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The Force Awakens Mod roster.

PostPosted:Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:49 pm
by Frog
Greetings X>

This is a compilation of all Force Awakens related mods that I currently have and love quite a bit for the work put into it. This is meant to give a complete experience of what JKA would be like if it had the Force Awakens in it :D - Han Solo ... ueen-leia/ - Leia Solo - Luke Skywalker - Kylo Ren's Lightsaber - Captain Phasma - First Order Stormtrooper - Kylo Ren unmasked ... ification/ - Stances mod

Okay, that mod last is not necessarily linked to the Force Awakens, but I think that the animations match the movie's personality perfectly :D

Well, just wanted to throw that out there--- I often times hear this '' Hurrup dee durrrp I can't see your skin becawse I durn have it :\ '' :P

Captain Phasma needed more screentime.

Re: The Force Awakens Mod roster.

PostPosted:Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:17 pm
by Cult
Is the Ren saber compatible w/ the server?

Re: The Force Awakens Mod roster.

PostPosted:Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:35 am
by Frog
It all is. Just don't expect Jawfin and Falcon do be like '' Oh suurrrrreee we'll download it to the server alot with all those other inconspicuous compressed files X> ''
I put this up so everyone could download it and see each other using it X>

Re: The Force Awakens Mod roster.

PostPosted:Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:14 am
by Key
We have to look at the lightsaber files before we can confirm it's compatible with the server ... the tags for the blade / hand placements must match the same ones as vanilla lightsabers, and the blade length / damages / styles must also be congruent to a vanilla lightsaber. The saber file is an easy check.

Re: The Force Awakens Mod roster.

PostPosted:Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:38 pm
by Difionex
Ew kylo ren unmasked. he was so ugly in the film, shoulda kept his helmet on