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Re: UU
PostPosted:Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:15 pm
by Jack Skywalker
If you want something older than Windows 8, Windows 7 is very good and it's still supported by Microsoft. I play JKA with the .ISO files and use UU to run it, all works fine on Windows 7. Except for older games like Republic Commando and Starcraft 1 (sadly I can't run them on Windows 7).
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:26 pm
by Kirito
a friend of mine was having trouble loading the game via windows 10. i mean just the game in base form (1,0). Tried updating to 1.01 and still didn't help.
does he need to run compatibility mode for jka also? btw im a steam user and don't have any issues with mods,skins, or utilities. I have a gamedata folder just like yall do

Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:52 pm
by Sifodias
Oh and btw v15 of UU works with steam version !
Re: UU
PostPosted:Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:03 am
by Cult
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:35 pm
by Veneratus
Anybody knows how to instal uu for os x? :C
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:19 am
by jawfin
Akuma wrote:
Anybody knows how to instal uu for os x? :C
You can't sorry. BF only wrote it for Windows.
Also, it employs highly specific Windows technologies, like DLL injection, code caves and reading direct memory of another application - this kind of approach is not even remotely convertible - they are low-level complex Operating System specific capabilities. The exact same which may make it trigger anti-virus applications!
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:03 am
by Veneratus
Well, that not good

If I got it right, the only way is to instal virtual windows os or thorow from window my laptop and buy normal pc XD
P.S. Jawfin you just fully made me think that I did not study english enough ;_;
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:05 am
by Frog
Man, this topic strayed alot O_O
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:22 am
by Veneratus
ehhh.. Lina advised me to instal UU so try to figure this problem out in any possible way ._.
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:49 pm
by jawfin
Frog Redstar wrote:
Man, this topic strayed alot O_O
As far as I see I read every post, and the only off-topic one was this one. The topic being, Ultra Utility / Minimizer function; so in response to a minimizer there is also one built into OiNE's patch: ... php?t=3680
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun Jan 03, 2016 3:46 pm
by Veneratus
Another question>>> What is minimizer in JA?
Re: UU
PostPosted:Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:39 am
by Rogue
I believe this post is over like a last month. But anyway, I'll try to explains as I can Akuma. Suppose if you have a full screen on and you want to get on youtube, or whatever. You can minimizer to get there, without have to leave the game and get there by going back and forth. It's easier that ways, so you can minimizer to check at other things, then you can resume back. Utility is not only a requirement to make you can minimizer. I don't have my full screen on, but a windowed mode. I still can press " -" to mini, and to resume back to the game, it's already at start button at bottom.
Now for an utility, depending on what utility do you use, if you're using uu16 or uu17a, you can type a command or say in public by putting !mini in order to minmized, depend if you know how to installed the utility correctly and make sure it's works smoothly. I hope everything I explained may helps you.

Re: UU
PostPosted:Sat May 07, 2016 4:02 am
by Veneratus
What does minimiser do?.... I think I am ready to know.
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sat May 07, 2016 5:54 pm
by Zabuza
Akuma wrote:What does minimiser do?.... I think I am ready to know.
Minimizes the game
Re: UU
PostPosted:Sun May 08, 2016 1:27 pm
by Veneratus
Rogue wrote:I believe this post is over like a last month. But anyway, I'll try to explains as I can Akuma. Suppose if you have a full screen on and you want to get on youtube, or whatever. You can minimizer to get there, without have to leave the game and get there by going back and forth. It's easier that ways, so you can minimizer to check at other things, then you can resume back. Utility is not only a requirement to make you can minimizer. I don't have my full screen on, but a windowed mode. I still can press " -" to mini, and to resume back to the game, it's already at start button at bottom.
Now for an utility, depending on what utility do you use, if you're using uu16 or uu17a, you can type a command or say in public by putting !mini in order to minmized, depend if you know how to installed the utility correctly and make sure it's works smoothly. I hope everything I explained may helps you. 
Thanks Rogue, it's clear now!