RaVeN wrote:25/09/2007 - Raven becomes one of the coolest people in the worldI'd love to try that out;
How you ask?
I am a member of Joost.
What is Joost you ask?
First off, thanks for asking.
Joost is the coolest, BEST thing in the whole world and each and every one of you wants to be a member of it.
Do you like cable? Dont you wish you didnt have to pay for cable?
Well that is what Joost is! It is TV over the internet...FOR FREE. And we are talking like the ON-DEMAND kind of TV and MOVIES.
It is nothing like you have seen yet! It is not a website, it is beyond a website.
It is so freaking cool I wish I could curse on here <---that is how cool it is!
"Well holy crap RaVeN!! tell us where we can download it already!"
Sorry suckers! You cant! hahahahaha
Unless, of course, I invite you into the goodness that is Joost.
If you WOULD like an invite please post here that you would like one followed by a couple of sentences explaining just how cool I am.
Then I will need your first and last names and your email address
I need your names and email because thats how they make sure you were infact invited.
You may get an invite you may not, I'm not the judge of these things
...yes I am.
EDIT: Keep in mind Joost is in the beta stage of development so it is not fully "online" so it wont have everything TV wise on it yet. That and Joost was started in Europe, that's why it has lots of Europe TV stuff.
First Name: Ivan
Last Name: Skodje
Email: akimoto@gamerarmy.com (if that somehow fails; akimotokun@hotmail.com)
Raven is cool because: Cuz you are in -[KR]- ! And beautiful !