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Prologue: A Valiant Struggle

PostPosted:Mon May 26, 2014 4:43 pm
by Lothar
Hey there guys. I've decided to write a story based upon some of the things I used to dream up while playing as a child, mostly because I am bored! I am in no way a experienced writer or claiming to be a good one but I'd appreciate any criticism or comments that you have.

Long before the historys of man were written there was a great age of peace between the four major races of the earth, the Sur'en or better known as the high elves whom used their advanced knowledge of magic to fuel their desire for creativity and adventure, the Drusari or better known to you and I as the Dragons of old, the Kelan a valiant race of woodland hunters (cousins to the high elves, wood elves if you like) and known to the other races as the Drem was humanity, youngest of the four.

For thousands of years our races co-existed peacefully but then came the dark days, fueled by their desire for control the Sur'en declared a genocidal war for control of the planet and at first they nearly succeded, battle after battle ending with a Sur'en victory untill finally 50 years after the war had begun the order of things was changed as Balch'in the oldest and wisest of all the dragons taught humanitys brightest to harness the power of magic, little did Balch'in realise that the human desire for revenge is strong and hard to control and with their new powers humanity managed to defeat the Sur'en with a final crippling blow that almost completly destroyed the Elven homeland, to this day only the Drusari know what happened and it is against their most strict laws to reveal it to the Lel'kin "The young ones" or in our languages "The Younger races"

It has been a thousand years since that war and the world has moved on. But there is one Sur'en who has not been so quick to forget the slights of the past, one who still remembers the golden forests of his home and that Elf is called "Serenas" yet he has slept for almost 800 years and now seeks to awaken.

A cold wintery night had befallen the human homeland of Eurp, the blizzard that had arrived so suddenly seemed endless and yet there was still some light at the end of the tunnel for the brothers Falksen and bolth as they headed further north to their intended target "The crypts" Falksen! Why in Odins name would the Duke send us so far north for a corpse! Said Bolth angerily, I don't question the Dukes orders Bolth I simply follow them as best I can, he assured me this is of the greatest importance replied Falksen, as suddenly as the storm had come it had left and both brothers realised that there course had not remained true I told you we should have taken shelter Falk! Now we are lost you idiot! A light shimmered upon the mountain that the brothers faced Hah! See? The town of Ulksbrack is just up on the slope! We arn't lost at all, learn to think before you speak you baffon Bolth made a very distinct grunt at his brother and both of them continued to head towards their goal.

Meanwhile upon the mountain top the mighty dragon lord Keth watched with suprise I was sure the blizzard would force them to turn back, I was hoping to avoid anything serious! Don't you agree? Keth was alone upon the mountain top yet as if he had gained his reply Oh alright then and the mighty dragon flapped his wings and took flight with the speed of a tornado I guess I'll pay them a visit

Re: Prologue: A Valiant Struggle

PostPosted:Tue May 27, 2014 2:02 am
by Wind
Mmmmmm, yes. This I could get into 8) Bravo!