Post your signatures and avatars here.

 #1638  by Pulse
i think moto's banner is funny ^^ my dad laughed at it :)

 #1639  by Pulse
i have a really bad problem which i could use some help with...

i turn photoshop on and i use the brush tool i go to use a red, blue, green, what ever colour it comes out in difrent shades of grey and i cant get it off :S
but if i do some text the colour comes out fine :S

could someone help me with a solution to this problem :(

 #1643  by Tricky
Make sure your mode for the brush is set to Normal, and go check out the image --> mode menu and make sure yer not on Gray Scale - if it is, switch to to RGB.

 #1644  by Pulse
nope still the same :(

 #1708  by GRYPHON
trys to help pulse* hmmm i dont know what your doin wrong.. pity seeing as you have a trial version of ps XD

 #1734  by Akimoto
*staggers* what program are you using again? Paint? Paintshop?
Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004?! (i am...)

((im close to findout how to do the animation thing inside the letters only!! ><))

 #1754  by GRYPHON
hes using photoshop (you know the one you download and can only use for 30 days without a crack) :P

 #1846  by GRYPHON
raven i need help making proper smoke for meh gun.. check the sig ^^ XD

 #1878  by Pulse
lol weirdly fake

 #1881  by GRYPHON
wow anikans cut out nice ;) XD! nah im kiddin.. maybe u should try makin smoke for one huh?>..

 #2110  by Pulse
lol cba

 #2164  by Akimoto
Ok, after downloading Photoshop, your tutorial helped lol

Looks a bit crappy, but it was only my first attepmt on it anyway...

Now when i can make this.... *evil laugh* i will be unstoppable!

 #2257  by FlapJack23
my animation is so fast i cant see it :(

 #2279  by Darfin

Nice Raven! Ill look into later 8)

 #3869  by Grimm
i never used to like animation, but i gave it a shot. it looks awesome!! ur very clever raven, having the text be a hole into the other layer :wink: for some reason my gradient sticks didnt have some of the patterns urs did. i think thats cuz my photoshop didnt install correctly and half of the features arent there....

thx for the great tut, keep em comin for more kool stuff!!!