Sorry for not updating in a while, college and what not.
I am happy to announce tho, that KotORBase is finished! You can now play a majority of the male characters from KotOR with customization ranging from clothes to accessories!
KotORBase includes these settings:
* Dustil Onasi
* Carth Onasi
* Atton Rand
* Revan head choice 1 (KotOR 1)
* Male Twi'lek (Green)
* Male Twi'lek (Orange)
* Male Twi'lek (Blue)
* Canderous Ordo (KotOR 1)
* Canderous Ordo (KotOR 2)
* Deadeye Duncan
* Jolee Bindo
* Mysterious Jedi Council Member (KotOR 1)
* Iridonian helmet
* Crime lord Davik
* Gar (Random red head old guy from K1)
* Alek (light sided Malak)
* Master Vrook
* Kotor 2 male choice 1
* Commander Gelisi / Revan choice 2 (KotOR 1 and 2)
* Bao Dur
* Sith Assassin
* Trask Ulgo
* Dark Combat Suit
* Camo Combat Suit
* Light Exoskeleton Suit
* Echanii Combat Suit
* Black Market Combat Suit (the armour that the guy who offered Revan weapons on Korriban)
* Dark Camo Combat Suit
* The Regular Awesome Combat Suit
* Admiral Onasi's Military Suit
* Republic Mod Armour
* Scoundrel's Starter Gear
* Sith Assassin Garb
* Prototype Military Suit
* Sith Military Suit
* Scout's Starter Gear
* Regular Military Suit
* Davik Kang's Armour
* Jedi Robe (Brown)
* Jedi Robe (Blue)
* Jedi Robe (Red)
*Sith Robe (Black)
* Darth Revan's Robes
* Star Forge Robes
* Sith Officer Uniform
* Republic Officer Uniform
* Iridonian Armour
* Onderon Officer
* Onderon Soldier
* Commoner (low class)
* Commoner (middle class [grey])
* Commoner (middle class [tan])
* Commoner (middle class [brown])
* Commoner (Dirt Poor)
* Rich Noble
And now the fun parts:
* Nothing (for when you don't want to wear any accessories)
* Remote (Bao Dur's flying friend, follows on your left side)
* M8-01 (Small astromechs, they follow you around on your right side) (BLUE)
* M8-08 (PINK)
* M8-03 (RED)
* Darth Revan's Mask
* Darth Malak's Jawpiece
* Darth Nihilus' Mask
* Sentry Droid (follows you on the right side)
* Cape (Brown)
* Cape (Blue)
* Cape (Red)
* Cape (Black)
* Verpine Headband
* Aural Mask
* Aural Amplifiers
* Pet Gizka (sits on your shoulders)
* Surprise
Now. Glad I got that over with. I am also just starting on KotORBase2, which is now all the females. The outfits and accessories will be the same, save for a few changes, and ofc different heads. Anywho, here is a small preview:
I just had to add this along, it looks so...beautiful.