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Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:09 pm
by Sanction
first there was this that i had to send to jawfin after he was throwing threats of admin at Ret Larkin.
(note what the date is in the skype quotes please)
[7/24/2015 4:36:23 PM] Eis': could you please explain to HolyWarrior that flipkicking is considered arming yourself? he seems to want to chew out ret for killing him when he fk'd someone
[7/24/2015 7:56:03 PM] Jawfin: no doubt he'll get told soon enough
Then he loses a duel today to a skilled player who i actually enjoy dueling on your server named Mini where they only used blue. i couldn't scroll up enough in console to screenshot it but he claimed they were scripting and he had caught them cheating, etc. and about 10 minutes later he does this.
Do you think this requires action or am i wrong?
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:38 pm
by Difionex
I consider that an insult tbh also it's not a reason to get salty if you just lost a duel to a blue. It happened to me many times. I remember jawa and gol making a crabby patty out of me with blue and I was laughing like hell lol. Just because he's not a KR member it doesn't mean that you should treat him differently.
Just my "Freedom of Speech" here.
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:26 pm
by Sanction
last time i checked if it was my opinion that someone was terrible at the game and i were to say "Why do you even play? dueling you is a waste of time." it would be considered flaming even though as shown stated in the screenshots it would be my opinion and that "i'm entitled to my own opinion and stating it is protected by freedom of speech even if it breaks the rules. welcome to America." Lets be honest, if I were to respond like that after flaming i would be banned. I'm not saying that is what needs to happen, as it isn't my decision and I'm sure my past would be taken into account, but even in my base clan that behavior isn't tolerated.
**i felt like adding this in shortly after posting but decided against it until now**
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:49 pm
by Akimoto
It did not read as flaming, but as condescending. However I agree that it is not good behavior, but I hardly believe it is against any rules.
If anyone is suspected for "scripting"; spectate him/her and record it and post some proof. So far it only seems like speculation and accusations... and raging.

Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:53 pm
by Jack Skywalker
Come on, we are all cheaters! If one day someone call me cheater because of my skills I would like it if I'm not really cheating, it means I would be really skilled (what actually I'm not)
Now being more serious...
Yeah, I think we need to keep a friendly environment on the server, and it doesn't include only follow the rules. It goes far away from the rules. It goes to common sense. Alright, if you don't know how you lost a fight, there are other ways for you to show it (or not). You don't need to go calling everybody "cheaters", as some can feel offended with it. Or would you like to be called cheater and recieve a message like "I won't fight you"? About the "freedom of speech" thing, freedom doesn't mean profligacy. Or could I go to the server and flame because of "freedom of speech"?
Conclusion of all this: I don't think it needs to go that far. As it is a common sense thing, easy to understand and easier to apply. Everything can be solved with a good conversation.
Anyways, if someone is cheating, there are ways to counter it, just fight over and over again (not if you get tired) and find a way to counter the "new cheat-looking unbeatable blue style". Cheats don't make you invencible, they just make you harder to kill.

Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:07 am
by Yama
I think maybe holy should weigh in on this before being hung out to dry
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:24 pm
by Gruntilda
from the looks of this, holy was just going out of his way to get himself a war with the redzulus
each to his own form, dont blast anyone over their form just cause you lost to it, lol. accept the loss
and adapt ur own form to counter

Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Mon Aug 17, 2015 8:30 pm
by Clank
Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech ofc, but saying certian things at certian spots (at certian times) might have some unwanted consequences....
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:40 pm
by HolyWarrior
I just recieved news someone was impersonating as Ret Larkin and it wasn't really him and Ret Larkin is a very friendly player he doesn't lame. But that's just a different situation and kickflipping someone unarmed is laming anyhow. As for mini i was just stating the fact i didn't like her style that's all. I wasn't being rude about it and was only telling my opinion and had no intention of insulting a player. It's hardly flaming. I am very aware of the situation and i knew it wasn't that serious and mini and i are just fine. I just didn't like the style the player was using when you can duel normal and traditional the way the game is designed but everyone has their own style and tactics when it comes to dueling. All of you KR members are more than welcome to try drop by late late night he tends to show up there from time to time.. I don't have any issues with anyone and i just want to let that out. I had nothing against him or M!n!. Everything is fine.
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:34 am
by Sanction
The skype messages to jawfin weren't saying Ret Larkin is a lamer, they were about how you were threatening to admin him when you were flipkicking someone and he killed you, just to make sure you understand. and as for the screen shots it wasn't about what you said, the timing was sketchy being 10 minutes after she had beaten you with blue, and right after you went and spectated her for 2-3 duels against me to what i assume was supposed to be watching "scripts" in action, and then you defend yourself with "freedom of speech" "welcome to america" like your tags and admin password entitle you to a smug persona on the server. I'm not trying to beat you up on the forums, flame you, troll you, etc.. I'm just throwing my concerned perspective into the mix as this isn't the first time I've seen similar situations (not with you and not always with KR) and i never see the person doing it step back and look at it from another perspective, they just justify it with classic responses like "freedom of speech" "welcome to america" "i don't care" "not my problem" and "mind your own business" that are more expected of trolls than admins. It just looked like vindictive behavior from where i am sitting.
**EDIT** My favorite response to seeing people point out similar issues on other servers is "I don't care".
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:41 am
by John
Sanction wrote:The skype messages to jawfin weren't saying Ret Larkin is a lamer, they were about how you were threatening to admin him when you were flipkicking someone and he killed you, just to make sure you understand.
I'm trying to figure out what you mean here. Was HW flipkicking Ret then Ret then killed him or was HW flipkicking someone else(not Ret) then Ret killed him?
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:37 am
by jawfin
As I understand it, someone flipkicked Ret, Ret killed the person as they were then armed, and HW accused Ret of laming - of course, I may have this wrong too!!
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:37 pm
by Sanction
in that situation holy kept flipkicking people which i'm sure was accidental, but when he never threw up chat and ended up flipkicking ret he got sabered and threw a fit.
Re: Holy.. pls..
PostPosted:Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:05 am
by John
I see. Sounds like alot of people are just getting their shorts in a knot. Just to clarify things, as grapple and flip-kick does do damage(1 hp) it is considered a form of attack and therefore makes the attacker armed. They are considered armed and attackable to the person they flipkicked or grappled until the attacker puts up chat, dies, is killed, engages in duel, or the map switches, whichever comes first.
On to the chat. Yes, some of us live in America and have "freedom of speech", even if people are not from America they have freedom of speech on our server, but that does not mean all speech is free from consequences. Our server has rules about chat and therefore when people exercise their right to free speech to say inappropriate things, KR admins will exercise their right to silence those offenders. That's just an example of how freedom of speech should not be a justification for anything. That being said, the lesson here is we are all entitled to our own opinion but try not to express it in a way that could be interpreted as degrading or insulting to other people, lest you suffer the negative consequences. Goes for real life to.
~K, Locked~