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Unban Request

PostPosted:Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:12 pm
by Kraven
Hello there. Some of you might remember me from the server around five months back.

I was banned for the following reasons:

1) Attacking unarmed players with melee
2) Laming
3) Trolling/Initating arguments from out of nowhere to rustle jimmies
4) Being bad character overall

I was banned in the beginning of the fall 2015 so It has been about four-five months now give or take. I was a nuasance for the longest time. I took a long break after that due to real life creeping in and being banned from the only server that matters in this game in my opinion. I've learned that crime doesnt pay and causing trouble just to cause it only loses respect and lowers me in the eyes of others. I hope you will consider giving me a chance. All I wantto do now is to build relationships with others online and to have that trusted bond.

I am not Kraven from UE. I just love the name.My other name was Darth Mage.

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:01 am
by jawfin
Ban lifted. I like that you simply stated the rules instead of making excuses or blaming others. Welcome back.

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:00 am
by RaVeN
I'm curious how you know KRaVeN from UE?

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Tue Feb 02, 2016 9:18 pm
by jawfin
Well, as Kraven seems to be unwilling to answer you I shall do so.

And I guarantee Rav hon, that he will most absolutely and completely lie to you (eg. "I am not Kraven from UE. I just love the name.My other name was Darth Mage."), and I'm not going to wait for that. Instead, I'll post a bit of chat from the game server.

Kraven, you were doing so well until you decided to lie to us, for no reason what-so-ever. I do believe all those names you've called other people really do apply to you.

These are comments made directly by Kraven himself - same IP as the poster of this thread (in case I need to state the bleeding obvious). I've also included chat which was directed at him: -

Kraven.: there are no rivalrying clans
Kraven.: KR is it
Kraven.: I had a clan once.... a lot of people didnt like us
-[KR]-Jr.: what was your clan, Kraven?
[Kraven. to -[KR]-Jr.]: United Exiles
Kraven.: United Exiles... you happy
Kraven.: Yeah
[-[KR]-Jr. to Kraven.]: never heard of it =)
Kraven.: Tiphani and the others stopped playing after 2011 and we died out.
Kraven.: Thanks, and whatever happened in the past, no hard feelings.
Kraven.: Yeah
Kraven.: Theres a reason why I stopped playing. I was on everyone's hit list apparently. But guess what, they deserved to get slapped/banned
Kraven.: Why? Because you got /amslapped into a wall grip choked and than banned? That was the routine. I made sure all the admins did it
Kraven.: most of the trouble makers were trolls
Kraven.: I might've been, but I kept my house clean and without any trouble makers. Can other clans say the same? KR is here and my clan isnt
Kraven.: isnt*
Kraven.: good job KR ^^
Kraven.: To be honest, Tiphani made most of the decisions, I was just along for the ride
Kraven.: Nova from EK was equally as bad as me, but he never got hate right?
Kraven.: lol
Kraven.: the funniest moment was when people threatened to ddoss the server, and it never happened lol
Son Goku: Kraven too good for me
[Kraven. to Madons Lightstorm]: how did you know it was me
Madons Lightstorm: and its always had name of UE Kraven
[Kraven. to Madons Lightstorm]: I'm a changed man..
Kraven.: I've lost contact with Midwest
Kraven.: sadly
Kraven.: Madons... I did that to nearly everyone who connected to the server
Kraven.: no hard feelings eh^^
Kraven.: I was young and hotheaded with leadership. Now its more laid back
Kraven.: if you had all that power, you would abuse it too
Kraven.: its human nature
Frog: Hey Kraven, no hard feelings. Changing name
Frog {I}: So I could talk to Kraven.
Kraven.: Does anyone know what happened to Midwest? I lost the contact info a while back
Kraven.: That's a shame. He was a loyal soldier.
Kraven.: good follower
Kraven.: definitely would of the best
Kraven.: one*
Kraven.: practice you?? sounds like a sex doll
Kraven.: lol
Kraven.: After everything I ever did to the members here, i doubt they would give me a chance
Kraven.: memories run deep
Kraven.: people dont forget
Kraven. RENAMED TO Kraven
Kraven: Yep
Kraven: Maybe youre right
Kraven: I do remember you btw
Kraven: you used to be called blackeyes
Kraven: red text name
Kraven: You got into it with Tiphani and me back then
Kraven: :p
Kraven: lol
-[KR]-Kenjiro: Kraven?
Madons Lightstorm: his name is Kraven
Kraven: blackmadon = black version of madon
Frog {I}: Kraven? will you still ignore me?
Kraven: No :)
Frog {I}: I must say you are quite the duelist, Kraven.
Kraven: <3 Frog. I overreacted earlier. My apologies
Kraven: I used to be a lot worse when I had a clan, but I've mellowed out over the years lol
Kraven: Thanks, youre pretty good yourself
Frog {I}: What's this I hear about Clans and such, Kraven?
Kraven: No connection to KR
Kraven: I was the leader of a clan once, but its been long dead
Kraven: Its not... that easy..
Kraven: Lol
Kraven: Go ahead Frog
Kraven: Frog, I'm going to assume you've never been to UE or heard of UE before
Kraven: ?
Kraven: What went wrong you ask?
Kraven: There were a number of reasons
Kraven: 1. We were hated throughout the JKA universe. It was a ban on sight type of server. Strict rules.
Kraven: 2. Players got old
Kraven: and moved on
Kraven: 3. There was internal conflict within the ranks
Kraven: Robin gets it. ROBIN understands. No offense Frog, I know you mean well, but it was a different time and era
Kraven: Clanwise, we had loyal clan members who would ban people on sight if I ordered them too.
Kraven: Frog, thank you for voicing your prep talk, and if this had been back in 2011, I would have actually been motivated enough to do it
Kraven: I used to feel that way Toast. Thats why I was always in my own server 24/7 lol
Kraven: 2 weeks now
Kraven: Yeah, I missed playing this game. I havent been here since the clan went under
Kraven: starting a new leaf xD
-[KR]-Kenjiro: come er Kraven , you and I have a history
Kraven: problem is, people still remember apparently, so its hate on sight on other servers lol
Kraven: omg ken
Kraven: lol
Kraven: :D
Kraven: What's up homie
Kraven: Well, I'm a lot older than before, so hopefully that counts for something
Kraven: haha
Kraven: in my 20s now
Kraven: Hey
Kraven: Lol battousai....
Kraven: oh you
Kraven: i remember
Kraven: Jesus Christ, theres so many familar people on here from at least 5 years+
Kraven: wow
Kraven: Okay, if I did ban you or abuse you into a wall, or for whatever reasons, my apologies
Kraven: I actually ran into Reptar yesterday Ken
Kraven: Sorry to hear about JP going btw. I actually learned to appreciate them later on, despite the superiority complex
Kraven: yes
Kraven: 5-0 vote Ken. Go
Kraven: xD
Kraven: This frog guy is funny. I like him. Is he new to the game or something?
Kraven: frog = dizzy?
Kraven: Jesus christ
Kraven: gf
Kraven: Don't give up playing blackeyes, theres still a lot to be done on here
Kraven: the desire to play never dies
Kraven: Bah
Kraven: lmao @ between lost and very lost
Kraven: smooth
[Kraven to -[KR]-Kenjiro]: its good to see a familar name brother
[-[KR]-Kenjiro to Kraven]: you too
[Kraven to -[KR]-Kenjiro]: How's life been for you. I thought for sure this game would be empty
[-[KR]-Kenjiro to Kraven]: out to former clan has a rather shakry past but we can move on fromthat
[Kraven to -[KR]-Kenjiro]: I know. Is KR looking for new members?
[-[KR]-Kenjiro to Kraven]: it and invite only clan so the best wat for an invite is to play here often and behaive yourself
[Kraven to -[KR]-Kenjiro]: Hey, when have I ever not behaved myself? :p
[-[KR]-Kenjiro to Kraven]: just giving you the forum quote judgement
[Kraven to -[KR]-Kenjiro]: I know, just buggin ya' People here love to bring up the past and how im such a devil and all that :/
[Kraven to -[KR]-Kenjiro]: I'll be playing on here from now on, so ya'll be seeing me more often xD
[-[KR]-Kenjiro to Kraven]: we can't escape our past, just work on making and difent futore
Kraven: gf
Kraven: Its not too bad
Kraven: works
[Kraven to -[KR]-Kenjiro]: tiphani doesnt play anymore btw
Kraven: gf
Kraven: lmao, i thought you couldnt swear on this server
Kraven: Raptors are beating the Lakers by 14 points
Kraven: Milk is harmful to humans, nevermind pets
Kraven: Really
Kraven: thanks
Kraven: I didnt realize oFc was still around
Kraven: go on you guys, you surpassed us
Kraven: good*
Kraven: Ain't that the truth. Keeping a clan alive is hard work. the dissapointment when it doesnt work out is.. well, sad
Kraven: you spend 6+ years with these people and it goes under
Kraven: of course
Kraven: I dont want to state the obvious
Kraven: but
Kraven: youre lagging
Kraven: gf
Kraven: prom? youre in high school?
Kraven: ah
Kraven: That sucks haha
Kraven: Dude, that is such a buzzkill
Kraven: haah
Kraven: ^
Kraven: We dont need women, we need KR
Kraven: xD
Frog {I}: Aaand I find Kraven's comment.
Kraven: sigh*
Kraven: KR women are ez
Kraven: jk
-[KR]-Kenjiro: Kraven....just no
Kraven: Hahaha
Kraven: ^
Kraven: Ken is an independent black woman and he dont need nobody
Kraven: 12:42 am
Kraven: a thot
Kraven: a thot is a hoe
Kraven: thirsty chick
Kraven: We got plenty of them in the states
Kraven: mostly money
Kraven: not sex
Kraven: ^
Kraven: Did Ken leave?
Kraven: Damn
Kraven: lemme guess... octopus = dizzy
Kraven: You have no idea how much of a lamer he was back then
Kraven: and he would type like this
Kraven: hi
Kraven: guys
Kraven: sup
Kraven: :/
Kraven: pretty much
Kraven: Some people made it apparently
Kraven: He's not a little kid. He was 30ish in 2010
Kraven: yeah
Kraven: vitius, this is nothing new. he's been like that since i first banned him in 2009
Kraven: As annoying as he is, it doesnt matter. Live and let live, right
Kraven: hahaah
Kraven: I had them first Vitius <3
Kraven: gf
Frog {I}: Kraven, tell me about yourself!
Kraven: What do you wanna know?
Kraven: Hmm, where to start...
Frog {I}: Better you take it to PM, Kraven.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Well, from 2007-2011, I was known as the most admin abusive and violent player in JKA
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: thats how so many people on here still know me
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: BUT
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I wasnt always like that. When I first started my clan, I wasnt a power hungry despot
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I wanted to make alliances with other clans like JB, JSU, FBS, etc, but it never worked out. Our styles were different
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: My second in command Tiphani and third in command Midwest, were my most trusted allies
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Gradually we built the clan up (United Exiles) in 2006, and from there recruited 30-40 players
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I had good relations with JSU before they went under. With Robert too.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Kenjiro also, back then he was in FBS for the longest time. He was very talkiave
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Around 2007, I had a distaste for people in general outside of my own server. I started applying my own methods on how to deal with 'nubs' and wander
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: nubs and wanderers*
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: My staff and I would ban people on sight for staring at us, talking in pm, or overall just questioning us
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Tiphani was a lot worse than me, and that is an understatement xD
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: blackxeyes aka madons and Dizzy were one of my many victims. /amslap, grip choke them to the wall for 5 minutes, and than ban.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I had to show people i wasnt messing about, and if alliances werent made, UE was going their own way
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Surprisingly nobody in our clan had problems with these methods. I had 40+ players loyal to me
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Under fear?
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: the majority of jka players avoided us out of fear
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: We were threatened with ddoss threats, computer crash threats, bomb threats. People wanted us gone bad
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: UE had a policy back then to ban any EK, KoR, JB, or JP member on sight. They were enemies of the state
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Sorry if this is long, but a lot happened during those 4 years
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Anyways, at the time, I'll admit, and youre probably thinking the same thing too
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I was power hungry, abusing my position as leader
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: And I was. I did not like being rejected or turned down by other clans, and I figured I can do what I wisg
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Overall, we had skilled players in the clan like Midwest, Archdemon, and a few others who were top esl finalists
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: the other clans and community never wanted to admit it though. We werent JPraxuem or Wov, but we could hold our own in tffas or tournys
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: tournys
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Anyway, around the middle of 2010 to the end of 2011, that was the beginning of the end for UE
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: First, the senior members of UE stopped showing up after a while when the new council was promoted
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: and then they stopped showing up as well.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Than our traffic of 20ish players a day got smaller and smaller as the months of 2010 went by
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: and since the community feared us and didnt really like us from the beginning, it got easier for them not to come
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: and lastly, internal conflict finally happened in 2011. We had a mini civil war between the new council and whatever was left of the old guard
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: the old guard
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: We tried our hardest to promote the server and try to get traffic
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: But it didnt work out. We tried so hard. It was dissapointing.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: So around June of 2011, we closed down the server, and the website. And everyone went their seperate ways
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Tiphani is in another clan in Counter Strike now. God bless her soul. Loyal to the end
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: and Midwest is still playing jka from time to time, but under a new alias and in base only
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: We were all blood thirsty and power abusing, dont get me wrong, but we had big hearts too. We wanted progression for the clan
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: So after the clan died, I left JKA for a good 4.5 years, and I just recently came back 2 weeks ago
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: And now I'm here. :)
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Thoughts?
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Yes.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: The question is, do you want me to share it?
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: What do you mean??
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Do you want me to tell you what I think?
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Oh, sure
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I think UE was definetly a Clan to be feared.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: But I think you guys had well intentions, but the unorthudox approach was bound to build up pressure and burst.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Leading up to the events of the New Council and Old Guard.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I can't say I vouch for ruthlessness, but I can vouch for what you had intended.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I can and do appreciate that fact that you had family. And, that you possibly will find one here too.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: No hard feelings what so ever.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I think you are a good person.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: And that about sums it up.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Truth be told, I can't actually BE hurt/offended by any of this.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I can relate though.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: So, if you're willing, KR and her people would be glad to welcome you to the server with open arms.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Me included.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Hah thank you. I appreciate the comments. I think I was the most misunderstood clan leader at the time in that era
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: And KR would be a wonderful clan to join, despite what happened before.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: But, actually that wasn't my question. I do not require submission or anything out of you concerning the Clan events.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I wanted to know about YOU.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I figured, just didnt know where to start
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: There is no rush.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Well, I'm in my mid 20s, finished College not too long ago, and now I'm working from home internet marketing and saving up money
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I live in the east coast. Boston. I used to live in the west before I moved here
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I've had an interesting 4 years since I quit the game. Lots of life experience and I'm not nearly as dumb as I was when I was younger
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: younger*
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I'm currently writting a fanfic about elder scrolls as a hobby, and I play basketball/lift weights on the weekdays
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I love writing
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Funny story, my first day back in jka, I was banned from a server called ff. Apparently the people there remembered me and insta banned me lol
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: banned me* lol
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: 'Hey, are you Kraven from UE?' Me: Yeah. Him: Okay. *banned*
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: How about you Frog, what's your story?
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: In good time.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: You're a youngin right?
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I find your story to be fine and innocent.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: And I am apalled at your lack of self appreciation.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I appreciate myself, but I don't get rowdy about it. If you know you're good, than youre good ^^
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I think that people falsely think you are a bad person.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: KR will bring the best or the worst in you, I should warn.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: But that may be for the best.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: If people on here speak of me, they are speaking of someone that no longer exists, because that person is long gone
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: If you stay, you will be apart of family.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Yes, that is their mistake.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: But unfortunetly,
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: The image may not change unless you make a effort to stick with KR.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: But that is your choices, of course.
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Anyway, I instantly see good in front of me. Not a ruthless powerlord.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: I'm planning on sticking around for a while. I know a lot of KR members personally, so might as well
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Also,
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: If you need talking, then I am here to listen. :)
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: Its funny how times change lol. If you came on my server years ago, I probably wouldnt have been this friendly. xD
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: Maybe, but that's the past. It is your choice to determine how much makes it to the future.
[Kraven to Frog {I}]: time to make new memories
[Frog {I} to Kraven]: I will make an effort to be nice as possible. You should expect as much. :)
Kraven: We're STILL on this map?

Even despite KR's & UE rivalry, I let you stay on server for months even though you constantly trolled and broke our rules. Even you don't get to do that forever. And appreciate now my tolerance for you is at an all time low. Despite that, I still lifted your ban without qualm.

I do think this answers Raven's question.

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:26 pm
by RaVeN
Thank you Jaws :) you're KRaVeN. fine.

I get it, you say you've changed. I don't think so, let's call it matured instead.

Lightly, but directly...dude you were a jerk.

I tried to have at least two serious but earnest conversations with you in the past and I was...let's say 'disrespected' to put it nicely.

You say that there is a lot of hate due to your history, well that's because you put it there. Calling us 'haters' now or whatever is really just a refection of yourself.
I think you will agree that if you were to review the past then you'll find the hater source in this whole situation was you.
I don't think this surprises you, but let's point the finger in the right direction ya?

I think you're on board with this, but your reputation isn't something we (KR) need to 'fix'. This is all ALL on your plate.
Which brings me to my last point - this would be such an uphill climb I wonder if you really think it's worth the trek.

so....I mean jeez I'm so curious, why?

Is it just because KR is around and active?
or do you actually SEE something in KR that's worth joining?

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:58 pm
by Frog
XD I knew you were watching Jawfin! Yeah I made a effort to befriend Kraven, thought that maybe he would make good choices, but I guess not?

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Wed Feb 03, 2016 3:49 am
by jawfin
I wasn't watching, I just know how to save logs. And when he goes and lies for no reason (which I allowed to pass but I preempted him lying to Raven) I take the effort to call him out.

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:38 am
by MadonLightstorm
I read this as false, its kinda've missing few sentences of mine in there, I vote no to kraven =p, these events parceeded to last well after these logs ^^

Re: Unban Request

PostPosted:Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:50 pm
by jawfin
After all these years most people would have managed to grow up.

It seems you are locked in a state of perpetual decrepitment.

Don't bother asking for another ban lift any time soon.