because of his views on the Jedi.
However, I was forced to cross blades with him as the conversation heated up. He defeated me and sliced my hip. I was subdued.
He convinced me the ways of the Jedi are EVIL and the best way to serve was to get a red lightsaber and kill people and do not-evil things!
Turns out, he had a spare Sith suit just for me, and I pledged allegiance to him O_o
I had a new agenda
To wipe out all those who thought Battlefront 3 was a awful game!
Manda gave me a Shuttle and everything. The Dark Side is rly cool.
Now, I search the galaxy for anyone else who made the foolish judgement that the game was a failure O-o

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:39 am
by Mandalorian
Heh, pretty cool pics. Although the jedi aren't evil, they are ignorant, and don't follow their own ideals. They are a mockery of all of what they stand for. The sith are no better, they claim they use the force to their advantage, while unknowingly being a servant for the force themselves.

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:02 am
by Jawa
Battlefront 3 was a bad game.

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:55 am
by Squidlord
Lol I think you will need to hunt down all of kr froggy

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:38 pm
by Jack Skywalker
Gray Jedi ftw!

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 1:56 pm
by Zaluk
Mandalorian wrote:Heh, pretty cool pics. Although the jedi aren't evil, they are ignorant, and don't follow their own ideals. They are a mockery of all of what they stand for. The sith are no better, they claim they use the force to their advantage, while unknowingly being a servant for the force themselves.

The Jedi ways are so misunderstood these days >.<

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:38 pm
by Mandalorian
It is not even these days. The mere saying "may the force be with you" is a contradiction to their ideals. A jedi shouldn't have attachments, and should bring peace through the force where the sith bring destruction. Saying may the force be with you shows concern for another, and shows attachment to that individual. A jedi should not take sides, but follow the will of the force and restore or maintain peace in the name of the force. Most jedi in star wars history fail to see that the force is the will of the universe, it is the past, present, and future. It is the universe. No matter what you attempt to do, the force shall find a way to get what it wants.

Take the Mandalorian Wars for example. You'd think that Revan's disobedience to the jedi council was pretty straight forward, that he wanted to help the Republic and stand for what he thought was right...

But what if it was the will of the force that made Revan go? The jedi council said they refused to aid the Republic, saying they sensed a greater threat out in the universe, and decided to wait and prepare for this threat. Was this threat the sith empire from beyond the known charted worlds? Or was the threat the bankruptcy of the Republic? Should the Mandalorians have won, trade and alliances would have flourished. The core worlds and the outer rim would have better relations, and the galaxy would have been in a golden age. With the Republic victory, the Republic worlds were bled dry to pay for the Jedi Civil war that followed the Mandalorian the jedi council predicted. The Force saw through this corruption within the jedi council, seeing they did not peruse this threat but waited for it to appear, this is why the force sent Revan down his path, to eventually have Meetra Surik join the wars and have her be one of the last remaining jedi. Ask yourself, does Darth Traya look like someone who wants to rule the galaxy? No. Then why was she hunting down the jedi, despite her hatred for both the jedi and the sith? It is because she understands the force. She knew whether subconsciously or consciously, that the jedi needed to renew itself. How did it renew itself? With Meetra Surik. Meetra would eventually run into Mical, and train him in the ways of the force. Mical after the war with the sith lords goes and rebuilds the jedi order, but this time more head strong and serving the Republic. The Force didn't get exactly what it wanted, but the results are similar. It got a new jedi council simply by pushing Revan's thoughts in the right direction.

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:42 pm
by Zaluk
Eh, don't really want to derail Frog's thread, though I'd be awesome to discuss this with you somewhere else, Manda :)

Re: Bad news: Manda turned me to the Dark Side :\

PostPosted:Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:17 am
by Akimoto
*gasp* Traitor!