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 #39942  by Zabuza
D: no zabuza??? :cry:

 #39945  by Fazz
sound about right, massive fight, and i just go 2 sleep in a corner, lol

 #39960  by echo
those stats are 100% accurate

(no sarcasm)

 #40068  by Necros
I want better stats *sniff sniff*

Stupid being only a Paddy.

 #40319  by Delev

Everybody was awakened by the cry of a stricken beast far in the distance. Well, except echo.. Tifa had to slap him a few times to wake HIM up.. lol
-[KR]-Squall: Do you think we should go over to where that sound was?
-[KR]-echo: *yawn* okai.
-[KR]-Tifa: fine with me
-[KR]-Ðelev: yeh
(walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk)
-[KR]-Necros: Ugh..
A dead tach stood where the sound had come from, it's head torn open.
-[KR]-Jawfin: Hey look! Maybe if we follow this trail of blood it'll lead us to something!

(walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk)
-[KR]-Darfin: What the hell is that thing! O.O
T3-M5: Beep bop boop. SCANNING. SCANNING. Creature seems to be an inhabitant of Kashyyyk, The Viro Necphelias.. Also known as the Flesh-eating sloths to humans. It's weak point seems to be its lower back/underbelly.. (Unexpected end of data EOF)
-[KR]-Tifa: Wait.. FLESH-EATING??
-[KR]-Squall: Well we already know its weak point lets just kill it! *charge*
An arrow shot through the air, hitting the Sloth right between the eyes.. A person stood high above the treetops, holding a bow.
Stranger: BOOOOOOM HEADSHOT! *looks down* Who the hell are you?
-[KR]-Darfin: Darklink?
Darklink: How do you know my name?
-[KR]-echo: cuz we use teh 1337 h4x.
Darklink: norly.
-[KR]-Kakashi used Swift Knockout!
Darklink: zZz...
-[KR]-Darfin: Alright T3, your turn.
T3-M5: Beep bop boop. *restores darklinks memory*
-[KR]-echo: Now we just need to wake him..
-[KR]-Fazz: *grans a gun* yay!
-[KR]-Ðelev: NO FAZZ!
-[KR]-Fazz: =(
-[KR]-Tifa: I guess we can wake him echo style.. *SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP*
-[KR]-Darklink: *grunt grunt* o.o where are we?
T3-M5: Beep beep bop boop beep. *plays Council's holocron*
-[KR]-Darklink: oic.
Suddenly, sloth like creatures appeared in the treetops..
T3-M5: SCANNING. SCANNING. Creature appears to be inhabitant of Kashyyyk, EDIT: Creature spits deadly poison fro mouth.
Darklink shot 5 arrows!
Sloths take 687 dmg each.
Sloths got owned by -[KR]-Darklink
One hundred more sloths came swinging on vines into the trees.
-[KR]-Tifa: RUN!
(run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run)
-[KR]-Darfin: phew..
-[KR]-Tifa: So uh, do you have a camp or something that we can spend the night in? Cus were kinda..
-[KR]-echo: lost.
-[KR]-Tifa: We arent lost!
-[KR]-echo: are too.
-[KR]-Darklink: sure.. youre gonna have to sleep on the floor tho.
-[KR]-Ðelev: *stops tifa from saying anything* Sure, thats fine.
-[KR]-echo: What are we gonna do about this dead thing over here?
-[KR]-Darklink: oh, thats dinner. well just have to drag it back to mai house.
-[KR]-Tifa: How far?
-[KR]-Darklink only 50 feet away lol
(walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk)
-[KR]-Darklink: Here we are..
-[KR]-Tifa: You live in a tree?
-[KR]-Darklink: yep. Here we are, youll be spending the night in here, the living room.
-[KR]-Tifa: but..
-[KR]-Kakashi used swift knockout!
-[KR]-Tifa: zZz...
-[KR]-Kakashi: G'night every1!
-[KR]-Ðelev: yeh..
-[KR]-Fazz: zZz..
-[KR]-echo: *yawn* zZz..
-[KR]-Jawfin: zzz..
Last edited by Delev on Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 #40321  by Fazz
y do i grans a gun?

 #40322  by echo
Fazz wrote:y do i grans a gun?
cuz u use teh 1337 h4x.

 #40785  by Delev
Chapter 7~ STARCOMAND's inner darkness..

-[KR]-RaVeN: zzz... huh, pho? what is it..
-[KR]-Phoenix: You fell asleep on your watch again, just wanted to wake you up. You never know when he might escape..
-[KR]-RaVeN: Yeah.. *shakes head* I'm not sure how much longer those iron bars are going to last..
Louder, more petrified screams filled the room next to the council's meeting chamber.
-[KR]-Phoenix: It pains me to see him sit there, suffering.. But if we let him out..
-[KR]-RaVeN: He'll destroy us all..
Ronin walked through the door, carrying two bags, one in each hand.
-[KR]-Phoenix: Ah, welcome Ronin. *sniff* Fish?
-[KR]-RoNin: One bag is our dinner.. the other you'll have to look at yourself..
Ronin set the bag on the ground, the reek of dead fish filling the room.
-[KR]-RaVeN: *covers nose* what is that?
-[KR]-RoNin: Apparently it's what Zero has done to all the natural life on Dantooine.. He's going for all the fish and trees first.. He's basically trying to ''Smoke us out'' of our planet..
-[KR]-Phoenix: Then it is as I feared then..
-[KR]-RaVeN: We must leave Dantooine.
A loud sound flew through the room, like metal breaking metal..
-[KR]-Phoenix: Damn!
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: It's time to pay you fools back for my torment..
Starcomand's body grew.. and grew.. and grew.. Until he was 10 feet tall and stronger than 15 men.
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: Enjoy your stay in Hell!
Starcomand flung his right arm right at Phoenix, sending him hurtling toward the wall.
-[KR]-RoNin: *draws saber* I'm sorry star.. there's no other choice..
Ronin swung at Starcomand with all his might.. *CLANG*!
-[KR]-RoNin: Impossible!
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: Foolish human.. Your petty toys can't harm me!
-[KR]-RoNin: Raven.. Take pho and get to the Galaxus! I'll try to hold him off!
-[KR]-RaVeN: but..
-[KR]-RoNin: NOW!
Raven ran to the other side of the room and tried to pick up pho.. but to no avail, he was too heavy.
-[KR]-RaVeN: He's too heavy!
-[KR]-RoNin: *swing* *clash* Drag him!
-[KR]-RaVeN: Okay.. I hope pho forgives me for this..
Raven dragged pho into the hangar, but then, suddenly the ceiling caved in over the door leading to where Starcomand and Ronin were dueling..
-[KR]-Phoenix: ....huh.. what happened?
-[KR]-RaVeN: ..nothing. Don't worry.. let's get into the ship.
-[KR]-Phoenix: Okay..
Raven and Phoenix walked inside the Galaxus.
-[KR]-RaVeN: I hope Ronin makes it out of there alive.. *sigh*
-[KR]-Phoenix: He'll be fine.. Don't woory about it.. I'm putting in the hyperspace coordinates now.
Raven walked over to the ''window'' of the ship.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Ronin.. you'd better survive this!

-[KR]-RoNin: (saber hits Starcomand's arm; clashes) Why do you fight for Zero, Starcomand?
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: Why do I fight for him you ask? Your foolish ways wouldn't understand.. (clash)
-[KR]-RoNin: What makes you fight for him so strongly?
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: His strength.. is so powerful.. here.. Let me show you what that strength is like!
Starcomand flung his mutated arm with twice as much power than before, sending Ronin speeding and crashign through the door.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Ronin!
-[KR]-RoNin: Don't worry.. he has to.. *wheeze* recover.. after he attacks.. just enough time for me to.. *wheeze* put this up..
Ronin pulled out a orb-shaped object out of his back pocket.
-[KR]-RaVeN: The Magno-forcefield? But..
-[KR]-Ronin: It's our only hope of getting us out alive.. trust me!
-[KR]-RaVeN: alright..
Ronin threw the orb at the large hold in the door, creating a forcefield.
-[KR]-Ronin: That should hold him for a few more minutes.. Long enough for you two to *wheeze* escape..
-[KR]-RaVeN: We won't leave you here!
-[KR]-RoNin: Hehe.. I'm sorry rav.. but i'm afraid.. *wheeze*.. that my time has come..
-[KR]-RaVeN: You have to get up! Or I'll go and get ou myself!
-[KR]-RoNin: hehe.. mmm.. *closes eyes*
-[KR]-RaVeN: No!
Raven ran over to where Ronin was lying, and picked him up.
-[KR]-RaVeN: now let's *grunt* get you into that ship, mister..
Raven dragged him into the Galaxus, and put him on a small roller-bed.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Pho, how much longer until those coordinates are put in?
-[KR]-Phoenix: (typing sounds) about 3 more minutes.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Alright.. I'll get Ronin to the medic.
Raven rolled the roller-bed down the hall to the infirmary.
Medical Bot: Hello My lady. How may I serve you today?
-[KR]-RaVeN: Hello, Medic bot. Can you check my friend here?
Medical Bot: Hmm.. He's not in a very good condition.. He'll have to stay here a few days for me to restore his conciousness.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Alright.
Raven walked over to where pho was standing.
-[KR]-Phoenix: 5 Seconds and counting..
-[KR]-RaVeN: 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..
Two things happened at once. The first- The Hyperspace coordinates were put in. The second- The forcefield broke out.
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: You can't get away from me that easily!
-[KR]-RaVeN: Hurry pho!
-[KR]-Phoenix: I'm going as fast as I can!
The Galaxus slowly began ascending..
Starcomand threw himself onto the bottom of the ship, hanging by one mutated hand.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Pho! open the armory door!
-[KR]-Phoenix: but..
-[KR]-RaVeN: FAST!
Pho unlocked the armory door, and Raven grabbed the proto-laser gun. She walked over to where Starcomand was hanging.
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: Time to die!
-[KR]-RaVeN: I'm sorry star.. I never wanted it to end this way..
She aimed the gun straight down.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Goodbye, Starcomand.
BANG! She shot a laser straight down at Starcomand, knocking him off the ship and thereby forcing him to lose his grip. At this point the Galaxus was about 250,000 meters above the ground, so yeah, that's one hell of a drop..

Raven walked over to where Phoenix was piloting.
-[KR]-RaVeN: He's gone..
Phoenix looked away for a moment.
-[KR]-Phoenix: I wish- I wish we hadn't lost him like that.
-[KR]-RaVeN: I know. In the end it was inevitable..
There was a long silence.
-[KR]-RaVeN: So. Where are we heading?
-[KR]-Phoenix: I'm afraid we have to evacuate to Kamino..
-[KR]-RaVeN: ..! We haven't been there in ages..
-[KR]-Phoenix: I know.. Fortunately we still have our huge communication base there.. We'll be able to get a hold of Ken, and tell him we've evacuated and why.
-[KR]-RaVeN: Alright. I'll be in my room.
-[KR]-Phoenix: Okay.

A massive figure fell hurtling from the sky. He just stayed there. Falling, and falling, and falling.. *CRACK* the figure hit the top of a tree.
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: hehe.. (coughing blood) Fools.. can't kill me..
Suddenly, the bones in his back began regenerating.
-[KR]-STARCOMAND: hehe.. hahaha.. mwaha... MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


 #40786  by Darfin

 #40790  by Hime
een star and ronin made their appearence.....

feel kinda left out

 #40791  by Fazz
do u mean end of chapter, coz thats a strange place 2 end a story

 #40792  by Delev
Hime wrote:een star and ronin made their appearence.....

feel kinda left out
Lol, dont worry Hime :) You'll be there soon.
And yes fazz, end of chapter lol

 #40793  by Cross
Hime wrote:een star and ronin made their appearence.....

feel kinda left out
i know how you feel :roll:

 #40795  by Eagle
me too =( (lol)

 #40799  by FlapJack23
Me too!

I love the story though, it's awesome!

 #40802  by Delev
Chapter 8~ Hunt or be hunted

Delev was awakened by the loud growling of his stomach. He opened one eye and looked at his watch. 8:00 AM.
-[KR]-Ðelev: ugh.. link? What do you have for breakfast?
A minute passed. Two minutes. With no reply, he called again. No answer.
He got up and walked over to Darklink's room. There was a note on the door. He picked it up and read it (duh).

Dear Del, Tifa, Necros, Kakashi, Darfin, Squall, Jawfin, the droid, echo and Fazz,
I went off hunting for breakfast, I'll be back in an hour.
See you soon~

-[KR]-Ðelev: I'm sure it's been over an hour now.. Maybe T3 can scan the latest fingerprints on it.
Delev walked over to T3-M5 and woke him up. He pulled out what lookde like a small monitor. Words appeared on the screen.
T3-M5: How may I be of service today?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Follow me.
They went back over where the note was placed.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Can you scan the last fingerprints on here by Darklink and what time they were placed?
T3-M5: Okay. That'll be 5 dolla. Just kidding.
-[KR]-Ðelev: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
T3-M5: Scanning.. Scanning.. Scan completed. It seems the time he wrote this letter was at 5:00 AM in the morning.
-[KR]-Ðelev: It's been three hours! (/duh) (<-- Delev commenting :twisted: )
-[KR]-Ðelev: Do you think we should search for them?
T3-M5: Idk, im just a droid lulz.. But I agree. We should look for him, and by we, i mean you guys :lol:
-[KR]-Ðelev: I'll go wake the others..
Delev went and woke the group up (/duh) (<-- Delev commenting again :twisted:)
-[KR]-echo: wtf u want?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Darklink went off hunting 3 hours ago.. he hasn't come back yet.
-[KR]-echo: *yawn* so?
-[KR]-Ðelev: SO we have to go get him !
-[KR]-echo: i still dont see how this includes me.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Just shut up and go back to sleep..
-[KR]-echo: Oki :D
By this time the rest of the group was already awake.
-[KR]-Darfin: Hmm. We should probably go in one 5-person group.. Delev, Squall, Tifa, Myself and the droid will go. You other people.. Just.. sit around and eat chips or something @_@
-[KR]-Fazz: one step ahed of u darf :D (crunching sounds) Yum!
Darfin and the group made their way into the forest of Kashyyyk.
-[KR]-Darfin: T3, Do you think you can pick up a trail?
T3-M5: Duh. <-- I'm a droid. I can do anything.. Within the limits of machinery @_@
(30 seconds later)
T3-M5: He went that way.. East.
-[KR]-Tifa: Let's go then!
(By this time Squall was already a few feet ahead of them)
-[KR]-Squall: Last one there's a rotten ronin!
-[KR]-Tifa: o its on!

Link lay tied up to a chair in a dim-lighted room. The door opened, and out came a figure. The door closed. The figure walked around for a bit. Then sat down in a chair facing Link's chair. He had a whip in his hand.
Figure: So. Are you going to tell us where they are, or are we going to have to break it out of you?
-[KR]-Darklink: I'll never tell you..
The figure grazed Link's cheek with the tip of his whip. He gasped in pain.
Figure: Next tip won't be so weak. Tell us. NOW.
-[KR]-Darklink: I'd never tell a scumbag like you.. You left the clan for power, Isn't that right, Commander Kyp?
Commander Kyp: I see you've regained your memory. That only proves more that you have been in contact with them. Now tell us their location, Or I'll beat it out of you.
-[KR]-Darklink: Never.
He lashed the whip again, this time hitting Kyp's nose. Another gasp.
-[KR]-Darklink: It's no use, you piece of trash. I'll never tell you, and you can't kill me, because I have the knowledge you seek. Killing me would put you in an even more unstable condition.
Kyp glared his teeth. He turned to the soldier in the corner of the room.
Commander Kyp: Soldier! Throw him in the dehabitilzation chamber. That'll teach him a lesson.
The soldier saluted and took him out of the room, into the chamber. Kyp opened the door and walked in.
Commander Kyp: You have 2 hours before the orb youre standing in completely fills up with water. Good luck, And by the way, I won't be here to stop you from drowning ^.^.
He left hte room.
-[KR]-Darklink: They better get their hairy butts over here to save me soon..

(/end of chapter)

 #40814  by Cross
i just...love..it..brilliant appearance ^.^

 #40822  by FlapJack23
Awesome! Again! I never expected there would be another so soon!

 #40896  by Delev
Chapter 9~Badly planned rescue
-[KR]-Squall: *pant* huh.. Look.. We're almost there!
Kyp's base stood a few feet away. Two of Zero's creatures stood at the entrance. This was the first time the group actually got a good look at his troops- They were black and shapeless, their "Skin" was always moving.. As if they were made of some kind of shapeles paint.. It was time to think of a plan.
-[KR]-Darfin: So how are we gonna do this?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Well, we obviously have to take out the guards without setting off some kind of alarm..
-[KR]-Squall: Sniper?
-[KR]-Tifa: I don't think we have any..
-[KR]-Darfin: Hmm.. How about Tifa And I sneak past the guards and we'll call jaw and try to hack into their database, While Del and Squall
Swiftly take out the guards?
-[KR]-Squall: How about we just take out the guards first lol
-[KR]-Darfin: Sure.
Squall and Delev Tiptoed to the nearest bush, closest to the guards, and quickly rDFA'd them, one-hit killing them. Squall gave the heads-up, and Darfin and Tifa jumped to the top of the base. As soon as they were at the top, an alarm went off.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Uh oh.. Do you think they'll send more soldiers?
-[KR]-Squall: (busy fidgeting with bodies of the soldiers; late reply) Oh, well if they do, they'll find a little surprise waiting for them..
-[KR]-Ðelev: What's the surprise?
-[KR]-Squall: I can't tell, it's a surprise ;-)
They headed deeper into the base.
-[KR]-Squall: (stops; whispering) Stop.
-[KR]-Ðelev: (whispering back) How come?
-[KR]-Squall: (more whispering) footsteps. Someone's on a patrol.
They both headed out of the corridor and hid behind some crates in a corner.
First Soldier: When will the Lord's project be completed, you think?
(-[KR]-Ðelev: Did he just talk? I didn't think they could..)
(-[KR]-Squall: Apparently they can.)
Second soldier: It will be ready by the day's end.. Then we shall finally be rid of this filth-infested planet, and we can move on to Korriban..
The two soldiers walked into the next hallway.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Plan? What plan?
-[KR]-Squall: We can't worry about that right now.. we have to rescue Link!
They Scanned the room. There were 2 doors and 2 hallways.
-[KR]-Squall: My guess is that the hallway those guards went into curves into a circle, and that the door infront of us is an Armory of some sort.. So we'll attack the guards, knock them out or worse, take their suits and head through the door that I hope happens to be around that curved halllway.
They waited for the soldiers to come around again, And sure enough, Squall was right. The hallway was curved into the shape of a circle.
-[KR]-Squall: Ready.. Aim.. DFA!
They once again rDFA'd the soldiers, but this time they took their clothes to blend in.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Not very stylish, but it'll have to do.
Squall and Delev headed through through the door that happened to be located right where Squall predicted it would be.

Darfin and Tifa were on top of the base. They looked around, and found what appeared to be a satellite, two joysticks, and a computer.
-[KR]-Darfin: What should we do now?
-[KR]-Tifa: Let's call jawfin.
(ring ring, ring ring)
-[KR]-Jawfin: Yes Tifa?
-[KR]-Tifa: Any help? *screenshots area and sends it to jawfin*
-[KR]-Jawfin: Hmm.. Well I put some things in your backpack.. Take out the thing that looks like a detpack.
-[KR]-Tifa: (Rustling sounds; grabs it) I got it! Now what's it do?
-[KR]-Jawfin: I programmed it so now it hacks into things and sends me the data.. Attach it to the computer.
She attached the hacking device onto the computer.
Device: Hello. What would you like me to find on this computer?
-[KR]-Darfin: We would like to find information on Zero's plans. Can you help?
Device: Of course. Processing.. Processing.. Data retrieved. Playing video titled (Zero's voice) Hello my troops. It is time to start Operation Doomsday.. We shall start with the planet Kashyyyk. Set up the Ray Cannon and position it for the coordinates 48.699.479164.481.964.087. You troops stay here and do whatever until we have conquered the other planets.. Korriban, Manaan, Tatooine, Dantooine, Naboo, Corellia, Coruscant, and Dagobah. Once we have conquered them all, I will send you more information and you can start operation Black Sun. End Transmission.
-[KR]-Jawfin: Now that's a lot of information..
-[KR]-Tifa: I didn't think it would be so easy to hack into Zero's private databanks!
-[KR]-Darfin: Jaw's the best JKA hacker ever Lol, whatcha expect =P
-[KR]-Jawfin: Hmm.. That message was disturbing.. I'll save it and look into it some more.. For now, find some way to get rid of that Satellite cannon.
-[KR]-Darfin: Hehe, I always carry around detpacks incase of emergencies.. I think this qualifies.
Darfin placed the detonation packs on the cannon.
-[KR]-Darfin: GET BACK!
They hid behind the computer, and the det packs went off, Destroying the Satellite cannon.
-[KR]-Tifa: Woot!
-[KR]-Darfin: Now let's just hope they're close to saving Darklink..

The extra Squadron finally arrived at the scene of the guards' deaths.
First Soldier: Hmm.. Hey, let's check their bodies for credits, Better rich than poor..
The soldiers checked the dead guards' bodies, yet the only thing they found was a detpack and a piece of paper with "Epic Fail" On it.
Second Soldier: Damn karma!

-[KR]-Ðelev: What was that?
-[KR]-Squall: My surprise :D
-[KR]-Ðelev: Haha.

Darklink stared at the clock. 30 Minutes remained until his chamber was completely filled with water.
-[KR]-Darklink: I regret nothing..

(End of chapter)

 #40900  by Cross
wewt nice job

 #40902  by Hime
feeling left out

but great story anyways

 #40923  by NinjaSarah
*Agrees with Hime*

I sure hope I wasn't that reporter girl floating in space saying "Ka-Pwned" D:

 #41429  by Delev
Chapter 10~ Escape

-[KR]-Ðelev: Quick! We have to hurry to the torture chamber!
-[KR]-Squall: But look at all those stairs! We'll never get down in time!
-[KR]-Ðelev: Hmm.. Hey! Let's go rail-sliding!
-[KR]-Squall: Isn't that dangerous?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Squall, you've jumped off 500 foot buildings, battling 4 on 1, and kicked azz in ffa's and duels too often to be scared of THIS.. Quick, throw your shoes down the stairs!
Delev and Squall through their shoes down the stairs, and with their socks on, jumped on the rail and slid easily (and epicly) down 50158712536879 flights of stairs. As they reached the bottom, there was a sign.
Left=Torture Chamber, Spa, Bar
Right=Training Room, chambers
-[KR]-Squall: Quick, that way!
They ran through the door, but instead of ending up where they EXPECTED to be, the torture chamber, they entered a very large room with a tall pillar in the middle. Standing on top of the pillar was a figure robed in black and gray.
-[KR]-Squall: ..! A dark jedi!
The Dark Jedi raised his eyebrows.
Dark Jedi: What business do you have in the affairs of Lord Zero?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Listen, back off and I promise we won't have to destroy you.
Dark Jedi: (Laugh) You really think you can handle me? Prepare to face your demise..
-[KR]-Squall: .....! Del! You can't take him!
-[KR]-Ðelev: And why not?
-[KR]-Squall: His power level.. It's.. It's..
-[KR]-Ðelev: What? What is it?
-[KR]-Ðelev: (gasp) But we have to defeat him!
-[KR]-Squall: Listen. One of us has to save darklink before he goes byebye, and You have a higher chance of catching up with him faster. I'll hold this guy off long enough for you to get him out of here..
-[KR]-Ðelev: But..
-[KR]-Squall: Go!
-[KR]-Ðelev: Alright.. You'd better come out of this alive.. Promise?
-[KR]-Squall: Sure.. Promise.. Now get out of here!
Delev ran through the door, hurrying to complete the mission. Just behind him, some rocks from the ceiling caved in the entrance.
-[KR]-Ðelev: SQUALL!
(Squall's voice in Del's head): Remember. One of us has to save Darklink.
-[KR]-Ðelev: (shaking head) Alright.
He stood up, wiping his eyes.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Don't worry link! You'll be safe and sound soon!

Running down the corridor, Delev stopped at two doors. He sat down inbetween them, and closed his eyes.
-[KR]-Ðelev: hmm... hmm....... FORCE SEEING!
Delev used the Force to see through the doors. One led to an unending maze of deadly destructivy traps, and the other one led to the torture chamber.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Phew, glad I did that extra training on Academy v2..
He walked through the door, which set off an alarm that echoed all the way throughout the base.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Uh oh.
Two sith apprentices turned around, but for some reason, they saw nothing..
-[KR]-Ðelev: (Whisper: Mind trick ftw ! Now I just have to sneak past them..)
Delev quietly tiptoed past the apprentices, as he needed to make it to Darklink as soon as possible.
(-[KR]-Ðelev: Hmm.. Now how do I get past this door without these nubs noticing me.. Aha!)
Delev sent a force wave focusedon the ceiling right infront of the door of which he came in. He focused his energy, and WHAM, the ceiling broke and caused a sound to disrupt the apprentices. Ofcourse, the obvious reaction was that they went through the door, And since Delev had predicted this notion, he sent a quick forcewave infront of the door that they just left, which should delay them for a bit.
-[KR]-Ðelev: (Whisper: Alright!)
He headed through the door, and finally, he ended up in the torture chamber. 10 minutes remained on the clock.
Commander KYP: Wha? How did you get in here! Nevermind, GUARDS! SEIZE HIM!
Two Larger, heavier armed versions of Zerosoldiers with some sort of metal plated armor swalked from the background
-[KR]-Ðelev: Look.. I don't have time for this, so can you guys move your fat azzes so I can get link back?
Commander KYP: Destroy him!
-[KR]-Ðelev: Didn't think so..
Delev drew his staff saber.
-[KR]-Ðelev: You asked for it!
He circled around them, trying to spot some sort of weak spot. But, their armor was a perfect fit and their stance was impenetrable.
(-[KR]-Ðelev: Hmm.. It seems I'll have to go faster and shave my saber through their armor..)
He circled around them faster and faster, and brought his saber closer and closer until they were about to collide. But something odd happened, just then, right when the saber and the armor were supposed to collide. The "Sword" part of the saber hit the armor, of course, but it didn't go any deeper, because when it touched the armor, it was repelled 80 miles per hour, hitting the wall.
-[KR]-Ðelev: ..What?
Commander KYP: Hah! Your saber can't penetrate this armor.. It's made of pure zenon..
-[KR]-Ðelev: ..ofcourse.. Well.. there's no escaping it then.
6 Minutes left.
(-[KR]-Ðelev: Alright.. It's time to focus. Focus.. Focus..)
Delev focused all of the force he controlled to his right hand.
(-[KR]-Ðelev: Focus.. Now Release!)
-[KR]-Ðelev: Take this! Dynamic Punch!
With all his power, Delev struck one of the heavily armored soldiers, and for a split second, his fist stayed right there, but then he continued the punch and sent him flying, right at the other one. Once they hit each other, the momentum from Delev's attack and the brute power of the Zenon in their armor caused them to go flying straight the wall, taking the Commander with them.
Commander KYP: (Grunt) Get OFF me you big lumps!
-[KR]-Ðelev: Hehe.. Now it's time to help Link.
He walked over to the computer infrontdarklink's "Bacta Tank of doom".
Computer: Uploading.. Accessing information from the Database.. Done. What can I help you with today?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Open this tank!
1 Minute left.
Computer: Please enter the 4-Digit PIN.
30 Seconds.
-[KR]-Ðelev: PIN? oh, that's easy.. Zero, Z-E-R-O.
Computer: ....Access Granted. Opening the tank. Shutting Down..
-[KR]-Darklink: (sputtering water) What the hell took you so long?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Don't worry, you're not daed and that's really all that matters.. Come on, let's hurry before those guys get back up.

Dark Jedi: Fool.. You can't defeat me!
-[KR]-Squall: Wanna test that theory? You're going down!
Until next time..

 #41430  by Cross
lol sweeeet

 #41435  by FlapJack23