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Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:21 am
by sXe-dante

This topic was created with the aim of reporting player «Ghost of JK3 Past». This person was caught many times while breaking official and really basic rules; it is first of all anti-social behavior and only then laming, flaming and not respecting admins and players on the server. I wrote names of some KR members (administrators) who was in charge of maintaining the order on the server, but according my experience they failed their duty (even basic one - dealing with rule-breaking players reported by /amsay). I seek understanding and proper punishment by the Council for those I have mentioned (in case of admins: just to remingwhat is their job on server and in case of player: ban.). The evidence is a video attached below with recorded rule-breaking.

Ghost of JK3 Past
I warned you many times Ghost of JK3 Past. I told you that one day I will report you with a valid and strong evidence but it seems that you do not care about it and not going to respect rules on KR server and I conclude you are interested in getting banned and your struggle is real. Well. You get what you want.

You’re the first person I speak with about laming by Ghost of JK3 Past, I sent you demo videos I did after what you said you are sending them to the Council. However, after long period of time nothing changed and you’ve just said (30. Oct 2015) that you would not send them.
Skype screenshot (23. Oct 2015)

I told you many times regarding laming by the player Ghost of JK3 Past, but you always ignore it and didn’t take it seriously and came up with «rules». I hope you will watch carefully what’s going on on the server after this at least.

-[KR]-Evil Tree
You are «one more person» I was reporting about laming by Ghost of JK3 Past. In fact, you was
trying to make me think that the problem is inside of me. I wonder if you change your opinion after watching video attached above.

My dear Lina, I am so glad you got administration on KR :) I reported to you many rule-breaking players by /amsay and I hope you were given these powers not just for ghost or tele etc. You were chosen to have a capacity to bring about intended effects, make your job done then. I warned you many times Ghost of JK3 Past. I told you that one day I will report you with a valid and strong evidence but it seems that you do not care about it and not going to respect rules on KR server and I conclude you are interested in getting banned and your struggle is real. Well. You get what you want.

With respect, imba
(translated from Russian to Eng. by Akuma.)

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:55 am
by deathscyth
first of all if i remeber correctly i stated that we have to see the lame i never once saw ghost lame so there was nothing i could of done so with that being said next time think about that before telling us how to do our job please and also ive had issues with you such as arguing already over things that are clearly stated so all i can really say is if it were up to me i would say something about both of you but i wont

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:06 am
by sXe-dante
Everyone can say something Deathscyth =) But first to say , show some demos/screens :wink:

P.S. as you can see on video , no force lame :wink:
So look's like you don't wanna see something >.<

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:12 am
by EvilTree
I don't think I ever said he wasn't laming you, just that if he is obviously laming you staying away from him seems like it would be a good idea; Sorry for the misconception?

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:26 am
by jawfin
Works for me. Fortunately for you he has been banned in past (ironically) therefore all due process has been observed, so I now only need press a button. *presses button*

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:42 am
by sXe-dante
Thanks Jawfin , i hope this ban look's like 82.193. if you know what i mean :lol:

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:53 am
by jawfin
His IP is not in those octets - they are for Ukraine, with a bit of Germany and Russia thrown in for good measure. You can be sure I know the IP I banned.

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:00 am
by Veneratus
Ahahahahahha, the strugle was real, but lamer was already punished... Agree with jawfin, so ironic...

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:08 am
by John
I saw very little amsaying in your video so, not sure what your complaint about our admins are. We have to actually see a lame to punish it, same with bans, for obvious reasons I hope. So, posting you proof here is a good start to getting justice. Like deathscyth said is good, don't stand in the middle of an ffa and cry lame. Like you said, there was no "force lame" in your video, which I would assume is because you are a smart guy, and smart guys don't do stupid stuff like stand in the middle of ffa's, and they certainly don't post videos of themselves doing it.

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 5:24 am
by jawfin
Whilst I thought the exact same thought as John I still acted on the lame as he used the grapple to do it. If he did not, I would of let it pass. That and a repeat offender who never officially had his ban lifted (as I recall) I was only re-enforcing what was already in place. But note, all of John's points are valid.

Reference for Arbi's: - ... 83#p114283
(Note guys, banned for grapple rdfa :P)

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:37 pm
by Frog
Me and my friend, Vitius ( or Vallasura.Rz or Lord Vitius or Kylo Ren.rz ) have been victim to his constant flaming. I cannot vouch for him laming, but he is a devil in a man's body, I'm afraid.

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:59 pm
by sXe-dante
I assume you got it wrong,Jawfin. Regarding term ip 82.193(it was example on my ip) there was an idea of banning subnetwork(google translator) such as that player wouldn't ignore ban with Dynamic IP.

Re: Ban Request: Ghost of JK3 Past

PostPosted:Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:20 pm
by jawfin
I'm acquainted with dynamic IP. The only issue is when the ranges are shared by more than one person.