The Latest KR News on the Planet can be found here.

 #52491  by Necros
DarkLink wrote:Apparently the Quite one landed a master.

Other than that it was nice.
I don't know what you're talking's said Quiet the whole time :D

 #52496  by Sion
Necros wrote:
DarkLink wrote:Apparently the Quite one landed a master.

Other than that it was nice.
I don't know what you're talking's said Quiet the whole time :D
I should have picked a different one word. :)

 #52500  by SilentOne a sneaky guy >.< but anyways..great read nec

 #53169  by Necros
Extra! Extra!

Read All About It!

The KR Family Grows, updated on June 20, 2009.

Includes: New Jedi, Second Saber quest, new members, new paddy's and masters, and July Clan Night.

 #53171  by Falcon
Nice job Nec :)

 #53174  by jawfin
Yea, an excellent read - really worth focusing on the second paragraph; i noticed there were some other words above and below that paragraph but they could be saying anything, who knows

 #53175  by Kioshi
Whaaaaaat? Me? A smart alic weequay? NEVER!!!!!!!!!
whoever told you that lied!!! lol

on a side not nice job nec lol.

 #53176  by Sion
Nice job. :)

Xuku and Ayz were not mentioned... :roll:

 #53177  by Necros
Sion wrote:Nice job. :)

Xuku and Ayz were not mentioned... :roll:
Sorry about that, fixing now :P

 #53178  by Xuku
Nice job Necros :D

 #53184  by Phreedom
Nice job. I love how u went with my PH thing lol GJ.

 #53208  by Delev
Nice read nec :D

 #53717  by Necros
Extra! Extra!

Read All About It!

inKRedible news, updated on June 28, 2009!

Included: New Arbiter, Two Jedi's, Clan Night, and Breaking News!

 #53735  by blacki
rolf nice new XD

 #53744  by Fazz
neccy, do me a favor plz?, next tme coild you post a link with it, for us lazy people out there? :P

 #54414  by Necros
Extra! Extra!

Read All About It!

KR Shines Bright, updated on July 12, 2009!

Included: New Knight, an Adept, three New Members, and July's Clan Night!

A link for you lazy people:

 #54422  by SilentOne
good read except in the beginning
I report that SilentOne had become an Adept in Duals

 #54423  by SilentOne
good read

 #71869  by Necros
Heyo everyone, just a quick heads up. I've brushed off the dust on the News page (and believe me, there was a lot D: ) Be sure to read the first article closely as that explains my plans on what I want to do with the news. Anyways...*ahem*

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Return of the KRazy News!
Includes: Promotions, New Members, Clan Night happenings and much more!
Find it at:

P.S. My apologies for the layout, WordPress was not being very nice in terms of spacing. I'll work hard on making it less garish in terms of spacing between articles.

 #71870  by Akimoto
Necros wrote:Heyo everyone, just a quick heads up. I've brushed off the dust on the News page (and believe me, there was a lot D: ) Be sure to read the first article closely as that explains my plans on what I want to do with the news. Anyways...*ahem*

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Return of the KRazy News!
Includes: Promotions, New Members, Clan Night happenings and much more!
Find it at:

P.S. My apologies for the layout, WordPress was not being very nice in terms of spacing. I'll work hard on making it less garish in terms of spacing between articles.
At least get spacing between each subject highlighted in bold~ [/b]

 #71872  by Necros
Akimoto wrote:At least get spacing between each subject highlighted in bold~ [/b]
Necros wrote:P.S. My apologies for the layout, WordPress was not being very nice in terms of spacing. I'll work hard on making it less garish in terms of spacing between articles.
This meaning Aki, I tried to put spaces in. If you could see the WordPress board, there were many revisions on there concerning me trying to fix the spacing, and it would never go through. So, as I said, I apologize even though I couldn't control the outcome of it all.

 #71878  by Akimoto
Necros wrote:
Akimoto wrote:At least get spacing between each subject highlighted in bold~ [/b]
Necros wrote:P.S. My apologies for the layout, WordPress was not being very nice in terms of spacing. I'll work hard on making it less garish in terms of spacing between articles.
This meaning Aki, I tried to put spaces in. If you could see the WordPress board, there were many revisions on there concerning me trying to fix the spacing, and it would never go through. So, as I said, I apologize even though I couldn't control the outcome of it all.
Then I misunderstood, thought you meant you tried to make add more width.
New suggestion: Add more width! It's like reading behind a book or something.

(bad illustration)

 #77644  by Necros
Attention duelis-...wait...wrong place >.>

Ahem...Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

KoRny News: Updated February 6, 2011:

This article has been brought you courtesy of Zabuza, so, shower him with your praises it....more praise....MORE PRAISE!!!!