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 #11594  by Kakashi.Archive
Well friday i got some wierd news from one of my friends.

I dont know yet if its a good thing or a bad thing...But either way im excited and scared at the same time....

One of my friends is having a baby...Guess who the father is....


thats a little wiered for a 17 yearold to be saying but w/e....

Thought i might tell u all

 #11595  by ShinZagato
Prepare for the hardest test of your life....and for the love of god start saving money. Honostly, your way too young for this sorta thing, and it was dumb of you to not use protection. However, things happen and they must be dealt with. So, your gonna have to put aside all the things you once considered fun and be prepared to grow up, it sounds harsh, but it's the truth.

However, if you have any questions or anything, or need some advice, feel free to get ahold of me, As most of you know I've got an 18 month old, so i've got some insight into what your going to be going through as a father.

One more thing, do NOT back down and run off, it's gonna be mentally and physically trying on you, but if you don't run off or back down, you'll be better then most people, take it from me, I'm only 25 but I've been there and done that. Again, if you need advice or such, my MSN is It's always on, and i'm usually here. So...good luck Kakashi.

 #11596  by Kenshin
i wud say its a good thing.. but at ur age.. a bad thing.. dude ur gona need to get a well paid job + cope with ur skoolwork ( like ninny boy)

o and good luck dude.. dont back off thats the worst thing u cud ever do

 #11597  by Starcomand
have to agree with them kak but im also about if u need advice i was a dad for 8 years with my ex admittly i dont c my son much as i want i still c him though just not as much as want so i went through it all myself from dipper changeing up to school lol

 #11605  by Hailstorm
wow those are really big news, i hope everything works out fine. Its gonna be difficult if the girl is just your 'friend' and not someone who you have a strong bond with.

 #11613  by Kakashi.Archive
Well shes now my girlfriend and we have gotten alot of money from ppl so im good right now...her parents know about it and they told us that its ok and her mother will take care of it so we still have a school education....

As of right now things are working out for me but i havent told my parents yet...I dont want to die yet...:P

Anyways thanks for the support im sure some of u said "WTF" when u read this hopfully ready for this...^^

 #11614  by Kenshin
dude u gota tell ur parents sometime.. dont u think theyl notice? >.<

 #11615  by Kakashi.Archive
i will when im ready....if they found out know i would be dead

 #11616  by Kenshin
longer u leave it the more worse u will be in lol

after u tell them the 1st question wud be after it * how long have u known*

 #11645  by Kakashi.Archive
Well it isnt what i wanted to post...but shes not having the baby know...she had her period as she was leaving to go to the doctors to confirm that she was having it... So i guess im not having a baby...:(

 #11650  by Tricky
Why are you frowning? Believe me, you don't want a kid this earlier in life.

 #11655  by Nintendo
I have to agree with them kak you dodged a bullet there. I mean You have to think. I have given up everything to have my child soon. I work two jobs and go to school. I dont even have time to sleep alot of times let alone have ANY fun. My fiance is having DRASTIC moods swings and when I tell her about stuff we need to do she just gets I had to stop telling her. The only plus you would have had at having a child so young is most likely your parents would help you till you were old enough...then your on your own in like...a year maybe two at your age. USE PROTECTION AND DONT USE CHEAP PROTECTION!!!

 #11665  by Starcomand
Kakashi wrote: im sure some of u said "WTF" when u read this hopfully ready for this...^^

your never totally ready but a great experience

 #11677  by Fluffy
Kak, either you're not taking the situation seriously enough, or I'm having real bad social issues here. You sound like you're treating parenthood like a game, like tripping over stone, something to laugh about.

I would like to reinforce the point everyone has made here; being a parent has huge implications. Grown men can't handle it without planning for it years in advance. Please, show more responsibility for the things you say or do.

 #11678  by spyder
Well it isnt what i wanted to post...but shes not having the baby know...she had her period as she was leaving to go to the doctors to confirm that she was having it... So i guess im not having a baby...

that doesnt 100% mean shes still not having a baby, in rare cases women can have a period after becoming pregnant. So just wait and see what the doctor said.

 #11689  by Kakashi.Archive
I wasnt trying to make it like a game...:S....

 #11702  by saunby
Parenting isn't something you want to be doing at the age of 17, you are still in school with no real job from which you will recieve a salary to support yourselves, Even with money from her parents you would need more unless they are like billionaires, which I doubt, anyways, the point is you want to wait a fair bit longer :D

 #11717  by Akimoto
I would say: Having a baby is idiotic. Babies ruins a persons life and dreams.
After you have a babie, there is no running away. (Even if you do, you will have to pay MONEY just for having one somewhere.)

But i'd rather say: I feel bad for you. You should get her to 'remove' the baby or.. you should run away. Far away.

 #11718  by Hailstorm
spyder wrote:that doesnt 100% mean shes still not having a baby, in rare cases women can have a period after becoming pregnant. So just wait and see what the doctor said.
thats true, until you dont see the doctor you cant be sure of anything.
Akimoto wrote:I would say: Having a baby is idiotic. Babies ruins a persons life and dreams.
After you have a babie, there is no running away. (Even if you do, you will have to pay MONEY just for having one somewhere.)

But i'd rather say: I feel bad for you. You should get her to 'remove' the baby or.. you should run away. Far away.

i hope your joking

 #11723  by Kane
Fluffy wrote:Grown men can't handle it without planning for it years in advance.
And even after that we still make ourselves look like fools doing it. :)

But point is valid you should be relieved you aint having a kid Kak mate trust me. Being a dad aint a walk through the park. Its expensive, stressful, tiring, life draining and you can pretty much kiss an education bye bye or any sort of full social life bye bye for at least 5 years.

Naturally im just listing the bad points but hell most people dont take them into consideration, a kid aint like a puppy. And at your age mate it wouldnt be good for you, her or the kid unless you had alot of support and the right frame of mind to see it through.

 #11734  by Wanderer
hey kak holy shit realy did dodge a bullet there man, even if it may seem bittersweet now, but once you step back and think what it woulda been like, a baby at 17 wouldnt be as enjoyable and you wouldnt be able to experiance the things taht come witha baby as much as you would if when you were older. 17s way to young to have a baby, i meen if you are gunna have....*ahem*, use protection, and make sure its a good glove, thats something you dont wanna be byass about getting.

i hope everything works out and you and this chick stay to gethre and are happy together for a while

have fun, but use protection

 #11741  by Darko
Having a baby is always a great thing, even when your underage, many great friends i know have had/having babys and the ones who are now older made great parents and were able to continue their education and are now home owners and have good jobs and make great mums and dads. But to be honest Kak i think you REALY dodged the bullet there. I dont think you have been in the right mind set to have a child and wont be for another few years. When people have a child when they are under 25 imo it ius a huge risk, not for you...but for the child. So i think some unborn child seriously dodged the bullet there as well, GL with your future with your girlfriend and dont do anything stupid until you, and people around you feel your mature enough to raise a child ;)

 #11746  by spyder
I would say: Having a baby is idiotic. Babies ruins a persons life and dreams.
After you have a babie, there is no running away. (Even if you do, you will have to pay MONEY just for having one somewhere.)

But i'd rather say: I feel bad for you. You should get her to 'remove' the baby or.. you should run away. Far away.
even if thats your opinion thats a terrible thing to tell some1 who thinks they could be having a child....

 #11747  by Phoenix
Akimoto wrote:I would say: Having a baby is idiotic. Babies ruins a persons life and dreams.
After you have a babie, there is no running away. (Even if you do, you will have to pay MONEY just for having one somewhere.)

But i'd rather say: I feel bad for you. You should get her to 'remove' the baby or.. you should run away. Far away.
Firstly, if having a baby ruins peoples lives, you wouldnt be here. Secondly you obviously haven't read much in this thread and have obviously skim read, which is fair enough- unless you are going to post. Kakashi clearly said "but shes not having the baby know..." on the first page of this thread.

Im with Hailstorm on this one, your post was clearly inappropriate and immature. I do hope you were joking.


If your wondering why I havent actually replied to this thread its because I have fairly strong views about having babies at certain ages, so I felt that its better I don't bother posting to avoid any arguements. This does not mean I wasn't reading the thread ;).


 #11748  by Kakashi.Archive
Lol pho....thanks for all comments...And Akimoto theres something u need to know i feel...

#1 if she was still having the baby...I wouldnt let he get it removed...Its my flesh and blood and i would have to live for the rest of my life knowing that my first "baby" was killed!

#2 Babys dont ruin lives...They make your life better...if your at the right age...(which i wasnt!)

#3 If you feel that having a baby is idiotic its u i feel bad for!