Who's gone up and who's gone down?
 #140303  by Falcon
Yup Frog has dazzled us with an awesome display of Single saber technique and has passed his Knights! :)

Status: Passed

Knight Trial for Frog

Trialer : Falcon
Assistant : Zaluk

1 vs 1:

1. Won --(Falcon)
2. Won --(Zaluk)
3. Won --(Falcon)
4. Won --(Zaluk)
5. Won --(Falcon)
6. Lost --(Zaluk)
7. Lost --(Falcon)
8. Won --(Zaluk)
9. Lost --(Falcon)
10. Won --(Zaluk)

2 vs 1:

1. Won
2. Won
3. Won
4. Lost
5. Lost

Final result: Won 7 / 10 (1 vs 1) & Won 3 / 5 (2 vs 1)

Frog you're way better than you give yourself credit for. I hope this proves that to you. You've done an excellent job of climbing the ranks and now it's time to pass on what you've learned :)

Congratuatlions to Frog and also congrats to Jr who is our newest Guardian!
 #140304  by Frog
Thanks again Falcon and Zaluk for helping out, and major thanks to Jr, who had the upmost patience to explain this stuff and train me. Now, I can once again, make a trip to the laundry mat to clean my clothes. /bow
 #140312  by Jr.
Very nicely done, Frog. Falcon is absolutely right: you're much better than you think you are. I had no doubts that you'd do it. Great job! =)
 #140313  by MasterM
 #140355  by Uscari
Indeed, great job Frog, and congrats to you too Jr!
 #140450  by Rogue
Oh how comes I didn't congratulate and it's not to late for me to say Congratulations, Frog :)
 #140744  by Jawa
Awesome work and like the others have said you've improved greatly you trained him well Jr! congrats to both of you!
 #140772  by Veneratus
Hey! That's amazing! Congrats Frog!))
 #140775  by Mandalorian
Jawfin wrote:Our little tadpole has grown legs and left the pond. Just watch out for roads!

Good job, well done :)
I love this comment so much lol. A little biology reference here, a frogger reference there, and also congratulates. I love it. Its perfect, beautiful, give this guy a medal.

Congratz frog