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 #8667  by Grimm
calm down craig, after wand got out of the hospital he called me and now its the laffing stock of the skool "wand dented a car!!! lol!!!" and he did more damage to the car than it did to him, thats the funny part.

but ya, being in intensive care cuz of it is bad no matter wut, thats serious shit....

 #8668  by Akimoto
once again the prize of focusing on the negative goes to the "Site admin". (sarcasm omfg)

nothing good comes out of pity'ing others <-- learn from other peoples mistakes and watch where you go. Especially on the road! Ofcourse no1 would actually LIKE it when other people gets ..over-drived. hehe.

 #8669  by Phoenix
I dont think you picked out the meaning of Craigs post. My interpretation is that he doesnt think that being hit by a car is funny. Especially when Kris got put in intensive care because of it. It doesnt matter whether you ment it intentionally or non-intentionally, either way I dont think its appropriate.

Also Aki, if you have a problem with Craig having admin, come to me, dont mention it on a public forum again. Im pretty sure i've said this before.


 #8670  by Tricky
Not to start a fight, Aki, but "learning from people's mistakes" doesn't really apply. Sparks was hit by someone else, so there was no mistake on his part.

 #8671  by Grimm
i dont think hannah or sparky, or anyone wanted this to become an angry post, so lets just hope sparky will be alriht, which im sure he will with all this praying. whether being hit by a car is funny or not, being in intensive care with a punctured lung is not funny....

 #8672  by Nintendo
Simply put as Grimm said this is not a topic for ANY debating...thats not what sparky would either want nor need right now. This topic is open so he/his family can communicate with us on his condition and for us to send are prayers/thoughts to them.

I would also "request" that some of these "debating" post be removed cause im sure Sparky's family wouldnt want to see and read this.

Next post out of line will be deleted

 #8678  by Phoenix
Grimm wrote:whether being hit by a car is funny or not, being in intensive care with a punctured lung is not funny....
Well I think this is what Craig was trying to say - Just in his own way. I don't see that it needs to be deleted because he was thinking of Kris at heart. The whole point is when someone you know is in intensive care because hes been hit by a car, its not really appropiate to talk about getting hit by cars and it being funny or you being lucky - whatever.

Aside from that guys, I spoke to Kris last night and hes home and out of hospital, he says he is in quite alot of pain and needs some rest. He said that he would try to post on the forum sometime today so I wont say anymore :)

Get well soon Kris :)


 #8685  by Grimm
thats good hes home, ya, get well soon buddy....

 #8689  by Kane
at least hes home for christmas thanks to the powers that be for small mercies :) Wish you well soon Sparks and most of all a very merry christmas

 #8733  by SilverCloud
*hunts driver down like the ass he/she is*

(ass as in jackass as in donkey... though you can take it like the other meaning too, that's just fine with me)

I apologize for not seeing this sooner, I've dropped off the site for a while. I'm very glad that you're feeling better, Sparx, and hope that they find the jerk*** that did it to you (if they haven't already... they might not ever... but it's nice to consider that which your clan-kin would do to him/her if they had the resources and a couple functioning lightsabers)

*would /amhug but for the puncture wound*

 #8789  by Melissa
wow I had no idea!! I hoe by now he is somewhat in a much better situation.

Thats one thing about the city i guess, living in the city myself i know the driving qulity and standards are horrific. City life is veru bustly and people are just in too much of a hurry that they are very happy to put people at risk to get home early or because they cannot be botehres to queue