Chapter 9~Badly planned rescue
-[KR]-Squall: *pant* huh.. Look.. We're almost there!
Kyp's base stood a few feet away. Two of Zero's creatures stood at the entrance. This was the first time the group actually got a good look at his troops- They were black and shapeless, their "Skin" was always moving.. As if they were made of some kind of shapeles paint.. It was time to think of a plan.
-[KR]-Darfin: So how are we gonna do this?
-[KR]-Ðelev: Well, we obviously have to take out the guards without setting off some kind of alarm..
-[KR]-Squall: Sniper?
-[KR]-Tifa: I don't think we have any..
-[KR]-Darfin: Hmm.. How about Tifa And I sneak past the guards and we'll call jaw and try to hack into their database, While Del and Squall
Swiftly take out the guards?
-[KR]-Squall: How about we just take out the guards first lol
-[KR]-Darfin: Sure.
Squall and Delev Tiptoed to the nearest bush, closest to the guards, and quickly rDFA'd them, one-hit killing them. Squall gave the heads-up, and Darfin and Tifa jumped to the top of the base. As soon as they were at the top, an alarm went off.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Uh oh.. Do you think they'll send more soldiers?
-[KR]-Squall: (busy fidgeting with bodies of the soldiers; late reply) Oh, well if they do, they'll find a little surprise waiting for them..
-[KR]-Ðelev: What's the surprise?
-[KR]-Squall: I can't tell, it's a surprise

They headed deeper into the base.
-[KR]-Squall: (stops; whispering) Stop.
-[KR]-Ðelev: (whispering back) How come?
-[KR]-Squall: (more whispering) footsteps. Someone's on a patrol.
They both headed out of the corridor and hid behind some crates in a corner.
First Soldier: When will the Lord's project be completed, you think?
(-[KR]-Ðelev: Did he just talk? I didn't think they could..)
(-[KR]-Squall: Apparently they can.)
Second soldier: It will be ready by the day's end.. Then we shall finally be rid of this filth-infested planet, and we can move on to Korriban..
The two soldiers walked into the next hallway.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Plan? What plan?
-[KR]-Squall: We can't worry about that right now.. we have to rescue Link!
They Scanned the room. There were 2 doors and 2 hallways.
-[KR]-Squall: My guess is that the hallway those guards went into curves into a circle, and that the door infront of us is an Armory of some sort.. So we'll attack the guards, knock them out or worse, take their suits and head through the door that I hope happens to be around that curved halllway.
They waited for the soldiers to come around again, And sure enough, Squall was right. The hallway was curved into the shape of a circle.
-[KR]-Squall: Ready.. Aim.. DFA!
They once again rDFA'd the soldiers, but this time they took their clothes to blend in.
-[KR]-Ðelev: Not very stylish, but it'll have to do.
Squall and Delev headed through through the door that happened to be located right where Squall predicted it would be.
Darfin and Tifa were on top of the base. They looked around, and found what appeared to be a satellite, two joysticks, and a computer.
-[KR]-Darfin: What should we do now?
-[KR]-Tifa: Let's call jawfin.
(ring ring, ring ring)
-[KR]-Jawfin: Yes Tifa?
-[KR]-Tifa: Any help? *screenshots area and sends it to jawfin*
-[KR]-Jawfin: Hmm.. Well I put some things in your backpack.. Take out the thing that looks like a detpack.
-[KR]-Tifa: (Rustling sounds; grabs it) I got it! Now what's it do?
-[KR]-Jawfin: I programmed it so now it hacks into things and sends me the data.. Attach it to the computer.
She attached the hacking device onto the computer.
Device: Hello. What would you like me to find on this computer?
-[KR]-Darfin: We would like to find information on Zero's plans. Can you help?
Device: Of course. Processing.. Processing.. Data retrieved. Playing video titled (Zero's voice) Hello my troops. It is time to start Operation Doomsday.. We shall start with the planet Kashyyyk. Set up the Ray Cannon and position it for the coordinates 48.699.479164.481.964.087. You troops stay here and do whatever until we have conquered the other planets.. Korriban, Manaan, Tatooine, Dantooine, Naboo, Corellia, Coruscant, and Dagobah. Once we have conquered them all, I will send you more information and you can start operation Black Sun. End Transmission.
-[KR]-Jawfin: Now that's a lot of information..
-[KR]-Tifa: I didn't think it would be so easy to hack into Zero's private databanks!
-[KR]-Darfin: Jaw's the best JKA hacker ever Lol, whatcha expect =P
-[KR]-Jawfin: Hmm.. That message was disturbing.. I'll save it and look into it some more.. For now, find some way to get rid of that Satellite cannon.
-[KR]-Darfin: Hehe, I always carry around detpacks incase of emergencies.. I think this qualifies.
Darfin placed the detonation packs on the cannon.
-[KR]-Darfin: GET BACK!
They hid behind the computer, and the det packs went off, Destroying the Satellite cannon.
-[KR]-Tifa: Woot!
-[KR]-Darfin: Now let's just hope they're close to saving Darklink..
The extra Squadron finally arrived at the scene of the guards' deaths.
First Soldier: Hmm.. Hey, let's check their bodies for credits, Better rich than poor..
The soldiers checked the dead guards' bodies, yet the only thing they found was a detpack and a piece of paper with "Epic Fail" On it.
Second Soldier: Damn karma!
-[KR]-Ðelev: What was that?
-[KR]-Squall: My surprise

-[KR]-Ðelev: Haha.
Darklink stared at the clock. 30 Minutes remained until his chamber was completely filled with water.
-[KR]-Darklink: I regret nothing..
(End of chapter)