Who's at what rank?
 #137379  by taari
Squiddy is ready for jedi trial! >:>
 #137381  by Yama
Good luck buddy with that fearsome Lina training you'll do great.
 #137384  by Frog
 #137400  by Yato
Grandpaddy, best of luck in your jedi trial :)
 #137441  by SWAG
Good luck Squid! Not that you need it - I personally think you are a far more talented Jedi than lina having dueled you both extensively. No disrespect Lina, you are a great Jedi too :) Squid during your trial just remember all the things I used to do in duels - remember that timing is key and and damage is secondary. Do not run or dodge too much, and remember to do things that the opponent least expects. I expect good news. My little Calamari has grown up.
 #137446  by Squidlord
Haha thanks but Lina always puts me in my place :L beats me up on a daily basis
 #137459  by Jack Skywalker
May the Luck be with you!

A bit of logs from their training:
Command "/amcomeon" used by Lina
-[KR]-SquidLord was slapped by a -[KR]- admin!
 #137480  by jawfin
Could be worse - could have me as your master. For example, my first Padawan: -
http://www.knights-reborn.org/forum/vie ... 784#p38784
And since then I've learnt to be mean.

Do well with your trial :)