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 #11877  by Sparky
Hi Guys,

I made my 4th movie now and i wanted to leave a link for you to see it. Its dedicated to thanking the people who were involved in helping me get better and explaining exactly what happened. Its not a comedy one and its just something i felt i had to do. I am in the process of making movie #5 which will be back to its normal funny self.

Heres the link:

Thanks guys for everything


 #11892  by Darko
My god sparky realy sorry i wasnt there to support you :( Great movie by a great guy! Damn youv made me feel crap now..

And Chup 2 things :D
1: mind making your own thread?
2: i watched the first this some kind of terrorist and promoting smoking movie? lol


 #11894  by Kenshin
nice vid sparky :)

chup eh.. what can i say.. that was somewat depressing

 #11897  by Wolferion
Uhhh. Thank you for realistic information and Great job Sparky!

 #11911  by Melissa
wow great movie, your looking really good :)

at least your back on the up, Swindon... so you moved quite a little bit closer to home? I remember you saying your from Sunny Somerset?

you must have been unlucky to have been hit by a car at 40mph in london!! I am surprised one even managed to get up to that kinda speed with all the congestion..

 #11920  by Phoenix
Yes chupacabra, its probably best you create your own thread as apposed to hijacking Sparky's- I probably wouldn't have minded so much if you had of commented on Sparky's vid. Im sure you didn't mean any halm, but try to be more considerate in future :)


@Sparky: That was definately one of your best videos, most heartfelt and I enjoyed watching it. "I'm very hard to get rid of"- yea you can say that again :P. Nah.. on a serious note, im really happy that you have made a speedy recovery and you know that many KR members still respect you not only as a person, but also as one who helped to found this clan. We can thank you for alot of things. I think I speak on behalf of KR as a clan, when I say that you are most welcome for any comments anyone left for you- im sure many will seek to thank you in their own way.

Upmost regards,


 #11928  by Kane
Sparks yer a legend nuff said ;) Glad to see you back and making movies man sympathy for you having to work in telemarketing though done the job myself :P

 #11931  by Wanderer
glad to see ur back man, you look great. lookin forwarrd to ur 5th :P

 #11932  by Sparky
Thank you all for your comments... That movie was from the heart you guys... and i mean it.

 #11960  by saunby
yo sparks :D was pretty moving mate, you must hae a guardian angel looking out for you.

on a joke side of things, did anyone notice that the black background of his room blended with his jumper making him look like he was a floating head, made me laugh when i saw it like that XD

 #11995  by Fluffy
That was really nice Sparks. Did you show that to the HEMS crew who took care of you? I bet they'll cry when they see it =D

 #12006  by Sparky
I do actually. I went to see the guys to say thanks, that don't know about the movie yet.