First Order Stormtrooper training pics.
PostPosted:Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:18 am
First off, before we begin, I would like to say that there is ALOT of Stop-motion sequences, to show off shooting and hand to hand combat training.
Okay, let's start:
As First Order, you are expected to be up at the end of the curfew and ready for duty. Your armor is to be in glint condition. Anything otherwise is worthy of punishment.

You are to be at least a expert marksmen-- Anything less will not be accepted as First Order material.

Your physical strength must exceed the regular Stormtrooper's elite training. Anything less will not be accepted as First Order material.

You must be able to disarm opponents armed with all manner of weapons--- Including Jedi.

Your training will include how to disable assailants quickly and efficiently.

And finally, you will raise the banner of terror. Do us proud, First Order.

Okay, let's start:
As First Order, you are expected to be up at the end of the curfew and ready for duty. Your armor is to be in glint condition. Anything otherwise is worthy of punishment.

You are to be at least a expert marksmen-- Anything less will not be accepted as First Order material.

Your physical strength must exceed the regular Stormtrooper's elite training. Anything less will not be accepted as First Order material.

You must be able to disarm opponents armed with all manner of weapons--- Including Jedi.

Your training will include how to disable assailants quickly and efficiently.

And finally, you will raise the banner of terror. Do us proud, First Order.