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 #140180  by Cult
The following event transpired on Vjun3 inside the throne room yesterday. I just had to share it for the lulz.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World entered the game

U, King of Lava World entered the game

T, Guardian of Lava World entered the game

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I shall fight you for the throne, U!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: The Lava World doesn't deserve to be ruled with your visions of future!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: You took lessons from Shake. Let's see if you can put it to use U

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World has become engaged in a duel with U, King of Lava World!

U, King of Lava World was sabered by Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World
Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World has defeated U, King of Lava World! ==> 38 Health 0 Armor left for winner

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I'll begin a revolution here U.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World has become engaged in a duel with U, King of Lava World!

U, King of Lava World: u have no resources, exiled prince

U, King of Lava World: you are an outcast

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I will fight for -[KR]-

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World was sabered by U, King of Lava World
U, King of Lava World has defeated Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World! ==> 100 Health 14 Armor left for winner

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Agh!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I'm not letting it die here!

-[KR]-Cult: Race to 5 takes the throne of Lava World?!

U, King of Lava World has become engaged in a duel with Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World was sabered by U, King of Lava World
U, King of Lava World has defeated Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World! ==> 100 Health 28 Armor left for winner

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World has become engaged in a duel with U, King of Lava World!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World was sabered by U, King of Lava World
U, King of Lava World has defeated Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World! ==> 100 Health 8 Armor left for winner

-[KR]-Cult: Take my spirit energy, Kupo, Exlied!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: By the power of your strength.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I need this strength!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: You were always admired by the Lava World

U, King of Lava World has become engaged in a duel with Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World!

U, King of Lava World: That is why I was made King, and you a Prince.

U, King of Lava World: But with your exile, you are dirt.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I must know something..

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Are you.... my real father?

U, King of Lava World: These questions cannot be answered now.

U, King of Lava World: Now, come.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World was sabered by U, King of Lava World
U, King of Lava World has defeated Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World! ==> 1 Health 0 Armor left for winner

U, King of Lava World: LEL

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: YOU LEL IN MY FACE?!

U, King of Lava World: An exiled has no face.

U, King of Lava World has become engaged in a duel with Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World!

U, King of Lava World: Only death.

U, King of Lava World was sabered by Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World
Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World has defeated U, King of Lava World! ==> 62 Health 0 Armor left for winner

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: YOU LIE.

U, King of Lava World: 4-2

-[KR]-Cult: Good job, Kupo, keep it up!

U, King of Lava World has become engaged in a duel with Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World was sabered by U, King of Lava World
U, King of Lava World has defeated Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World! ==> 53 Health 0 Armor left for winner

U, King of Lava World: Careful with the columns, son.

U, King of Lava World: I MEAN

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: *Breathes heavily*

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: My vision is fading..

U, King of Lava World: Your pathetic submission is not enough.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I'll never submit to you....

U, King of Lava World: Your only chance at attaining the strength you desire.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: *Gets up, turning around*

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: *Limping

U, King of Lava World: KR has shackled you, ruined your strength.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: *Looks up*

U, King of Lava World: Return to Lava World, where you were meant to thrive.

U, King of Lava World: Renounce your allegiance to KR.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I never pledged allegience to -[KR]-

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I have the same goals as they do.

U, King of Lava World: What are these goals you speak of?

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I understand where you stand.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Peace, prosperity and balance.

U, King of Lava World: The peace KR preaches is a lie. They intend to spread peace by punishing players left and right.

U, King of Lava World: All they know is violence.

U, King of Lava World: Banning.

U, King of Lava World: Sleeping.

U, King of Lava World: Lava World offers freedom.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Imagine a world without these rules!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Imagine a forum that doesnt get traffic!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Imagine if Dizzy D was still here!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: There would be no order!

U, King of Lava World: These rules have turned countless new players away from the game.

U, King of Lava World: JKA will prosper once more under my vision.

U, King of Lava World: You know this to be true.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I played the rules just as you saw fit U.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I took out countless servers and communities.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I planted fake women in communities without them in an attempt to control them.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: It doesn't feel right U.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: You know it to be true!

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I can't simply kick people's sandcastle!

T, Guardian of Lava World: wth am i reading rn

U, King of Lava World: Then I propose this:

U, King of Lava World: Let me and T do the destruction.

U, King of Lava World: You will do the creating.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: *Steps back*

U, King of Lava World: Build a new world once we have demolished the old one.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I will create my own worlds, this is true. I'm spending hours mapping already.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: But I won't do it under your terms.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: You won this battle U.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I will take you and T on by myself if I have to.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: And not only will -[KR]- have my back

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I hope {JOF} speaks enough english to know that you're a bad man.

U, King of Lava World: Your mistake is in assuming KR would support you.

U, King of Lava World: KR has no loyalty, not even to its own members.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: That's where you're wrong.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: *Walks away*

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Frog came out of retirement to stay with -[KR]-

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: Loyalty is something that remains strong

U, King of Lava World: Because he was weak and unable to do what was necessary.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: You won this battle U

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: We will see each other again. The throne, is yours.


U, King of Lava World: And it will always be.

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World: I have no idea how to get out of here

Q, Exiled Prince of Lava World killed himself

 #140183  by Falcon
Cult wrote:

Made me lol hard
 #140191  by Frog
I came out of retirement? What?
 #140223  by Jawa
lol! so good love all the background comments you kept in
 #140288  by Hiicrop


I will never forget him. Or his sermons.