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JA Shortcuts

PostPosted:Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:18 pm
by KuroTsubasa
Ok, way back about ten million years ago I posted about these JA shortcuts that i made... either that... or i imagined it, but either way, here's my most recent thing.

I have moddified the play_japlus.bat files some more, and now they are even better shortcuts then before. I have one that launches JA+ and then connects to KR1 and another that connects to KR2. But, that's not all. Now, they also launch my kill tracker at the same time. Jam's KT V3 does have an option to launch with windows, but that's annoying cuz, 1) it takes awhile, and 2) you might not be turning your computer on to play JA.

The modification i made to this will start your KT (or any other program u want it to i suppose) and start JA. By the time JA finishes loading, your KT is all set and ready to go. I feel that it is a very convienient shortcut. No, i suppose it doesn't take that long to click on the shortcut for your KT and then the shortcut to JA, but hey, i'm lazy, so it works for me.

If anyone is interested in these, i will post the instructions for them (this post is getting too long already). I will post the text for it, so you will only have to copy it into notepad and save it under the right name.

I know this isn't a major scientific breakthrough or anything, but if i can open my kill tracker, load JA+ and connect to the KR Server in one simple step, i can save about 0.3 seconds each time I open JA. Wow, 0.3 seconds!! Thats just about enough time to travel to another planet through the stargate or something. Just think of all the planets u could have traveled to by now if u hadn't spent so much time opening things seperately!

PostPosted:Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:21 pm
by Phoenix
Im intrested, I could probably do it myself. But I dont really have the time.

PostPosted:Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:04 am
by KuroTsubasa
Ok, first off, open notepad and copy the following lines into it (some may have to be modified for your computer, depending on where u installed things):

start .\jamp.exe +set fs_game japlus +connect
"..\jam kt v3\jamktv3.exe"

Blue indicates the IP address of the server u want it to connect to automatically. If u don't want it to autoconnect, leave out the "+connect <IP>" part.

RED indicates the path to your kill tracker. Leave the entire line out if u do not want it to autostart a kill tracker. My kill tracker is installed in my jedi academy folder, which is relitively close to the gamedata folder, so i used a relitive path (the ..\ at the begining basically means go up one folder). It should work with an absolute path as well ("C:\Program Files\etc..."), but i'll test that sometime anyway.

Anyway...hope this isn't getting too complicated. After you have copied the text into notepad and edited it as needed, save it as "something.bat". It doesn't really matter what the name is, as long as u end it in ".bat". Also, u may have to change save as type to "*.* all files". You shouldn't have to change that, but if it saves it as a text file instead, then u'll know u have to change it.

Save it in the gamedata folder, and make a shortcut to it wherever (probably on the desktop). U don't have to make a shortcut...but it would be kinda pointless to go through all this trouble if u r going to open the gamedata folder each time u go to use it, lol.

If u want, change the icon of the shortcut too, that way it looks nice. Umm... i think thats it doesn't work, tell me and i'll help out. ^_^

PostPosted:Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:19 am
by Fluffy
Intriguing, if I'm not lazy then I'll give it a go =P

PostPosted:Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:25 am
by Phoenix
Cool, ill give it ago. I use a similar process when setting up dedicated servers with JampDed.

PostPosted:Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:22 am
by Kakashi.Archive
Im just happy i could get JA+ to work on my comp...Roflmfao