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So like...

PostPosted:Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:35 pm
by YUN
I get on the server to play some ffa, and some random person named joLtz starts complaining about stuff I've done in the past and I get banned even after I got my ban lifted? Seems pretty unfair. An unban would be nice.

Re: So like...

PostPosted:Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:36 am
by Mandalorian
I don't like your presence. Ban him from forums please.

Jk lol. The way I see it, it it was either:

He was reporting you about breaking our rules, which then you were banned for, o


Another admin mistake of wrong person being banned (which rarely happens)


Server doesn't like your presence

Re: So like...

PostPosted:Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:48 am
by YUN
I did lame and flame etc in the past, but my ban got lifted since I apologized. So basically joLtz complaining about stuff I did in the past got me banned. I didn't lame or curse or anything.

Re: So like...

PostPosted:Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:17 am
by Mandalorian
Then it might be an error of the admins. Or maybe you did something that you didn't know was against the rules.

Re: So like...

PostPosted:Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:16 am
by jawfin
You remember that part when I came on and said: "i only make one warning YUN, do not troll here"
Then that part about a minute after when you said to Joltz: "f#cking retard faggot LOL"
and after that the bit when you said "lol mad little scrub"
and that one about "not my fault you're easy"
mhm, then there was "f#cking retard faggot LOL" again
^ Is that what you're referring to as an admin accident?

You've been trolling and being a pain, making the game no fun for others since your ban was lifted.
News flash, your ban (x3) was no accident. You said you learnt your lesson, when evidently you've shown you are incapable of learning - that's not a huge loss for an online game, but gl with rl.

Re: So like...

PostPosted:Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:36 am
by John
I approve this message