If you've decided to leave KR, let it be known here!
 #128668  by MetaDragoon
in the past when i was still in high school i had a lot more time and i was always on jka after my best friend told me to try it and then i met many awesome KR members and was invited to join the clan and i would be fibbing if i said that none of us ever had any conflicts but we always got past them as a family. KR was like a second home for me however now it is like i am a stranger because i never get on anymore due to work and ect. so this is good bye. it has been a great time knowing you all and sharing great times together. and saki never give up you have a great heart stay strong.
 #128669  by Clank
Oh noes :/
Sad to see you go! Come back once you have more time in your life. KR will always welcome you with open arms!
 #128674  by jawfin
As Dank said, it's sad to see you go mate - but please drop in now and then and make a random post!! Cheers :)
 #128677  by Jato
sad to see you go meta, farewell and safe travels, you know where to find us :)
 #128679  by Sakito
I love you master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'll always be a big part of my JKA life!!!!!!!!! And I will NEVER EVER forget you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

~Love <3
Sakito Sho-Ryu-Ken
Your beloved Padawan