chapter6 part2 shall comince
Kelthi:I knew they were weak.......TOO weak......
while back at the Knights Reborn planet....
Raven:Good Evan your here.......we have to ask you something......
Raven:Well the council and I Made two desitions #1 pick your main light saber and #2 You need to play some force pranks on some of our members >.> <.<
Raven:We think everyone is to we need some-one to loosen them with some force pranks......Can you do that?
Evan:yes....and i choose staff as my main lightsaber...
Raven:OK! Jawfin show Evan to the Force and Lightsaber arts and crafts room please

ok Evan follow me

as they were walking something was happening back at the acadamy....
Jaden:KYLE! *runs to look for kyle and luke*
as a figure appears
Figure:hehe i know you are a sith...
Jaden:Who are you? What have you done with kyle katarn? TELL ME OR I WILL BEHEAD YOU *pulls out dual sabers*
Figure:hehe it's me your new master......Kelthi
Jaden:MASTER?! Did you kill Katarn?!
Kelthi:no......but i will clone both him and luke and make sure they become our personal body guards....
Jaden:But i get to kill the real Katarn right?
Kelthi: *smacks jaden* yes....
as a bunch of jedi come over to stop them
Jedi#1:STOP! Jaden and kelthi you are surrounded! SURRENDER!
as both jaden and kelthi look at each other and nod
Kelthi:Jaden you know what to do.....
Jaden:Die jedi.....*Uses a force blast and it beheads all the jedi in the room*
Kelthi:Good work follow me.....
as both kelthi and jaden walk to the main hall and see this giant jedi chess board.... would think here they would have more non-life risking games...
Jaden:This is a new game......well come on we need to clear out this place and get our mind controled jedi to our transport ship....
as they finally get to the transport ship and fly to the main base....
Kelthi:ahh master Shadra we have returned with the people to be cloned... and jaden go to the cloning chamber...
Kelthi:yes master....
Back at the KR planet (its easier to type KR)
Jawfin:Alright mate we're here...
Jawfin:Here *hands the lightsaber parts* what color blade do you want?
Evan:Black.....Pitch black....
Jawfin:ok *hands evan shadow crystle*
Jawfin:No problem

*walks away*
Evan:...OH WAIT JAWFIN YOU FORGOT TO SHOW ME HOW TO MAKE FORCE tricks.....oh he's gone......*starts working on saberstaff*
5 Hours later.....
Hime:Evan are you done yet?
Hime:Just wondering cause i need some sticks
Evan:Here use these *hands hime power sticks*
Evan:No problem...well i will continue my work tomarrow and my room is 5 miles away.......i will go to sleep here for now......*goes to sleep*
Back at Evan's room
Kyle:Ugghhh i have NOTHING to do here.........i think i'll visit the council tomarrow........*falls asleep*
chapter7 coming soon!