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Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:10 pm
by Buffy's Shadow
That Jolee skin :o Awe-inspiring work Manda! Can't wait for the update :)

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:36 pm
by Zaluk
The Emperor's Hand wrote:That Jolee skin :o Awe-inspiring work Manda! Can't wait for the update :)
I is alzo excited for the Jolee skin

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:20 am
by Mandalorian
thnx guys. I expect the next update to be done sometime this or next month, not sure. You see, I keep finding more and more stuff to add on to this marvelous pack. I just want moar kotor :o.

Some more pics?:

Greatings, student...:


You wanna die?


Captain Onasi, before he became an Admiral:


Oi, its me:



and I'm ready to kick some ass





Also, I was working on adding some more outfits, and when working with outfits, I usually turn off the head so I can edit it better, and I turned off the head without the eyes and teeth, so this looked funny:


Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:42 am
by Buffy's Shadow
Zaluk wrote:
The Emperor's Hand wrote:That Jolee skin :o Awe-inspiring work Manda! Can't wait for the update :)
I is alzo excited for the Jolee skin
Can you imagine if we had a bunch of people in KR that used a skin for each KOTOR 1 crewmember? Literally, it would be epic :lol:

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:06 am
by Mandalorian
I'll also release alongside the update a special SPReplacement pk3, which, you guessed it, replaces many key things in single player to be KotOR - like. For example, matching up voice actors :P Dustil Onasi would replace Rosh Penin:







Also, special question. I am now nearly done with the KotORBase skin for the males. Is there a specific skin you guys want in the pack?

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:46 am
by Key
I was actually going to ask about an overhaul mod ... it's like you read my thoughts. It'll be a separate file than the normal model pack right?

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:13 pm
by Buffy's Shadow
Oi, Dustil, quit macking on my bby!

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2016 1:02 am
by Mandalorian
Yeah, the SP replacement will be its own separate pk3 (I almost said wad lol, I mod too much doom).

Also somewhat bad news. It turns out there is a limit for how much outfits a skin can have, that limit is 32. I have reached that limit for the KotORBase skin. I will remove some of the lesser outfits, ones that either look ugly or are very similar to other outfits etc.

Good news however, I got a mindblow.

Here is a cool great idea: You see, I have it so that the legs section in the character customization screen (CCS) is useless, as all the outfits are toggled through the torso section. However, with my new idea, I will be 'replacing' the legs category with something else... ACCESSORIES :D

The accessories tab will vary from random things. Here are some examples as to what that tab will include:

1.) Flying Remote Droid (the droid that follows Bao Dur)
2.) Revan's Mask
3.) Boba Fett's Jetpack
4.) Malak's Jaw Cover

If anyone has anymore cool accessory ideas, pls post, this is a really cool idea imo. Especially the remote and malak's jaw. Since this would go under the 'legs' category, these accessories will work with every combo, so I can be Deadeye Duncan wearing Darth Revan's robes and Malak's Jaw Cover. I can be Davik Kang wearing a jedi robe with a Remote following him. I can be the male Exile wearing a heavy combat suit wearing boba's jetpack. Anything can happen.

So, recommendations for accessories?

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:12 am
by Mandalorian
Quick double post, but after I got the idea of accessories, and thinking about the Remote droid, I got an idea.

I searched on the web to try to find the 3d model that I was searching for to achieve this idea, but I could not find it...So I decided to make my own:



The pet astromechs from SWTOR will be accessories for the KotORBase skins. They will follow you around in a similar fashion to the remote droid. Only oddity here is that when jumping, so will the droid.

Also do excuse the model, this was only a WIP, I literally just made it. Will make textures for them tomorrow, getting late rn. Also, excuse the jaggedness of the models, as this was done so that the model would be easier to convert to jedi academy, since jedi academy uses a "1,000 polygon per object" rule. Not to mention the model has yet to be triangulated.

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:21 am
by Buffy's Shadow
I'm downright impressed :o

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:26 am
by Mandalorian
Got some of the accessories working:





What I need to do next, other than the other accessories (and more heads), is possibly add a shader to the astromechs. They seem pretty blocky in-game, which I can fix through a shader.

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Jun 26, 2016 11:11 pm
by Mandalorian
I was bored randomly testing skins and models one day, and made this...:


I'm sorry.

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:21 am
by Mandalorian
So uh, I was making the Dark Jedi robes and hood a custom outfit to wear (head/hood and robes sold separately), and uh, I made a tinsy mistake:


dw I'll fix it :o

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:11 pm
by Mandalorian
Fear not, this was not abandoned. As I said, with my keyboard problem this is a bit harder.

Nonetheless, I managed this teeny update:






That's right, capes! Four colours included; Brown, Black, Blue, and Red.

Since it is an accessory, it can be worn with any outfit from the pack. So, I can be Deadeye Duncan with a red lightsaber wearing a sith robe and a black cape. So evil. Literally, its all up to you. That is why its in the accessories tab.






Oh, and, this droid is not for sale...


Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Aug 14, 2016 2:22 am
by Buffy's Shadow
Are the capes going to be compatible with the Bastila skins? :o

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Aug 14, 2016 3:05 am
by Mandalorian
My first focus is the KotORBase skin, which is most of the males from KotOR1/2 put into one skin with a ton of customization including clothes and accessories. Bastila belongs in the KotORBase2 skin, which is most the females from KotOR1/2. Their customizations will parallel each other, meaning they will have similar clothing an accessories, so yes, there will be a female cape version.

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Oct 23, 2016 2:21 pm
by Mandalorian
Sorry for not updating in a while, college and what not.

I am happy to announce tho, that KotORBase is finished! You can now play a majority of the male characters from KotOR with customization ranging from clothes to accessories!

KotORBase includes these settings:


* Dustil Onasi
* Carth Onasi
* Atton Rand
* Revan head choice 1 (KotOR 1)
* Male Twi'lek (Green)
* Male Twi'lek (Orange)
* Male Twi'lek (Blue)
* Canderous Ordo (KotOR 1)
* Canderous Ordo (KotOR 2)
* Deadeye Duncan
* Jolee Bindo
* Mysterious Jedi Council Member (KotOR 1)
* Iridonian helmet
* Crime lord Davik
* Gar (Random red head old guy from K1)
* Alek (light sided Malak)
* Master Vrook
* Kotor 2 male choice 1
* Commander Gelisi / Revan choice 2 (KotOR 1 and 2)
* Bao Dur
* Sith Assassin
* Trask Ulgo


* Dark Combat Suit
* Camo Combat Suit
* Light Exoskeleton Suit
* Echanii Combat Suit
* Black Market Combat Suit (the armour that the guy who offered Revan weapons on Korriban)
* Dark Camo Combat Suit
* The Regular Awesome Combat Suit
* Admiral Onasi's Military Suit
* Republic Mod Armour
* Scoundrel's Starter Gear
* Sith Assassin Garb
* Prototype Military Suit
* Sith Military Suit
* Scout's Starter Gear
* Regular Military Suit
* Davik Kang's Armour
* Jedi Robe (Brown)
* Jedi Robe (Blue)
* Jedi Robe (Red)
*Sith Robe (Black)
* Darth Revan's Robes
* Star Forge Robes
* Sith Officer Uniform
* Republic Officer Uniform
* Iridonian Armour
* Onderon Officer
* Onderon Soldier
* Commoner (low class)
* Commoner (middle class [grey])
* Commoner (middle class [tan])
* Commoner (middle class [brown])
* Commoner (Dirt Poor)
* Rich Noble

And now the fun parts:


* Nothing (for when you don't want to wear any accessories)
* Remote (Bao Dur's flying friend, follows on your left side)
* M8-01 (Small astromechs, they follow you around on your right side) (BLUE)
* M8-08 (PINK)
* M8-03 (RED)
* Darth Revan's Mask
* Darth Malak's Jawpiece
* Darth Nihilus' Mask
* Sentry Droid (follows you on the right side)
* Cape (Brown)
* Cape (Blue)
* Cape (Red)
* Cape (Black)
* Verpine Headband
* Aural Mask
* Aural Amplifiers
* Pet Gizka (sits on your shoulders)
* Surprise :o

Now. Glad I got that over with. I am also just starting on KotORBase2, which is now all the females. The outfits and accessories will be the same, save for a few changes, and ofc different heads. Anywho, here is a small preview:



I just had to add this along, it looks so...beautiful.

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:16 pm
by Mandalorian
Not much to say now, except got a ton of progress on KotORBase2, already got all the combat suits on and two interchangeable heads, but when I went to get Mira's head, the rip was not fully successful and I ended up with this result:


isn't she a beauty? lol dw I can fix it with some surgery, just gotta copy and paste her other eye and flip the axis. No biggy.

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:43 pm
by Buffy's Shadow
Late to the party here, but amazing work, Manda! :D

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 3:20 pm
by Samurai X
Is the link updated?

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sat Nov 05, 2016 11:10 pm
by Mandalorian
The one right here is the most recent one released:

But it is not the most recent one made, that one is still under development and will be a separate pk3 now, since it will have a lot more compiled into one instead of a bazillion skins.

the new PK3 will consist of these skins:


KotORBase contains the heads and outfits of many male characters through the KotOR 1 and 2 games.
KotORBase2 contains the heads and outfits of many female characters through the KotOR 1 and 2 games.
KotORDroids will contain many droids shown in both KotOR 1 and 2, as well as different colour choices for the droids.
KotORAliens will contain many alien species in both KotOR 1 and 2 that could be considered genderless from looks (ie. Querren or however you spell it, Bith, Gand, Selkath, Rodians, etc.) There will also be a special custom included with this...The Human Gizka Hybrid (basically a Gizka with human anatomy).

KotORBase is fully finished
KotORBase2 is under construction
KotORDroids hasn't been started on yet
KotORAliens hasn't been started on yet

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:55 am
by Frog
dang manda, you never fail to impress with any of your content. And with such an abundance! 9/10 because you forgot to add my killer clown mod in KOTOR as a playable model

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:37 pm
by Mandalorian

So much sass in this, yet so much awesomeness with Kreia, hood down, standing proud with her sith robe.


Just showing the brown jedi robe...nothing else.


my good ol' mate, m8.

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Thu Dec 15, 2016 2:40 am
by Buffy's Shadow
Looking good, Manda! :D

Re: The Ultimate KotOR Pack (Manda'sKotORPack)

PostPosted:Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:49 pm
by Mandalorian
Coming soon to KotORDroids....



SWTOR style.

Btw, I found the files to the actual SWTOR astromech pet droids, so I'll be also replacing those.